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(Chapters 13-16 p. 61-78)

I. Translate: 2. What was the result of everyday digging?
He’d lost track of the day of the week (61) 3. What could Stanley’s future condition be?
Pile (62) 4. What did he find in the pile of dirt? + (Read aloud your
Glisten translations)
Engraved 5. What did Stanley do with his find?
Shogun shell (64) 6. How did X-Ray react after Stanley had given him the thing and
A piece of junk advice?
What did it mean?
Snap (66)
Ch. 14
Pitchfork (67)
1. Who was the Warden? Were you surprised when you had learnt
Freckles (68)
Wiggled her finger for him (70)
2. How was X-Ray awarded?
Wheelbarrow (71)
3. How did the Warden speak to Mr. Pendanski?
Switch places (72) 4. What did she order him to do? What did it mean?
To excavate Ch. 15.
Slide on over (74) 1. How did she organize the work for the rest of the day?
Make room for the Caveman 2. How did the Warden know all the boys’ nicknames?
Lid of a fancy gold pen (75) 3. Why didn’t X-Ray want to discuss anything about the golden tube in
Breakthrough (77) the morning with Stanley?
Landlord 4. What did Stanley realize?
Stared blankly Ch. 16
1.Where did Stanley take the dirt?
II. Make literary translation p.62 “He climbed up … 2.What did he think of at night?
Up to … he wanted a day off.” P. 63 3.What did he get at dinner time? What was it about?
4.Why didn’t Zero understand the joke about the woman living in a
Questions: shoe?
Ch. 13 5. What thing do you think Stanley found in the hole?
1. “He dug his shovel into the dirt.” How many times was this
sentence repeated on page 61? What effect does it produce?

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