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 IEP Meeting

 Student’s Name: Kevin

o The student was present in the room
o He seemed very bored and lethargic about the meeting
 We went to Mrs. Ambrose room for the meeting because she was on the phone with the parent
o Each of Kevin’s teachers trickled into the meeting
 only 1 substitute to cover all the teachers
 Physics
 1st 9 weeks: 76% or a C
 2nd 9 weeks: 58% or a F
 With no other grades for year 1 the student would barely pass with a 67%
o The student needs a 65% or better to pass for year 1.
 The student completes all the assignments
 He usually fails the tests
 Kevin has missed 28 days in physics over the 1 st semester
 Mr. Hanlon asked him directly what he thought could improve his grades
o Kevin said he failed the test because he lacked the equations he needed
 dad cut him off
 He enjoys physics
 The dad said the poor test grade on the force test was caused by a lack of time to take it
o Mr. Hanlon explained the students were permitted 3 times to take it with schoology
saving their best score
o The student was provided ample time with multiple days to complete the test
o The student is granted extra time on assignments from the modifications in his IEP
 Dad asked if the student could get a tutor or receive extra help
o Mr. Hanlon explained that every Wednesday there are office hours from 9:45-10:30 for
students to ask questions
o Mr. Hanlon also explained that most students don’t take advantage of this and it would
most likely be one to one tutoring
 Mr. Hanlon also explained that the link is in schoology
 The dad requested someone show him how to use the link and where it is found
so he would not have an excuse not to go
 Period 3 is will be his study hall with Mrs. Ambrose starting the 2 nd semester.
o During this period every other day Mr. Hanlon or myself will meet with him through the
use of a daily check in
o The dad requested that he be forced to go to this meeting
 The meeting was concluded by explaining that the student needs to work harder to keep up his
grades higher
 We were then dismissed from the meeting when the dad had no more questions for us

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