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How to write a bug report

Below is a short summary of what to include for each component of a full bug report.

Clear Title

A moderator should be able to understand what the bug report is about from the title alone.

One bug per report

Report one bug in a single report. If you put in more than one many bug it may be overlooked, and
will not be eligible for payment.

Actual results

This section should expand on the title by stating the behaviour observed when the issue occurs.

Expected results

The Expected Results section should state on how the app should behave according to the expected

E.g: The authorisation phase completes successfully, the user is logged into the newly created
account and redirected to the home page of the app.

Steps to reproduce:

The Steps to Reproduce section should list each step required to reproduce the bug in chronological

Severity of the bug

We use 5 categories to identify the severity of the bug.

Critical - The bug prevents critical functionality within the app from working. This includes crashing,
freezing for which no workaround is possible and a fix is required immediately.

High - The bug affects major functionality within the app from working. However, high priority bugs
can be avoided with a workaround.

Medium - The bug does not cause a failure and does not interfere with the fluent work of the system
and programs. It has an easy workaround.

Low - The bug does not affect functionality or data, or require a workaround. It is a result of non-
conformance to a standard that does not impact productivity - typing errors/ aesthetic

Usability - A suggestion that would improve how an app is understood, learnt and used efficiently.

Device and Operating System

Each bug report must include details of the specific device and operating system you used during the
test to identify the bug.

Other Notes/Error Messages

Include necessary and relevant evidence to show the problem your are describing. Evidence
includes: screenshots, videos, crash or console logs (for crashes).

Crashes and freezes should always include a video and console/crash logs.

Bugs with more than one step to reproduce usually require a video.

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