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The Origins of Buddhism

August 28, 2015

1. The Sheltered Place
a. Siddhartha Gautama
i. Came from nobility of a small but wealthy kingdom
ii. Father was afraid because of prophecy
iii. Sheltered from the outside world
2. The Enlightened One
a. The Buddha
i. Reincarnation and Nirvana
ii. Deer Park Sermon
1. Four Noble Truths
a. The world is full of suffering
b. Our desires cause our suffering
c. We can renounce the desires
d. Embrace the Eightfold Path
2. Eightfold Path
a. Right Understanding
b. Right Purpose
c. Right Speech
d. Right Conduct
e. Right Livelihood
f. Right Effort
g. Right Alertness
h. Right Concentration
3. Started in 500 BC
a. Northern India region
b. Religion where one chooses to embrace.
4. The Spread of Buddhism
a. Major schools
i. Theravada
1. Monastic Buddhism
2. Academic side of Buddhism
ii. Mahayana
1. Popular
2. Family-boosted, China, Korea
b. Differences between Hinduism and Buddhism?

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