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„In the virtual world, all friendships are superficial.

We think we have
more friends than before, but we no longer have any real friends.“

UVOD: The internet has given us many benefits, such as listening to

music, reading news and also meeting new people. People tend to have
very different views when it comes to online friends: some enjoy that,
while others are wondering if they are even real friends.
AGAINST: Befriending people online has many advantages and can feel
like a dream come true. First and foremost, it is easy to find someone
who shares your interests by doing a simple click, what in real life is
definitely not the case when you think that nobody understands you.
Furthermore, we can easily find a person that belongs to a certain culture
or a city that we like to daydream about. That way, we can also learn
many things from our virtual friends. The final key argument is that there
is a chance that those friendships will turn into real life ones, which is
possibly the best side of these kind of friendships.
FOR: However, there is always a certain percentage that virtual friends
aren't what we're hoping they are. Primarily, something that can make
our lives seem miserable is cyberbullying, something that happens
among the teenagers and can have a really bad consequences on the
victim's life. Moreover, we can never be really sure who are we talking
to. We can be looking at a handsome woman or man, but what we don't
know is that those pictures are stolen from someone else and, thus, we
are possibly chatting with a person who has mental problems. This type
of fraud leads to steal of information or some other gruesome crime.
OPINION: In conclusion, virtual world is a very slippery ground and we
should be cautious on it. It is my opinion that real life friendships are for
a reason 'real' and could never be replaced by any means.

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