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Natural History.

Borax veneta.

Natrum biboracicum.

Sodium biborate.

Na2 B4 O7 10H2O. Trituration and Solution.









Eyes, affections of.

Finger joints, ulcers on.


Menstruation, painful (membranous).

Nipple, sore.

Nose, affections of.


Plica polonica.





Syphilitic sore-throat.

Taste, disordered.


Urine, strong-smelling.




Borax has some very peculiar symptoms which will serve as keynotes to many cases.

Chief among them are: (1) Sensitiveness to sudden noises, as a distant shot, which causes violent
starting. (It has cured "shot-shyness" in sporting dogs.) (2) Intolerance of downward motions, a child
screams when nurse puts it into cot, or when she rocks it, symptoms are worse going downstairs,
sea-sickness (when the downward motion is felt most: "Every time the ship goes down, everything in
me comes up").

Restlessness with ebullitions, especially after talking, with nausea.

Laughter alternating with weeping.

Cobweb sensations, sore mouth, infant pale, earthy, flesh flabby, screams out in sleep, wakes
frightened and cling to nurse, excessively nervous, a slight noise arouses.

Starts with pain.

Muco-cutaneous surfaces are sore, in the eyelids there is ingrowing of lashes.

Otorrhoea and inflammation of auricle: "starts with the pains." Nostrils ulcerated, soreness, pain
and swelling of tip of nose.

Aphthæ, mouth of child feels hot to mother's nipple, child lets go nipple and cries with pain and
vexation, or else refuses breast altogether.

Diarrhoea with pain or soft yellow stools accompanying aphtha.

Child screams before urinating (from inflammation of mucous membrane).

Leucorrhea clear, copious, albuminous, unnaturally hot.

Painful nursing, pain after nursing, empty feeling in breasts, they ache because they are empty,
better by pressure: this is characteristic.

Dysmenorrhoea (may be membranous), pain excessive during flow.

Leucorrhea preceding and following menses, albuminous, acrid.

Herpetic eruptions, pleuritic symptoms (upper right chest) and cough, with expectoration of a
mushy, mouldy odor.

A notable symptom is: Before the easy stool in afternoon, fretful, ill-humored, indolent, and
discontented, after it, lively, contented, and cheerful.

Another mental symptom is: Idles through the afternoon, does not really get to work, changes
from one business to another, from one room to another.
It is suited to the period of dentition, to persons with light hair, lax skins and muscles, wrinkled
skin, consequences of getting cold in cold and wet weather, riding, eating fruit.

Symptoms are worse in warm weather, worse after menstruation.

Parts usually red turn white.

Many Natrum symptoms appear in the proving.

Stitching pains predominate.


Compare: Calc., Nux-v., Bry., Lyc., Merc., Puls., Rhus-t, All-c., Sil., Sulph., Ars., Bell., Graph., Ign.,
Kali-bi., Phos.

Antidoted by: Cham., Coff.

Similar to: Am-c. and Mag-m. (right nostril stopped), Calc. (inclination to breathe deeply), Kali-bi.
(tough mucus), Aur. and Puls. (laughter alternately with weeping), Sars., Lyc., Benz-ac. (strong urine,
crying before urination, but these three have gravel: with Borax it is from inflammation of mucous
membrane), Arum-t. (sore mouth), Graph. (trichiasis), Bell. (hot leucorrhoea), Sep. (small ulcers
about joints), Bar. c. (cobweb-sensation), Nat-s. (cheerful after stool).

Incompatible: Acet-ac., Vinegar, Wine.


Great anxiety, especially when riding in a carriage or descending a mountain.

Dread of downward motion, child has anxious countenance when laid in cot, or carried

Easily frightened and startled with least noise.

Before stool irritable, cheerful and happy after.

Fear of being infected by some contagious disease.

Strong tendency to be frightened.


Disposition to be angry, with ill-humor and passion.

Becomes vehement and swears.

Does not wish to do anything.

Dread of labor.

Fits of vertigo, with fainting.

Vertigo, with fullness in the head, especially when going upstairs, or to any elevation whatever.

Headache, with shootings in the ears.

Headache (all over, with trembling of the body), with nausea and inclination to vomit, mostly at
ten o'clock in the morning.

Fullness in the head, and pressure above the eyes.

Aching and drawing pains in the forehead, and as far as the root of the nose and the nape of the
neck, increased by writing, by reading, and by stooping.

Successive drawing pains in the forehead, with nausea, and acute drawing pains in the eyes.

Shootings in the head, especially above the eyes and the temples.

Congestion in the head, especially in the occiput, with pulsative pains.

Sensibility of the teguments of the head to cold and to bad weather.

Hair entangled, as in plica polonica, is rough and frowsy, splits, sticks together.


Pressure on the eyes.

Itching in the eyes.

The eyes burn and are contracted on putting on spectacles.

Inflammation of the eyes, especially in the canthi, with excoriation of the edges of the eyelids,
trichiasis, and nocturnal agglutination.

Granular eyelids.

Sparkling before the eyes when writing.

Too great sensibility of the eyes to candle-light.


Shootings in the ears, with pain as of excoriation.

Inflammation and swelling of the ears, with discharge of pus and shooting cephalalgia.

Fits of stoppage of the ears and of deafness.

Buzzing and murmuring in the ears, with acute, drawing pains in the top of the head.

Affections of the left ear particularly.

Itching, stitches.

Itching in the nose, with tingling.

Nostrils ulcerated, with swelling and pain, as of excoriation at the point of the nose.

Dry scabs in the nose.

Blood follows on blowing the nose.

Red shinning tip of nose, red noses of young women.

Nasal hemorrhage, with pulsative pains in the head.

Sneezing, with violent shootings in right side of the chest.

Accumulation of thick and greenish mucus in the nose.


Complexion (in a suckling woman) wan, pale, and earth-colored.

Sensation in the right side of the face as if it were covered with cobweb.

Muscular palpitation in the corners of the mouth.

Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the cheeks, with acute, drawing pains in the cheek-
bone, aggravated by laughter.

Eruption of pimples on the face, the nose, and the lips.

Smarting in the lips.

Tettery spots round the mouth, and scabs on the upper lip.

Swelling of the lower lip, with burning and pain as of excoriation.

Red papulous eruption on cheeks and around chin.


Pressive and cramp-like pain in teeth which are carious, especially in damp weather, sometimes
with inflammatory swelling of the cheek, or swelling of the gums.

Acute drawing pains in the teeth which are carious, spreading over the head, when they are
touched with the tongue, or when cold water is applied to them.

Pressive tingling in the teeth, immediately after supper, or breakfast, better by smoking tobacco.

Shooting pains in teeth which are carious, with shootings in the ears, and headache.

Ulcers in the gums, with inflammatory swelling of the cheek.

Bleeding of the gums.


Aphthæ in the mouth and on the tongue, which bleed easily.

Spasmodic stiffness and torpor of the tongue.

Skin of the palate hard and wrinkled.


Dryness in the throat.

Tenacious mucus in the throat, with difficult expectoration.


Bitter taste in the mouth on eating, or on swallowing the saliva.

Loss of taste.

Thirst in the morning.

Desire for acid drinks.

Appetite moderate, especially at supper.

Nausea and uneasiness during a meal.

After every meal inflation of the abdomen, with diarrhoea and colic.

Fullness and pressure in the stomach, with uneasiness and ill-humor, after having eaten fruit
(pears and apples).

Colic, with tendency to diarrhoea after smoking tobacco.


Nausea, with inclination to vomit, when riding in a carriage.

Vomiting of sour mucus, when fasting in the morning or after breakfast.

Pressure in the stomach after every meal.

Contractive pains in the stomach, or a sensation such as would follow a strain in the loins, with
shootings in the vertebral column and loins.

Pain in region of stomach, after lifting heavy weights, extending into the small of back, quite
incapacitating one.

Pain in the hypochondria, mostly pressive and in the left side, and especially when riding in a

Pressure and shootings in the lumbar region.

Pains in the hypochondria and in the lower part of the abdomen, as if hard and cutting bodies
were moving in them.

Pinching in the abdomen, with diarrhoea.

Accumulation of flatus in the abdomen, and frequent escape of wind.

Stool and Anus.

Evacuations frequent, soft, or loose, with pinching and borborygmi in the abdomen.

Greenish evacuations (in children).

Slimy diarrhoea.

Abundant flow of pale, yellowish, or brownish slime, and of blood from the anus, with pains in
the loins.

Itching, contraction, and shootings, in the anus and in the rectum.

Urinary Organs.

Ineffectual urgency to urinate, with incisive pains in the urethra, and swelling in the lumbar

Urgent inclination to urinate.

Frequent emission of urine even in the night.

Hot urine.

Acrid fetor of urine.

Soreness in the urethra after micturition, and especially on being touched, even when not
making water.

Male Sexual Organs.

Absence of sexual desire.

Erections, with painful tension, on waking in the morning.


Chancres studding prepuce.


Sticking, sore pain, worse when touched.

Female Sexual Organs.

Catamenia premature and too copious, of a pale red color.

During the catamenia, pulsative pains in the head, buzzing in the ears, nausea, with pains in the
stomach and in the loins, or shootings and aching in the groin.

Leucorrhea, corrosive, and thick, like starch.


Acrid leucorrhoea, appearing for two weeks between catamenia, with swelling of labia and
inflamed and discharging Duverney's glands.

Stinging and distended feeling in clitoris.

During pregnancy, swelling, itching, and burning of vagina, with a discharge like gonorrhea.

False pains.

Labor pains: spasmodic, more in stomach than in uterus, dart upwards, head of child goes back.

Griping and sometimes stitches in left mamma, and when child has nursed she is obliged to
compress the breast with the hand because it aches from being empty.

Pain in the breasts when suckling.

Flow of milk, which curdles speedily.

Aphthæ so tender they prevent child nursing.

Respiratory Organs.

Acute, drawing pains in the larynx, extending to the chest, with inclination to cough.

Hoarseness in the throat, with drawing shootings on coughing and sneezing.

Dry cough, caused by a tickling and scraping in the throat, with pressure on the chest.

Dry, hectic cough, with shootings in the right side of the chest, and the groins, relieved by
washing with cold water, increased by drinking wine.

Nocturnal cough.

Cough, with expectoration of the smell and taste of mould.

On coughing, expectoration of mucus with streaks of blood.


Difficult respiration, with urgent want to inspire deeply, and shootings in the right side of the

Constrictive oppression of the chest, especially on going upstairs.

Shortness of breath after having ascended the stairs, with shootings in the chest on speaking.

Feeling of congestion, with heaviness in the chest.

Shootings in the chest, especially on the right side, and principally on yawning, on coughing, on
breathing deeply, on running, and during every physical effort.

Drawing shootings in the intercostal muscles of the right side, extending to the groins,
augmented by the least movement of the chest or arms, with inability to remain lying on the side

Pains in the chest better, especially when lying quietly on the back, or on walking slowly, and
pressing the part affected with the hand.


Sensation as if the heart were on the right side, and were going to be crushed.

Infants cyanotic from birth.

Neck and Back.

Sharp and drawing pains between the shoulder-blades, on the shoulder, and in the nape of the
neck, with inability to stoop.

Furunculus in the arm-pit.

Itching and crawling in the sacrum.

Aching and burning pains in the sacrum, especially when seated and when stooping.

Upper Limbs.

Sensation in the hands, as if they were covered with cobweb.

Pulsative pains in the extremity of the thumb, day and night, preventing sleep.

Burning pains, heat and redness of the fingers, like chilblains.

Pustules on the fingers, with swelling and suppuration of the affected limb.

Lower Limbs.

Ulcerating vesicles on the buttocks.

Burning pain in the thighs.

Sensation as if warm water were running down thighs.

Erysipelatous inflammation and swelling of the leg and of the foot, principally after having
danced a long time, and sometimes with drawing pains, burning and tensive, especially when

Great weakness and debility of the lower extremities.

Shootings in the soles of the feet.

Pain, as of excoriation, in the heel.

Suppuration of a spot in the heel, where the rubbing of the shoe had occasioned a wound.

Burning pains, heat and redness of the toes, as if from chilblains.

Shooting piercing in the corns, especially in rainy weather.


Parts which are usually white, turn red.

Shooting and drawing pains.

Commencement and aggravation of sufferings from damp and unsettled weather, or during and
subsequent to a meal.

Sufferings from riding in a carriage or from eating fruit.

Uneasiness in the whole body, which does not permit one to remain long in the same place.

Restlessness and ebullitions, especially after talking, with nausea.

Uneasiness, trembling nausea, giddiness, and vertigo, after an animated conversation, or when,

Want of strength, especially in the joints.

Attacks of syncope, with tingling, trembling of the feet, and nausea.


Skin difficult to heal, dingy, unhealthy-looking skin, every injury tends to ulceration.

Erysipelatous inflammations, with swelling and tension of the part affected, and fever.

Erysipelatous inflammation on the lower leg, with chilliness, followed by heaviness and pulsation
in the head, later, bleeding of the nose.

Tendency of old wounds to suppurate.

Whitish pimples, with red areola.

Herpetic eruptions.

Purulent and phagedenic vesicles.


Sleepiness during the day, and sleeplessness at night.

Inclination to sleep long before the usual hour, and too long sleep in the morning.

Restless sleep, in consequence of ebullition of the blood, of colic, and of diarrhoea.

Waking too early, with difficulty in going to sleep again, from heat and too great a flow of ideas.

Anxious cries of children, during sleep, with convulsive movements of the hands.


Shivering, shuddering, or cold with trembling, heaviness and weakness, or with cephalalgia and
pains in the periosteum of femur, followed by heat.

Chilliness, especially during sleep.

Flushes of heat (morning and evening).

Perspiration during the morning sleep.

Coldness, most frequently in the afternoon, afterwards heat, with headache or pain in the
hypochondria, sometimes followed by sweat.

Thirst before or during the cold, or else after the sweat.

Heat in the evening in bed, with shivering on being on the least uncovered.

Moisture of the body during the night.



Bor. Is one of those domestic remedies that has been long used for local conditions as a soothing
substance and for a healing purpose. In "nursing sore mouth" of mother or child Bor. has been used
in the families of old, in the form of Bor. and honey, as a wash. The extensive use that has been
made of it would make the homeopath wonder if the people had not hit upon something, and it is a
fact that Bor. will rapidly heal up a sore mouth. It is not strange that it does so, for Bor., in its
proving, produces aphthous conditions of the mouth, which extend to the throat and even into the
stomach. It cures where the genitalia and anus are covered with these aphthous appearances.

Anxiety, fidgetiness, and sensitiveness are prominent in Bor. He is anxious about trifles. He starts
at every noise, on hearing unexpected news, from music, from excitement. This anxiety or
nervousness, this indescribable feeling that is within him, is aggravated from upward or downward
motion. Such a motion as going up in one of our elevators nearly drives him to distraction, but he is
made worse going down. All complaints are aggravated from downward motion. It has been said in
routine practice, that in all cases of sore mouth in children, when the child is worse from downward
motion, Bor. Is the remedy. When the mother is in the act of laying the child down on the bed it
often rouses up in its sleep and cries out in fright. The anxiety may be better appreciated if you will
go to the top of one of these high buildings and go down in the elevator. It is natural for everyone to
feel, with the rapid motion, an anxious feeling in the stomach, a sensation of falling; that is natural
to the healthy man, but if you exaggerate that intensely you have the Bor. condition in which the
slightest downward motion, of even riding down hill or walking down stairs, or, in the child, when
being carried down stairs in the mother's arms, produces a violent aggravation. All the nerves are in
a fret.

We notice that Bor. has an intensified activity throughout the body; all of his senses are made
more acute. His hearing is intensified, he is oversensitive to his surroundings, over-anxious. He has
an excitable spirit throughout. Riding down hill produces vertigo. On nervous excitement, fear and
apprehension. This is a strong feature of Bor. It has many such symptoms, but the nervous elements
partake of this type. As we go through the remedy many other things will be called out; but this may
be said to be the principal feature of the mental state, and it is to a great extent the key to Bor.
cases. "Anxious feeling during downward motion or rocking." The diarrhoea will be cured when that
state is present. Aphthae will be cured when that state is present. The rheumatism, menstrual
troubles and numerous other complaints will disappear upon the administration of Bor., when this
key is present.

It has hysterical manifestations. "Changes from one work to another." It has a restless, nervous,
anxious, excitable state that runs through his body. The child screeches and screams when it is
dandled and tossed up and down. The motion of the brain, the upward and downward motion, as in
swinging, rocking, etc., makes the patient lose himself, he hardly knows where he is; confusion and
vertigo come over him. If one rocks the child, it has an anxious expression of face. "Very anxious on
riding rapidly downhill." "Anxiety increased until eleven PM " That I have noticed in Bor. as a peculiar
time of aggravation of the anxiety. I have noticed it in women who had periods of insanity, whose
nervous trouble and mental state would keep up until eleven PM. You will notice sometimes in
insane people that it seems as if they were possessed of the devil and at once a lucid interval will
come and they will come and they will talk just as if nothing had happened. So it is in Bor., that a
great change may occur at eleven PM this state of anxiety and nervous excitement may stop at that
hour. "Fretful, ill-humored, indolent" state increased until there is a stool and relieved by stool. "He
starts on hearing an anxious cry;" on hearing an unexpected noise, on hearing something drop from
a chair to the floor, or if a door opens unexpectedly. This is all in keeping with the nature of Bor. If
you compare Bor. with other Natrums you will find an astonishing likeness in the nervous
excitability; Nat-c. and Nat-m. Aggravation from noise, oversensitiveness to noise and
overexcitement of the nerves run through all the Sodium family. They are wonderfully intense

"While engaged in thinking at his work, strong nausea." Bor. has many times cured this kind of
trouble. I have seen it come up in this way; from any sort of meditation he becomes nauseated and
excitable and must leave his work and rest a little while, and then he goes at it again until he
becomes sick at the stomach and so must rest again. With the aggravation from mental exertion,
from noise, from excitement, from downward motion, we get the mental aspect of Bor.

A further examination of the sensorium shows: "Vertigo and fullness in head on descending a
mountain or stairs." This is a form of the same anxious feeling. This remedy has a good deal of
vertigo, sometimes constant vertigo, which is made so intense on downward motion that he must sit
still, and do nothing. It has many congestive headaches, pressive headaches and much heat in the

There are many eye symptoms. "Granular lids." "Lashes turn inward towards eye and inflame it.
Entropion. " Granulation and thickening of the mucous membrane of the lid; contractions and scars
and drawing inward. "Difficult opening of lids. "

Like all the salts of Sodium the nose suffers from chronic inflammation of the mucous membrane,
a catarrhal state, with copious discharge, and crusts in the nose; stoppage of the nose. The whole
Natrum family has these dry crusts in the nose, and copious discharges from the nose. Nat-m.
predominantly produces white discharge, and so does Bor.; Nat -s. produces yellow discharge from
the nose, even yellowish-green. Bor. Is laid down as producing greenish discharge; its characteristic
discharge, which is a general of the remedy, is a white discharge.

The face of the infant is pale, and clay-colored. "Children has small vesicles around the mouth,
and on the forehead. Nat-m. produces herpetic eruptions around the mouth in all of its febrile
states, and when the patient takes cold. Bor. Is sometimes forgotten, and Nat-m. is thought of
because it is better known. When the Natrum constitution is present, then it becomes a process of
individualization to determine which one of the Natrums is indicated.

"Aphthae in mouth and on tongue." "Aphthae on tongue and inside of cheek. " This alone is not
an indication for Bor., although Bor. Is one among many medicines when the mouth is so sore that
the child lets loose its hold of the nipple or bottle. Many prescribers give Bor. on that indication
alone; but the constitutional state ought to be hunted up, so that there may be constitutional
foundation for the remedy. Sul-ac. is more frequently indicated. "Red blisters on tongue." "Vomiting
after drinking. " This leads one to expect that this aphthous state has travelled down the esophagus
into the stomach. There are many stomach symptoms present that are likely to be the result of some
such condition. "Buccal mucous membrane highly reddened." The sore mouth, such as mothers have
and such as infants have, can be cured with Bor. "After every meal flatulent distension." "Constant
vomiting. " "Vomiting of sour slime." The Bor. patient with stomach aphthae will gag and retch and
cough, and that is what is called a "stomach cough". mothers say, "It is a stomach cough," because
the child gags and retches with it. "Stomach cough with pain extending into region of spleen. "
Little ones often get summer complaints when they need Bor. All around about the anus you will
see the aphthous appearances. Great slimy stools are passed day and night; the child keeps up a
pitiful crying; the mouth is aphthous, child is emaciating, and holds its head back. "Stools; frequent,
soft, light yellow, slimy." Quantities of fluid like boiled starch are emitted from the anus; Bor. has
that as well as Arg-n. There are also conditions of the rectum producing thickening of the mucus
membrane, with stricture, growing smaller and smaller until finally a long thin stool is passed, no
larger than a pencil. This inflammatory stricture has been cured by Bor.

In this oversensitive child when the catarrhal state is general the urine burns so when it passes
that with the first urging (which causes the child to realize it must soon urinate) it screams out;
screams with the desire to urinate. That is what it means when it says "Worse before urination." It is
not that the state of the urinary organs is worse before urinating, but the child in realizing that it
must urinate screeches and screams. "Frequent Urination preceded by cries." The urine burns and
you may know that the child must soon urinate because it commences to cry. "Orifice of urethra
pains as if sore, after urinating without being able to pass a drop. "

This remedy has cured gonorrhea. Wherever there is mucous membrane you may expect to find
the aphthous patches. There is another feature like Nat-m. and Nat-c.; in both male and female it
takes away sexual desire; it benumbs the patient, and hence the mind and sexual organs are in a
state of indifference. Then we come to the most striking feature of Bor. in regard to the female
sexual organs; in the menstrual flow will be found membrane. Bor. cures the most violent forms of
membranous dysmenorrhoea, when there are violent labor-like pains before and during the flow
and it seems as if the uterus would expel itself from the vagina. The flow starts slightly, but the same
violent pains keep on, until the expulsion of the membrane. I have known Bor. to cure when the
membrane was a cast of the uterus. Such patients are easily startled from downward motion; let
that be your guide to Bor. in membranous dysmenorrhoea. She dreads downward motion, and
motions like swinging and rocking. "During menses; throbbing in head and rushing in ears." "Pinching
and griping in abdomen;" that word does not describe it exactly, for it is like the pain in labor; "pain
extending from stomach." Pain like the stabbing of a knife in the groin, and that may occur either
before or during menstruation. "Tired; sweat after midnight." But, remember, with such things you
must have the mental state, the nervous, excitable state and then Bor. will cure this dysmenorrhoea.
Another grand feature of Bor. I read in the next sentence. "Leucorrhoea like the white of eggs." It
has albuminous leucorrhoea which feels like a hot fluid, and flows down the legs. "White albuminous
or starchy leucorrhoea." "Acrid leucorrhoea appearing for two weeks. " "Leucorrhoea white as
mucus, without any other ailment." Now from this acrid leucorrhoea, from the menstrual state, this
false membrane forming and being thrown off, it is no wonder that women are sterile. All these
women are sterile, all who have such symptoms are sterile and Bor. has cured sterility when this
condition was the cause. You will find routinists prescribe Bor. for all women who are sterile,
regardless of the state. When a remedy is given for sterility, the state must be looked into which is
peculiar to the remedy given such a state as that remedy can produce upon the healthy woman.

Another feature. Many times I have used Bor. when the mother could not nurse the child, she
talks about always having a little, thick milk. "The milk is too thick and tastes badly." This condition
of the milk prevents the mother from nursing her child. This is a constitutional state, and Bor. if
given in the beginning of pregnancy, to a Bor. patient will so change the milk as well as the rest of
the constitution that the mother will be able to nurse the child. I have a number of times, when a
mother has brought forth several children that she was unable to nurse, given Bor. and it has so
affected the case that she could nurse the next child. This remedy also has loathing of the breast in
infants, due to the fact that the milk tastes bad and not due to any defect on the part of the child.
You might think of prescribing for the infant, but if you examine into the case you will find that the
child will not take the milk because it is loathsome. The mother needs a dose of Bor., which will cure
the child of its diarrhoea and loathing of milk. "The infant becomes pale, nearly earth colored." "The
child throws up its hands when an attempt is made to put it down. " If the mother was a Bor.
mother, the child very likely is a Bor. child; it is not an uncommon thing for the mother and baby to
need the same remedy; many times I have medicated the child through the mother's milk if both
needed the same remedy. Another peculiar feature is that when the child is nursing, there is pain in
the opposite breast. Bor. Is not necessarily limited to the state of confinement; there is a practical
use for Bor. among nervous women in all states of life.

Bor. has cured pleurisy that very much resembled Bry., especially on the right side like Bry.;
stitching or darting pains from without inward as if through the upper right lung posteriorly; the
stitching pains might make you think of Bry.

"Wilted, wrinkled skin." "Skin pale or livid. " Emaciated; flabby child becomes emaciated. Children
become marasmic along with the aphthous condition; they cannot digest. They vomit or have
diarrhoea; aphthous condition that extends the whole length of the intestines; involving all mucous
membranes. Oversensitive child screams from downward motion. The aphthae involve a good many
other symptoms; crying before urination, because the bladder is involved. The aphthous condition
and worse from downward motion; the oversensitiveness to noise, easily startled, anxious feeding,
etc., are the most striking and characterizing features.

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