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The causes can be many, such as the destruction of their natural habitat, the hunting or capture of

exotic animals, pollution, deforestation (the disappearance of forests by felling trees) or climate
change, which are a consequence of the intervention of human beings. Although this can also be
related to different natural phenomena such as floods, fires, or the arrival of diseases.

It is very important to understand that every time a species disappears an imbalance is generated
in its ecosystem, causing the death of other animals or the overpopulation of another species,
which makes the niche or space where these beings interact undergoes great changes that can
even affect us as humans.

Mountain gorillas

Gorilla meat and souvenirs made from this animal are sold at extremely high prices. Poaching, as
well as the destruction of its natural habitat -forests- for the production of wood have made
almost all species of gorillas in danger of extinction.

Polar bears

The increase in planet temperatures as a result of global warming is the main threat to the natural
habitat of polar bears. The decrease of the Arctic sea ice layers causes polar bears to travel much
longer distances in search of food, depending only on their fat reserves for long periods of time.

White shark

Its low reproductive potential and its long period of childhood are factors that affect the decline of
this species. In addition, fishing for this animal does not have any type of regulation worldwide.


Illegal sale is the main reason that threatens elephant populations in Africa and Asia. Another
important element that is contributing to the disappearance of this majestic animal is the
continuous decline of the elephants' natural habitat. This is due to the expansion of civilization,
the increase of plantations and the creation of infrastructure for the human being.

African lion

the loss of its natural habitat that has been reduced to 8% of what it once was, illegal hunting and
the expansion of civilization to territories where the lion was placed put it in danger.


The panda suffers from hunting, its fur is very valuable. Another important factor that contributes
to the disappearance of this animal is that bamboo, which is its main food and blooms every
hundred years, suffers from massive felling.

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