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Group 1

Group members :
 Aditya Dwitama
 Adjie Ramadhan
 Alya Azmi
 Ananda Azzahra

Friend's Advice About the Importance of Education

One day there were four children named Adit, Adjie, Alea and Nanda who were walking

Adit : Where are you going tomorrow? There must be an outing event, huh ?
Adjie : I don't know, I don't have any plans yet.
Nanda : If I want to stay at home. I'd rather learn than go here and there unclear
Alea : Yes, I'm also the same as Nanda. Instead of wandering off, it's not clear to just
study at home.

Adit and Adjie are indeed different from Alya and Nanda. Alea and Nanda are figures who
study hard and always prioritize education.

Adit : You still use Sunday to study? Are you tired of studying all the time?
Adjie : Yes, they are very diligent. When you study for five days, that's more than enough.

Alea then explained to them two how education is far more important than playing or
wandering off course.

Alea : holidays are necessary, we certainly do feel bored if every day just learning and
learning, but we must remember that with a lot of learning that will make us smart
Nanda : Yes, I agree with you, Alea. Instead of banning you, but don't wander around too
much, you should still care about education
Adjie : Who said I ignored education. I also learned, but not as calm as I thought
Alea : Now that's it, from now on you have to give more time to your learning process so
that later you can graduate with proud grades.

Adjie and Adit were pondered by his friend's advice.

Adit : It seems like what you said is true. From now on I have to care more about
Adjie : That's right, why do I have to waste a lot of time for unclear goals.
Nanda : Well, from now on you have to care about educatio

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