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Inglés por áreas, prácticas I y II:

Who does he like?

He likes my little dog.

How many packets of crisps did he eat?

He ate two packets of crisps.

Where does she go?

She goes to school.

What broke?

The glass broke.

Why do they like him?

They like him because he is always friendly.

Who lives in a cottage?

The Millers live in a cottage.

When did she play tennis?

She played tennis from 1980 to 1987.

How does the man look?

The man looks confused.

Whose bike did they steal?

They stoled George’s bike.

What did the cat eat?

The cat ate the sausage.

How often does he drive to San Francisco?

He drives to San Francisco every weekend.

When did they leave?

They left three days ago.

Why did she buy a new car?

She bought a new car because her old one broke down.

When did he live in London?

He lived in London from May to October.

When do they play tennis?

They play tennis every Thursday.

What is John writing?

John is writing a letter.

Who walks home from school?

She walks home from school.

Where are the children sitting?

The children are sitting in the garden.

When does Peter run with his dog?

Peter runs with his dog on Sundays.

What does your rabbit have in the garden?

My rabbit has a cage in the garden.

How do they go to work?

They go to work by bus.

Why does David like cats?

David likes cats because they are nice.

Who isn’t sleeping late today?

Jenny isn’t sleeping late today.

Where are we going to?

We are going to the cinema.

When are you living?

I’m living now.

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