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Lecturing Team work Team discussions Stakeholder dialogue

Experience the city Field visits Interviewing Measuring

Reading Field mapping GIS mapping and analysis Graphic visualisation

Desk study Challenging problem Spurring curiosity Making a difference

Urban planning workshop Public hearing Citizen involvement Urban labs

Challenge norms Stakeholder dialogue Prototyping ideas Observation

Student presentations Visual mapping Analytical reflections Studio

Interdisciplinary knowledge Knowledge Assignment Urban interventions

Laboratory work Science experiments Professional ‘speed dating’ External lecturing

Codesign Learning by doing Focus group interviews Participant observation

Conceptualise/design Traditional lecturing room Informal team spaces Fablab

Conflict resolution Supervision Feedback External collaboration

Innovation challenges Iterative learning cycle Change agent Gaming

Roleplay EduSCRUM Appreciative management SCRUM/agile mindset

Waterfall mindset Team building Individual strengths Disciplinarity

Reporting Quizz Trust Responsibility

Teacher control Self management Presentation of results Milestone seminar

Project management Recommendations Architectural competition Exhibition

Film production Blog Student competition Technical understanding

Societal understanding Sustainability Natural sciences IT tools

Inquiry Active listening Peer feedback Statistics

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