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ALONG January 31, 2021

Ethics and Morality

Society, as of today, function according to sets of continuously improving

standard and instruction. These standards and instructions were and are being
established through the experiences of a society’s constituents. Such establishments
include what we know now as ethics and morality.

There was a time where murder and plundering were prevalent during the Middle
Ages, even in these modern times. Back then, the Vikings were known for their raids
and conquests throughout Europe, all of which, bloodshed was certain. Events like this
are now seen as barbaric; however, back then it was cultural and are means of survival.
But through the wisdom of philosophers and basic human morality, we now understand
why such acts are barbaric and bad. Additionally, ethics is the product of morality itself
that etches its unwritten laws in stone.

The society, culture, and norms that we have today are maintained in an orderly
and peaceful manner through ethics and morality. Furthermore, its importance is
highlighted by the fact that they serve as bases for the laws that govern our world.
Ethics and morality are what separates us from animals.

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