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Directions: Answer the following questions/statements.

1. Describe how web has been used for communication and as a commercial medium.

In our daily life we express our thoughts or ideas in internet we don’t know that
using email, chrome or web applications we already using web as communication.
because of its capacity to encourage worldwide sharing of data and assets, and its
capability to give an effective channel to publicizing, advertising, and even direct
dispersion of specific merchandise and data administrations.

2. Why is content a vital part of the development of an effective web system?

Content is a vital part of the development of an effective web system because if the
content is good it attracts people to use the web system also without content you can’t
create web pages, nowhere to place your keywords, no page for visitors to read and no
information for other website link

3. Describe the roles and responsibilities of a content strategist.

If you are a Content Strategist, you must check every bit of text on a site like
buttons that supports the brand and goals of the organization and you are the one who
needs to plan the content like writes, edits content and managing social media
campaigns, monitoring and analyzing data, managing content marketing campaigns
and last is building strategic partnerships.

4. As a user experience designer, how could you provide a favorable experience to your
system users?

As a user experience designer I need to designed with not only the products
consumption or use in mind but also the entire process of acquiring, owning and even
trouble shooting it. also I need to focus on creating products that are usable, a product
with pleasure, efficiency and fun too.

5.What are the benefits of conducting user research and testing reports?
The benefits of conducting user research and testing reports are the company can
align the product or system and business strategy with core needs and goals of users, to
developed system or products based on what users need, to avoid problems and errors, to
design and build a better system or product that will actually like or use of a user or people
and also to solve relevant problem that people or users are having.

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