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Nama : Chesta Adz Zhorif

Kelas : VIII E
The irian Crocodile

Irian Crocodile is one type of crocodile that is often found and spread in freshwater areas of the
interior of the island of irian (papua). The body shape of this Irian crocodile is very similar to
estuarine crocodile, but different is the crocodile irian skin darker and smaller shapes. The
length of this crocodile body reaches 3.35 meters in male crocodiles and for female crocodiles
reaches 2.65 meters. This type of crocodile has larger scales than any other crocodile. large
scales are located at the back of the arranged in 8-11 lanes and 11-18 rows from the front to the
back of his body.

This type of crocodiles often inhabits the inland region of Papua which has fresh water areas,
such as in rivers, swamps and lakes. this type of crocodile is often found also in brackish water
and will not be found in areas where there are estuary crocodiles.

Crocodiles seek for vertebrate foods such as deer, zebra, and other animals. This crocodile kills
the preys by drowning or by capturing the prey head first. it is used to paralyze its prey.

Irian Crocodile breed by laying eggs, usually this type of crocodile lay eggs in the early dry
season. The average female crocodile can remove approximately 35 eggs – 56 eggs. Female
crocodiles are always watching the nest and also the children until they can search for their own

The crocodile population of Irian in Indonesia is close to extinction due to the large number of
exploited by humans who take advantage of their beautiful skin and pearls. Taking into account
the high pressure on the population in our country, our government, Indonesia has included it
(Irian crocodile) as an animal protected by law. 

Name : Chesta Adz Zhorif

Class : VII F

Ant is one type of phylum Arthropoda and also the family Formicidae. ants
have special features that distinguish them from other animals. ant has a body
structure consisting of head, chest and abdomen. in the head, he has a mouth
consisting of the mandible, maxilla, and palpi. it has an outer framing body that
provides protection and as a place for attaching the tap muscles, the head of the ant
has many sensory organs and also a useful antenna to communicate with other ants, as
well as a tactile tool that is useful for detecting something dangerous or that is in front
of him. on the part of the body, especially the head also has a pair of jaws (mandible)
that is useful to bring food, build a nest and also to defend themselves.

Ants are very easy to live in many extreme areas though. the habitat prefers the
alleys to the eggs. Ants are animals that live in groups, where there are queens or king
ants that govern their lives. a group of ants will name the alleys as their main nest.
ants often hide on the leaves (either dried or fresh) that they have turned into more
square or lumpy leaves.

Ant breed by laying eggs. he begins his life by laying eggs, after the eggs are
fertilized, then they will grow into larvae. after the larvae grow, the next phase is to
become pupa. larvae in ants are very vulnerable to disease and predators, this is
because the ant larvae have no legs or other motion organs to protect themselves.

While adult ants store larvae to grow and develop well. adult moss will feed the
larvae through a process called trophallaxis, where an ant distributes previously
stored food

Name : M.Aditya .R
Class : VII F
The Irian Crocodile

Irian Crocodile is one type of crocodile that is often found and spread in
freshwater areas of the interior of the island of irian (papua). The body shape of this
Irian crocodile is very similar to estuarine crocodile, but different is the crocodile irian
skin darker and smaller shapes. The length of this crocodile body reaches 3.35 meters
in male crocodiles and for female crocodiles reaches 2.65 meters. This type of
crocodile has larger scales than any other crocodile. large scales are located at the
back of the arranged in 8-11 lanes and 11-18 rows from the front to the back of his
This type of crocodiles often inhabits the inland region of Papua which has
fresh water areas, such as in rivers, swamps and lakes. this type of crocodile is often
found also in brackish water and will not be found in areas where there are estuary
Crocodiles seek for vertebrate foods such as deer, zebra, and other animals.
This crocodile kills the preys by drowning or by capturing the prey head first. it is
used to paralyze its prey.
Irian Crocodile breed by laying eggs, usually this type of crocodile lay eggs in
the early dry season. The average female crocodile can remove approximately 35 eggs
– 56 eggs. Female crocodiles are always watching the nest and also the children until
they can search for their own food.
The crocodile population of Irian in Indonesia is close to extinction due to the
large number of exploited by humans who take advantage of their beautiful skin and
pearls. Taking into account the high pressure on the population in our country, our
government, Indonesia has included it (Irian crocodile) as an animal protected by law.
Name : Fathul Rozi
Class : VII F


Tiger or Latin name Panthera Tigris is the largest animal in the cat family, the tiger can
only be found in the Asian continent with its tropic climate. There are several species of tiger in
this world and all come from Siberia in Central Asia, then he multiply in India area including to
Indonesia. Six species are still alive while the other three are extinct. The surviving tiger species
are the leopard, the tiger, the cheetah and the Jaguar tiger.
Male tigers have more body weight and size than female tigers, male tigers weigh about
180 – 320 kilograms with length of 2.6 – 3.3 meters. While the female tigers have a body weight
of about 120 – 180 kilograms and body length between 2.3 – 2.75 meters. Of the entire species
of tiger in the world, the Sumatran tiger is the smallest tiger whereas the Siberian tiger is the
largest tiger. In the wild, tigers can survive until the age of twenty years.
Most of the tigers have characteristics with yellow skin color with varying sorts of black
or brown. Survey shows, the tar on a tiger has more than 100 stripes and recorded the extinct
tiger Java has the most tanned of all tigers.
Loreng contained in the tiger body is used to distinguish one another so similar to the
function of human fingerprints to identify one by one. The main function of tiger lines is
camouflage to hide them from enemies and their prey. Nevertheless there is a rare species of
tiger that has a white base color with black tarpaulin.
In general, tigers have habitat from lowland forests to mountain forests (live in areas with
altitude 0-4000 meters above sea level) and often live in protected areas. The zoo is one of the
protected habitats for tigers.Tiger, carnivora animal chooses meat as its main food, he often eats
other animals such as elephant, deer, babirusa, pig, ape, snake, fish, poultry that can meet his
needs 9-10 kilogram every day.

Name : Wahit

Class : VII F


Wolves are very intelligent creatures whose upright ears, sharp teeth, pointed muzzles,
inquiring eyes and other facial features instantly convey this quality.

The weight and size of a wolf can vary greatly worldwide. In general, height varies from
0.6 to .95 metres at the shoulder and weight ranges from 20 to 62 kilograms.

The Grey Wolf is the largest of all wild canids. Extreme specimens of wolf weighing
more than 77 kilograms have been recorded in Alaska and Canada, although they are rarely

The heaviest wild wolf on record, killed in Alaska in 1939, was 80 kilograms. The
smallest wolves come from the Arabian Wolf subspecies, the females of which may weigh as
little as 10 kilograms at maturity.

Females in any given wolf population typically weigh about 20% less than their male
counterparts. Wolves can measure anywhere from 1.3 to 2 metres from nose to the tip of the tail,
which itself accounts for approximately one quarter of overall body length.

Wolves bodies are built for stamina, possessing features ideal for long distance travel.
Their narrow chests and powerful backs and legs assist their efficient locomotion.

Wolves are capable of covering several miles trotting at about a pace of 10 kilometres per
hour and have been known to reach speeds approaching 65 kilometres per hour during a chase.
While sprinting, wolves can cover up to 5 metres per run.

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