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How to tell an accreting boson star from a black hole

Hector Olivares,1 Ziri Younsi,1, 2 Christian M. Fromm,1, 3 Mariafelicia De Laurentis,1, 4, 5

Oliver Porth,1 Yosuke Mizuno,1 Heino Falcke,6 Michael Kramer,3, 7 and Luciano Rezzolla1, 8
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Max-von-Laue-Straße 1, D-60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Mullard Space Science Laboratory, University College London, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6NT, UK
Max-Planck-Institut für Radioastronomie, Auf dem Hügel 69, D-53121 Bonn, Germany
Dipartimento di Fisica “E. Pancini”, Universitá di Napoli “Federico II”, Via Cinthia, I-80126, Napoli, Italy
INFN Sez. di Napoli, Via Cinthia, I-80126, Napoli, Italy
Department of Astrophysics/IMAPP, Radboud University Nijmegen P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, University of Manchester, M13 9PL, UK
Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Ruth-Moufang-Strasse 1, 60438 Frankfurt, Germany
(Dated: September 25, 2018)
Radio-astronomical observations of the supermassive black-hole candidate in the galactic center will soon
arXiv:1809.08682v1 [gr-qc] 23 Sep 2018

offer the possibility to study gravity in its strongest regimes and to test different models for these compact
objects. Studies based on semi-analytic models and strong-field images of stationary plasma configurations
around boson stars have stressed the difficulty to distinguish them from black holes. We here report on the first
general-relativistic magnetohydrodynamic simulations of accretion onto a nonrotating boson star and employ
general-relativistic radiative-transfer calculations to revisit the appearance of an accreting boson star. We find
that the absence of an event horizon in a boson star leads to important differences in the dynamics of the
accretion and results in both the formation of a small torus in the interior of the boson star and in the absence
of an evacuated high-magnetization funnel in the polar regions. Synthetic reconstructed images considering
realistic astronomical observing conditions show that differences in the appearance of the two compact object are
large enough to be detectable. These results, which also apply to other horizonless compact objects, strengthen
confidence in the ability to determine the presence of an event horizon via radio observations and highlight the
importance of self-consistent multidimensional simulations to study the compact object at the galactic center.

PACS numbers: 04.50.Kd 04.40.Dg, 95.30.Sf, 97.10.Gz

Introduction. Observations of the galactic center have con- by general relativity which fulfill the constraints of: (1) being
firmed the existence of a supermassive compact object at the able to grow to millions of solar masses, (2) being extremely
radio source Sgr A*. Stellar motions have constrained its mass compact and (3) lacking a hard surface [9]. Some examples
to ≈ 4×106 M [1, 2] and its density to ≈ 6×1015 M pc−3 include: geons [10], oscillatons [11], Q-balls [12] and com-
[2], favoring the hypothesis of a single massive object. More- pact configurations of self-interacting dark matter [13].
over, its low luminosity combined with its estimated accre- Boson stars, compact objects formed from scalar fields, are
tion rate indicates the absence of an emitting hard surface [3]. a very interesting case due to the ubiquity of the latter in cos-
All of these features are consistent with a supermassive black mology [14, 15], string theory [16] and extensions to gen-
hole (SMBH) as those believed to exist at the centers of most eral relativity such as scalar-tensor theories [17]. Several au-
galaxies. thors have explored the possibility that supermassive boson
International efforts from the Event Horizon Telescope stars could exist at the centers of galaxies or act as black-
Collaboration (EHTC) [4] and BlackHoleCam [5] aim to hole mimickers [see, e.g., 18–21]. Consequently, a num-
use very-long-baseline interferometry (VLBI) techniques in ber of studies have explored the signatures of such objects,
a joint effort to image the galactic center, achieving, for the which include the dynamics of accreted particles [20], the
first time, a resolution comparable to the size of the event gravitational redshift [19] and lensing [22] of radiation emit-
horizon. The outcome of such observations is expected to be ted within the boson star, and the stellar orbits around them
a “crescent” or ring-like feature, consisting of a dark region [23]. Guzmán [24, 25] studied spectra of alpha–discs [26]
(the shadow of the black hole) obscuring the lensed image of around boson stars, reporting the lack of a clear signature dis-
a bright accretion disk [6]. The shape of this shadow can be tinguishing them from black holes. Motivated by the forth-
exploited either to determine the properties of the black hole coming observations of the EHTC, Vincent et al. [18] reached
or to perform tests of general relativity [7], a possibility as- similar conclusions by comparing strong-field images of sta-
sessed by Mizuno et al. [8] in a realistic scenario for the 2017 tionary tori around black holes and boson stars. However, the
EHTC campaign and for near-future observations. robustness of these considerations is limited by the fact that
However, because all of the expectations above rely on the such configurations do not allow matter to freely explore the
assumption that Sgr A* is a black hole, it is natural to won- interior of the boson star, as would happen in a realistic accre-
der whether this conjecture could blind us to other plausible tion scenario.
alternatives, thus missing out on new insights in fundamental Subsequently, Meliani et al. [27] simulated non-magnetized
physics. In fact, black holes are not the only objects allowed accretion onto boson stars and black holes, finding a signifi-

cantly different behaviour caused by the absence of an event was assumed to follow the equation of state of an ideal fluid
horizon, specifically, a polar outflow produced by the colli- with an adiabatic index γ̂ = 4/3 [34]. The simulations were
sion of matter infalling on the equatorial plane. However, performed on a logarithmically spaced radial grid in spher-
this study did not include a systematic investigation of the ical polar coordinates, with three refinement levels, to give
discernability of the emission from the two compact objects an effective resolution of {Nr , Nθ , Nφ } ' {512, 128, 128},
via ray-traced images. Moreover, considering the ubiquity of and with the outer boundary placed at 1000 M . The accretion
magnetic fields in astrophysical compact objects and their im- torus was perturbed to trigger the magneto-rotational instabil-
portance for accretion processes as a means for angular mo- ity (MRI), causing turbulent transport of angular momentum
mentum transport and jet production, it is essential to extend and driving the accretion [35]. Since the mass of the accretion
the study to produce ray-traced images of fully dynamical ac- disk is negligible compared to that of the compact object (test-
cretion in the presence of magnetic fields. fluid approximation), the spacetime can be considered fixed.
We here revisit this question and challenge the notion Except for gravitation, the scalar field has no interaction with
that accreting boson stars and black holes cannot be dis- the fluid or the electromagnetic fields.
tinguished. To this end, we extend the work of Vincent Numerical results. After the initial growth and saturation of
et al. [18] on strong-field images of stationary tori around the MRI at t ' 1000 M , the accretion flow for both objects
boson stars, by performing the first general-relativistic ideal- becomes quasi-stationary for t & 5000 M . This is illustrated
magnetohydrodynamic (GRMHD) simulations of the accre- in Fig. 1, which reports in arbitrary units the evolution of the
tion flow onto a nonrotating boson star. Using these sim- mass-accretion rate Ṁ (panel a) and of the accreted magnetic
ulations, we perform general-relativistic radiative-transfer flux φ̇B threading the outer horizon in the case of the black
(GRRT) calculations and produce synthetic images account- hole, or a spherical surface at coordinate r = 2M in the case
ing for realistic EHTC observations. We compare the dy- of the boson star (panel b). Comparing the behaviour of these
namics of the accretion flow with those in the case of a Kerr two quantities it is possible to appreciate that while the black
black hole, and contrast the images obtained in each case. As hole has always a positive Ṁ , the boson star can also record
we will highlight in what follows, when considering magne- negative values. This is allowed at all radii due to the absence
tized accretion and realistic observational corrections of the of an event horizon.
ray-traced images, we can conclude that it is possible to dis- As we will discuss below, this outflow is due to oscillations
criminate between an accreting black hole and a boson star. of a stalled-accretion torus produced close to the steep cen-
Physical scenario. We simulate numerically and in three di- trifugal barrier that develops inside the boson star. A magnifi-
mensions (3D) the accretion from a magnetized torus onto a cation of Ṁ during the quasi-stationary stage of the accretion
Kerr black hole with total angular momentum J and a non- is shown in the inset of Fig. 1, highlighting the quasi-periodic
rotating boson star with the same mass M . While the Kerr inflows and outflows of matter in the simulations involving
black hole has a dimensionless spin parameter a := J/M 2 = a boson star. When comparing the typical frequency associ-
0.9375 (we use units with G = c = 1), the boson star is cho- ated with the quasi-periodic oscillations in Ṁ , we have found
sen to be nonrotating. There are two reasons for this choice. them to be very close to the value of the epicyclic frequency
Firstly, astrophysical boson stars cannot be rapid rotators, be- at the location of the rest-mass density maximum. This is un-
coming dynamically unstable for a & 0.4 [28]. Secondly, the surprising since matter accumulates at this location and small
absence of a surface or a capture cross section permits sta- perturbations there will induce large excursions, both positive
ble circular orbits down to the center of the boson star [25]. and negative, in the accretion rate.
Therefore, the ray-traced image of a rapidly-rotating black Figure 1 shows a snapshot at t = 9500 M and on the merid-
hole, for which the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) is ional plane, of rest-mass density ρ (panels c and d) and plasma
near to the event horizon, is closer to that of a boson star in magnetization σ := b2 /ρ (panels e and f), where b is the mag-
terms of intrinsic source size and represents a worst-case sce- nitude of the magnetic field in the fluid frame. In each panel
nario for distinguishing between the two objects. we contrast the behavior of these quantities in the case of the
The boson star spacetime is a solution of the Einstein- Kerr black hole (panels c and e) with that of a boson star (pan-
Klein-Gordon system in spherical symmetry for the poten- els d and f). As expected, differences in the dynamics of ac-
tial of a mini boson star [29]. The method for computing cretion onto the two objects arise mainly from the presence
these configurations is presented in a number of works [see, or absence of an event horizon within which matter can dis-
e.g., 29–31]. More specifically, the boson star considered appear, and which causally disconnects its interior from its
here has an oscillation frequency ω M ≈ 1.06 and a scalar exterior. In contrast to a black hole, matter in the interior of a
particle mass of m ≈ 0.34 (MPl /M )MPl , where MPl is the boson star continues to influence its exterior. As a result, an
Planck mass. For the mass of Sgr A* (M ' 4.02 × 106 M evacuated funnel in the polar regions – such as the one pro-
[1]), this corresponds to m ≈ 10−17 eV/c2 , which is within duced by the black hole – is absent in the case of the boson
the range allowed by astronomical observations [32]. star, where this region is instead filled with material slowly
To simulate the accretion flow we used BHAC [33], which flowing out from the hotter and denser interior.
solves the equations of GRMHD in arbitrary stationary space- As anticipated above, a peculiar feature of the accretion
times using state-of-the art numerical methods. The plasma onto the boson star is the formation of a smaller torus, which

log10 ρ log10 σ
−6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1

1.6 50
1.4 a 0.3 Kerr BH c d Boson star Kerr BH e f Boson star
1.2 0.2 40 t = 9500 M t = 9500 M
0.0 30

0.6 −0.2
0.4 8950 9000 9050 20
0.0 10

z [M ]
1.0 b Boson star
Kerr BH, a = 0.9375 4 4 4 4
−20 2 2 2 2

0 0 0 0
0.4 −30
−2 −2 −2 −2
0.2 −40
−4 −4 −4 −4
0.0 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 0 2 4 6 8 −8 −6 −4 −2 0 0 2 4 6 8
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50 −50 −40 −30 −20 −10 0 10 20 30 40 50
t [M ] x [M ] x [M ]

FIG. 1. Panels (a) and (b): Evolution of the mass-accretion rate (a) and the magnetic flux (b) through the outer horizon for the black hole and
through a spherical shell at r = 2 M for the boson star. Note that the quasi-stationary state is reached after t ' 5000 M and that the accretion
rate can also be negative for the boson star. Panels (c-f): Logarithmic density in the fluid frame (c and d) and logarithmic plasma magnetization
σ = b2 /ρ (e and f) at t = 9500 M , for the Kerr black hole (c and e) and the boson star (d and f). The black hole horizon is marked by a white
line and its excised interior is shown in solid black.

is most clearly visible in the right inset of panel (d) of Fig. 1. sionless quantities evolved numerically to produce physical
This small torus, which effectively represents a stalled por- images. We fix the mass M = 4.02 × 106 M and the dis-
tion of the accretion flow, is produced by a steep centrifu- tance from the observer to 7.86 kpc [1]. This sets the length
gal barrier and by the suppression of the MRI. In fact, as and time scalings of the radiative-transfer calculations (see,
a result of the reduced curvature in the boson-star interior, e.g., [8, 37]) and yields the appropriate flux scaling. Fi-
the radial distribution of angular momentum in the accretion nally, the ion-to-electron temperature ratio Ti /Te [38], the ob-
disc reverses at small radii, violating the MRI stability cri- server inclination angle θobs , and the compact object mass-
terion [31, 35]. Since all regular axially symmetric, asymp- accretion rate Ṁ are chosen such that, at a resolution of
totically flat spacetimes need to be flat at their centers, we 1024 × 1024 pixels, the total integrated flux of the image re-
expect the same phenomenology for all horizonless, surface- produces Sgr A*’s observed flux of ' 3.4 Jy at 230 GHz [39].
less accreting objects non-interacting with the plasma and the In this way, using the radiative-transfer code BHOSS [40], we
electromagnetic field. Without the principal mechanism for produce images at several observing angles, and present here
angular momentum transport, the plasma cannot penetrate the those at θobs = 60◦ , consistent with observational constraints
centrifugal barrier except by diffusion (see also Torres [36]). [41].
Unable to access the core of the boson star, a portion of the
infalling matter escapes as a slowly moving wind, i.e., with For both compact objects, we consider the interval t/M ∈
Lorentz factors W . 1.05, which propagates in the polar di- [8900, 10000], which for Sgr A* corresponds to an observing
rections. As a comparison, the polar outflow in the Kerr simu- time of ∼ 6 h. At these times, both of the GRMHD simula-
lation can reach W . 2.25. Note that this slow wind from the tions are well within the quasi-stationary state (cf. Fig. 1). The
boson star is fundamentally different from the mass ejection leftmost panels of Fig. 2 show the median of the ray-traced
discussed in [27], which is caused by the pressure increase at images and can be used to draw some general considerations
the stellar center due to matter accreted radially without mag- regarding the features that make the two objects distinguish-
netic fields or angular momentum. For such shocked matter able. First, the boson star exhibits a smaller source size as a
with no centrifugal support, the polar regions represent the result of the emission from the small torus in its interior and
only direction where escape is possible. thus at radii comparable or smaller than the black-hole hori-
zon. Second, the boson star yields a more symmetric image
Ray-traced and synthetic images. We next discuss how to use due to the absence of frame-dragging, which significantly re-
the results of the GRMHD simulations to produce ray-traced duces Doppler boosting and consequently the sharp contrast
and synthetic images at the EHTC observing frequency of in emission between fluid approaching and receding from the
230 GHz, assuming a population of thermal electrons which observer. Finally, although less likely to be noticed by obser-
emit synchrotron radiation and are also self-absorbed. Sev- vations, the boson-star image lacks a sharp transition between
eral parameters need to be fixed when converting the dimen- the middle dark region and its bright surroundings, which is a

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

GRRT GRRT (convolved) EHT 2017 (6h, reconst., scatter)

Kerr a∗ = 0.937 Kerr a∗ = 0.937 Kerr a∗ = 0.937
Relative Declination [µas]


Smax =0.12 mJy Smax =1.55 mJy Smax =1.22 mJy

Boson star Boson star Boson star

Relative Declination [µas]


Smax =0.22 mJy Smax =2.42 mJy Smax =1.84 mJy
−50 0 50 −50 0 50 −50 0 50
Relative R.A. [µas] Relative R.A. [µas] Relative R.A. [µas]

FIG. 2. Ray-traced and synthetic images at 230 GHz of the Kerr black hole (top row) and the boson star (bottom row). From left to right, first
column: median of the ray-traced images in the interval t/M ∈ [8900, 10000], second column: ray-traced images convolved with 50% (red
shaded ellipse) of the EHTC beam (gray shaded ellipse), third column: reconstructed images including interstellar scattering, convolved with
50% (red shaded ellipse) of the EHTC beam (gray shaded ellipse) and indicating the value of the DSSIM metric.

fundamental property of a black-hole shadow and the narrow [42]. During this calculation, we include thermal noise and
photon ring. In fact, due to the absence of a photon-capture 10% gain variations as well as interstellar scattering by a re-
cross section, the central dark region in the boson star case is fracting screen [43]. We reconstruct the final images using a
simply a lensed image of the central low-density region. maximum entropy method (MEM), provided with EHTIm. In
From these ray-traced images, we finally generate synthetic addition to the calculation of the synthetic images, we con-
radio images using the EHTIm software package [42]. We se- volve the GRRT images with 50% of the EHTC beam (second
lect as an observing array the configuration of the EHTC 2017 column in Fig. 2). These images can be used to examine the
observing campaign, consisting of eight radio telescopes in influence of the sparse sampling of the Fourier space and in-
the US, Europe, South America and the South Pole. To mimic terstellar scattering on the reconstructed images (third column
realistic radio images, we follow closely the 2017 observing in Fig. 2).
schedule, using an integration time of 12 s, an on-source scan A visual inspection of the reconstructed images (third col-
length of 7−10 min calibration and pointing gaps between the umn in Fig. 2) shows a clear difference between the two com-
on-source scans and a bandwidth of 4 GHz. Within these con- pact objects, both in size and structure, with the black-hole
straints we perform the synthetic observations of the galactic image exhibiting a “crescent” structure. A more quantitative
centre on April 8th 2017 from 08:30 to 14:30 UT. The visi- statement can be made by computing the image-comparison
bilities are computed by Fourier-transforming the GRRT im- metrics, such as the structural dissimilarity index (DSSIM)
ages and sampling them with projected baselines of the array [44]. The DSSIM is computed between the convolved GRRT

images and the reconstructed ones and, to guarantee that we DAAD scholarship. ZY is supported by a Leverhulme Trust
compare similar structures within both images, we perform Early Career Fellowship and an Alexander von Humboldt Fel-
an image alignment prior to its calculation. Comparing the lowship. The simulations were performed on the SuperMUC
convolved Kerr image with the reconstructed image leads to cluster at the LRZ in Garching, and on the LOEWE and Iboga
a DSSIM of 0.13 and in the case of the Boson star we obtain clusters in Frankfurt. This research has made use of NASA’s
a DSSIM of 0.06. The inter-model comparison, i.e., Kerr– Astrophysics Data System.
Boson star and Boson star–Kerr, reveals DSSIMs of 0.20 and
0.12, respectively. Given these values, we conclude that both
models are distinguishable by current EHTC observations. An
additional tool to discriminate between the two objects can
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