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United Nations Environmental Programme

Quiz on Cleaner Production

(The correct answer in green)

Question No. 1 Sustainable development means meeting the needs of the present without:
A compromising the needs of the future
B creating pollution problems for those over 60 years of age
C increasing population
D contributing to the greenhouse effect.

Question No. 2 Industrial environmental management has evolved from:

A control to prevention to dilution
B prevention to dilution to control
C dilution to control to prevention
D control to dilution to prevention.

The most cost-effective management choice for combating industrial pollution

Question No. 3
A Prevention
B Dilution
C Resting
D control.

Cleaner production, pollution prevention, source reduction and resource

Question No. 4
efficiency are:
A similar concepts
B different ways to address environmental management problems
C consecutive steps to treat pollution
D phases that describe environmental activities in developed countries

Question No. 5 Cleaner Production is:

A an academic term with no relevance to industry
B a concept invented by environmental regulators in order to fight environmental
C a concept useful only to consultants
D a concept of pollution prevention applicable to all kinds of processes, products and

Question No. 6 The first step in improving cleaner production in an industry is a change in:
A Technology
B customer preference systems
C Attitudes
D legislation on recycling

The cleaner production concept includes:

Question No. 7
A cleaning of wastes after production
B cleaning up the workplace after every production shift
C disposing of waste safely in approved facilities
D recycling processing residuals
Question No. 8 All of the following are cleaner production techniques except:
A on-site recycling
B process modification
C materials substitution
D waste-water treatment

Question No. 9 All of the following are important aspects of cleaner production except:
A continuously assuring ‘good housekeeping’
B using subcontractors for polluting process
C communicating the cleaner production concept to all employees
D assuming ownership of cleaner production in the management

Question No. 10 Cleaner production can include all of the following except:
A increased profits
B reduced worker exposure to toxic substrates
C reduced waste treatment and disposal costs
D increased expenditures for compliance efforts.

Question No. 11 Cleaner production opportunities may best be identified through:

A environmental impact assessment
B cleaner production assessment
C environmental compliance audit
D product life-cycle analysis

A cleaner production assessment makes a detailed analysis of plant process and

Question No. 12
wastes with the purpose of:
A treating wastes
B completely eliminating wastes
C identifying wastes
D hiding wastes

A cleaner production assessment is best described as:

Question No. 13
A an input characterization
B a material balance
C a balance financial statement
D a least-cost production programme

Question No. 14 Conducting a cleaner production assessment requires a commitment of:

A Management
B Supervisors
C Workers
D all of the above

All of the following might help to generate ideas promoting cleaner production
Question No. 15
action except:
A examining publications on cleaner production
B contacting UNEP/UNIDO National Cleaner Production Centre or other National
Centres of Cleaner Production
C continuing business as usual
D consulting UNEP’s Cleaner Production Database: the International Cleaner
Production Information Clearinghouse (ICPIC)
One of the important tasks when applying the principal of cleaner production
Question No. 16
to a process is to:
A purchase new scrubber technologies
B train the employees to use the machinery correctly
C hire consultants to do the work
D install filters in all the chimneys

Question No. 17 Cleaner production actions should be:

A implemented once
B implemented once an environmental problem is discovered
C implemented when environmental legislation is passed
D implemented on a regular or continuing basis

Question No. 18 From the practical business point of view, cleaner production:
A often pays
B does not pay
C has a long payback period
D is often not possible

Question No. 19 Adopting cleaner production approaches does not necessarily needs:
A training
B cooperation between government and industry
C change in management attitudes
D advanced technology

A Cleaner production programme is just not realistic in developing countries

Question No. 20
where per capita GNP is below $1,000”. This statement is:
A false
B correct
C generally correct
D helpful

The steps for introducing cleaner production is an enterprise include of all the
Question No. 21
following except :
A involvement of employees
B seeking government subsidies
C monitoring and evaluation
D making a material balance

Question No. 22 A typical barrier to the introduction of cleaner production in a plant is:
A resistance among the management and the workers on changing their attitudes and
everyday habits
B lack of cleaner production options
C lack of money
D the size of the plant

Question No. 23 Which of the following is not a barrier to cleaner production:

A lack of financial resources
B uncertainly about the right information and technology
C attitudes of employees who feel threatened by change
D government regulations that require end-of-pipe treatment systems
Question No. 24 Cleaner production actions are only relevant for:
A plants in developing countries
B multinational companies
C all plants independent of their size and location
D textile mills

Question No. 25 The main difficulty with benefit-cost analysis is usually:

A quantifying health aspects
B estimating the costs
C valuing the benefits
D comparing benefits with costs

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