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Identify the two primary function of the ear

a. Mempertahankan keseimbangan
b. Sebagai alat pendengaran
2. Identify the two main functions of serumen
a. Menangkap benda asing dan
b. bersifat bakteriostatistik yang mampu untuk melindungi telinga
3. <B> auricles
4. <C> external auditory canal.
5. <D> tympanic membrane
6. <G> middle ear
7. <A> auditory tube
8. <H> labyrinth
9. <E> cochlea
10. <F> organ of corti
11. The two main types of equilibrium are called Keseimbangan Statik <Vestibulla> And
Keseibangan dinamik <Semisirkular>

a. Connects with nasopharynx and helps to equalize aie pressure in the idle ear - Eustachian
b. Direct sound waves into the ear.
c. Receptor organ for hearing.
d. Transfers vibrations to middle ear in the form of sound waves.
e. Contains tiny bony chamber that houses the organ of corti.
f. Serves as a resonator for range of sound waves typical of human speech.
g. Air-filled cavity containing malleus, incus, and stapes.
h. Also called the inner ear; involved in equilibrium.

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