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An AIR MASS is a large volume of air in the atmosphere that is mostly uniform in temperature and
moisture. Air masses can extend thousands of kilometers across the surface of the Earth, and can reach
from ground level to the stratosphere- 16km ( 10miles) into the atmosphere.

FRONTS- A weather front is a boundary separating two masses of air of different densities, and is
the principal cause of meteorological phenomena outside the tropics. In surface weather
analyses, fronts are depicted using various colored triangles and half-circles, depending on the
type of front
Fronts are the principal cause of significant weather. Convective precipitation (showers,
thundershowers, and related unstable weather) is caused by air being lifted and condensing
into clouds by the movement of the cold front or cold occlusion under a mass of warmer, moist
7. They move with the global pattern of winds. In most of the United States, air
masses generally move from west to east. They may move along with the jet stream in more
complex and changing patterns. When an air mass moves to a new region, it carries along its
characteristic moisture and temperature.
8. The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite system (GOES), operated by the
United States' National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s National
Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service division, supports weather forecasting,
severe storm tracking, and meteorology research

The Applications Technology Satellite series was a set of 6 NASA spacecraft created
to explore & flight test new technologies and techniques for communications,
meteorological and navigation satellites. Some of the areas investigated during the
program included spin stabilization, gravity gradient stabilization, complex
synchronous orbit maneuvers, and a number of communications experiments. The
ATS flights also investigated the geostationary orbit environment. And, although the
ATS satellites were mainly intended as testbeds, they also collected and transmitted
meteorological data and functioned at times as communications satellites. .

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