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‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 "cla-ROP8OTOO2464032000400001-1 | : fe ROCESSING COPY [INFORMATION REPORT INFORMATION REPORT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ‘a mura tans Iformaton ac enue of a dai win te mening of te pleut Lawn Te BUCSO"Gters at me tance neta thc hy me’ aunt na posed Oy st SECRET 2X1 country USSR sero suasect 1, Forced Labor Camps in the USSR DATE DISTR, 11. February 1957 i 21 Transfer of Prisoners between | Camps No.rAcss 1 | 3. Decrees on Release from Forced Labor Reueenent a A, Attitude of Soviet Prison Date oF Ofticiale toward Suspects REFERENCES RS, i ¢ 28x1 SAE a, : 1 four reports covering various aspects Of forced labor In the USSK fFon 1915 to 1955, 25X1 2. The titles and contents of the reports are as follows: Forced Labor Camps in the USSR: Thie eix-page report provides detailed Gnformation on the organization of labor canpe and on working and Living conditions in camps in the area of Bretek (N'56-02, # 101-40) and Tayshet, (i 55-57, B 96-02) in Irkutsk Oblast. The bulk of thie information concerns Ozering, Other camps deseritea — 25X1 in the report are Kraslag vear Tayshet, Minlag in the Vorkuta area, and Vyatiag tiesr Verknne-Kansk in Kirov Oblast. Transfer of Prisoners between Campe: This four-page report is a detailed iscount of the treneicr 28x1 Decrees on Release from Forced Labor Campe end Inprovenent of Conditions: ‘ais three-page report provides information on decrees Lesued from 1953 ‘through the fa31 of 1955 whieh affected inmates of forced labor canpe. Attitude of Soviet Prison Officials toverd Suspects and Sentencing: This one-page report cites exanples of the eynicien evidenced by prison officials regarding cuspects and prison sentences. 25x1 Or fae eer Te ae Te eT TI FA on FT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP80T002464032000400001-1 : » be Be 6s Te Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A032000400001-1 Fonad Leber Compe = oe SEBETe ea The directorate of the carp is located in Tayshot, The cemp 4a ccmoosed of gfx subsectic which include 53 settlezents or eclunne. The labor camp settlements are scattered along tre route between Toyshet and Bretsk. ‘The camp 4s heeded by the chief of the comp directcrete uho hes the rank of lievtenant eclonel, colonel, or gonersl in the MVi', In Ozerlag the chiefs of the corp directerate ere periodically changed; in 1955 the chief wes c colonel. he directorate of the camp is subcrdirate to GULIG in Moscow. It consicts of the folle: ing sections: the plenning-production’section (PPO); the secticn for ecumiesery supplie: the culturul-education section, reneme¢ the politicsl section in 19545 the medical secté: (SANO)3 the operational section. Each subsection ecnteins "units" which correspond to the sections of the camp directorat: such es the cultural-educational unit of the subsection (KVCh), which wes renamed the po! iticel unit in 1954, tre modicul unit, etc. ‘The subsection has a chief cisciplinery officer (nscha} ‘nix rezhima), The chief of cuch lsbor camp sottlerent is subordinate to the chief of the ccrreszonding subsection. As a rule, he hes a deputy. The chief disciplinary offirer of © lebor eamp settlenent is subordinate to the clief disciplinery officer of the subsection. The chio: of the production-planning uit of the ecttlenent often Jo a prisoner. The chief of the nedicel unit, 68 well as oll the other unit chiefs, are civilians. ‘Tre vork superinten- dent, a civilien, is the deputy to the chief of production bf @ labor canp settlement enr 4s celled "proreb", an abbreviation of his full title "prcizvodstel' rebot". ‘The chief uecountant of @ labor camp settlenent :8 o civilien. ‘The staff of ell the units of a lebor cemp settienent, with the excepticn of treir hea is ctosen from the prisoners. An excepticn is the planning-procuction unit, the head of which is often # prisoner, since apparently ti ere were not enoupr civilian econcrists. The chief of » labor comp settlerent apnoints the prisoners to £111 the posts in these units, with the epprovel of the operational representative necessery, SECRET 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A032000400001-1 8 1. Db. ue Be 16 ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP80T00246A032000400001-1 25K" SEGRE ‘ive misber of prisoners in cach lebor eanp settloront vss dffferent, ext in Crordoy ranged’ frew ECE to 2,000, The sito of settloronte in otter labor carps wis cifferents for exapple, in Vyatiog in 1946-47 tere vero 1,500 to 3,5C0 prisoners per settienent, and in Finieg in 1948-49 there were 5,000 to €,CCO prisoners per settlerent. Ia 1955 there ware 5C,0C0 - 55,000 priscnera in Oscrlag. Tre rajor‘ty, up te CH vere Soviet citizens, end tho reeaincer vere feresjners. Tre wajority cf te Seviet eitize: Vere heater Usreiniens, Estonians, Latvsens, Tit) uun‘ans, Izertesdztenia, Teca'sko, © There vere no mere then 10h of Tusasan nationality. Thie 4s genere!y true of srecial Tobor enrpa, which contain polities) prisoners. Jn oreiner; labor cris the vessan predesinuto. Gerlag belorged to the cotegory of spec's] lebor carps. ‘the 1953 arnesty ves for ordinary erininels. Anproxicately one-helf por cont of the prisoners in Oserlup vere relouacd, Up to 708 of the priscners in injerlep vere re- Joased. ‘they were relecsed in one grand eveop, in aprroxtrately one veel. !4thin the next tires wenthe the wajority ef then were rourrostos for eres ul ich ther hed nevdy ‘comitted and returned to Angarleg. pe 4m Orerleg, there vat no ckance In t¥e numter of rriscnors én the cer: ‘itheuph priseners were trenaferred ren eno labor corp settlerent to ancther, the cen orel number ef erisone:s revainod about the sare. in exception wes te turnin over o {re 2nd subsection to *guriep in Novenber 1954.” /pproxiestely 1,000 invalids, settle nents C37, 033, C31, and Cie, were trensferred to Angerloy. ‘the priooners vere cxplcyed in tirbor oxpledtaticn (lesopowl), at the sowill, and in roter vehicle repair work a! ops, ote. Tha principally verked at tirber exploitstion thd work connected with it. All the auwrSiis verled erouné the clock ir two ten-bour ahifts, Trere ves e night trigece anc v day 'ripede. These vhese serte-ce ues 75 yer Nove not permitted to ver} on the night obsft during the aumer sires tre autheriti ‘vo tundred of the E60 ren in €43, weve invelide, There vere @ total Of 13 non-working irvel ide. The remainder vero vorking invelids, vho wer’ed vithout norwe and were reid according to output. In edition, there vere s-veli’a vho vorked on carp neintenenes. Apirexinetely 4CO persons vor'ei accarding to norms. they vero Givided into brigades, the largest cf which voro the sawmill 'ripedes, tho 12th ans Sth, ul ie conteined 100 persons exch. ‘Tho product son nores vere in’ecceritenee with the M1-tnion sesle and vere the care as fer froc workers. The free vorkera' norrs Were calculated for eight werking hours. ‘The duily nores fer te oriscners, ubo works Yan houre, were raised propertionately. In 1954 an eight hour verking dey vas intre- duced for’ the prisoners also. ‘here vere about 50 persons in the tirber exploitation brirede, stout 30 parsers in th Usber heuling (trelevoehnays) trsyade, 20 in tke stecking (si tabelevochnaya) triade, ete. ordinarily the noms vere overfulfilled, but rairly on paper. Esch brifede Leeder would record fer his trigece mare output then hed sctuslly been produced. All, from the authorities to the jriscners, vere anxious to overfulfs11 the plan, énd censequent the authorities paid Little head’ te the accuracy of output records, ‘Thero vere four tovere at scttlorent C43. During the da: there vere eentrses on only ‘two of the tevers, ssegenelly opposite eech other, anv at night thero vere santri¢s on tal of the teers. In addition, there ves vatckran (Vontroler) on guerd et tie cate Who contrelled céritturce through the gatos, and the chief of tie curd (varevia). Sentries on the tovers chenged every two hours, but vero on duty (nesut neryad) 24 row ‘the rest ef the tine they vere Jn the guard installotion. st nipht chained dogs ren ‘round the barbed v ire, SECRET anitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP80T002464032000400001-1 Un 13. 1. 20. a. R. 23. Phe 2. ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-ROP8OT00246A032000400001-1 25x1 SECRET 3 ‘The guard force (yorvey) both euarded the camp and evcorted the ;riscners to works ‘There wero 100 persons on the fuard force of settleront Ci3. h large drisede ves cocorted te vork by six parsons and one man with « dog. ‘The uniform of tho guards (Jonvoiry) vas the nilitery uniform of the VCB troopes a Due cap, with @ rod bend, und red shoulcor boards and buttonkeles. The eclor of the uniforn ves Vhoki. ‘The guards vere ernod oither with submachine guns or rifle ‘the colwns ware caccrted in the Felloving renner: tvo fuerda in front, tuo bo! Sad, one of vier vas the head of the quérd, and ono on exch side, The guard vith the dog folleved the ech. Before the eolutn‘af prisoners left, the heed of the gusrd would mect them at the gato of the cunp and warn then: "Eo sure to co by fives, go arm in are, cerry out sll tav- ful orders of tke guard, do not leave tho farnction: A step te the right or « step to ‘the left vill bo considered an saccpe etterpt end weapons vill be used vithout varning ‘The vord "without" ves onchatSeully sheuted, Until 1953 the euerde* treatment of tho priscners veo invortably rude and hostile. Af Bersya’s oxaguticn the attitude of the guards altered shorply. te uards eacerting t prisoners often vould strike up © conversation and chet usth to prisoners, end tried to meintuin an clnost friendly reletionship. Tren thet ine on tho prisoners often vent os far us to be rede to the puards: "Ch, you Beriye's dogs!” Tie eriainals vow shout: "ait unt] the Azaricans coxa ~ ve'li hung you all! © Until 1952 4f © guard prevented a “riscnor's escupe, re received a renth's lonve end 300 rubles. 4s © rocult it froquently Feprened thet @ cuard vould V1] © rrisoner for ‘teking one stop boyond the beundary of the seprotnaya sons, at vork, for exarple, end then receive 36C rubles and leave. In 1952 this policy of giving leeve ond woney vas sboliched, end imediately "escape ettorpia™ cessed. The following vere cfvilion nesbors of tho advinistrution of the cettleront: the chic of the settlevent, the deputy ebicf, the vor ouperintendent, the senier accountant, the chief of the mediccl unit, vho tus 8 doctor or s écctor's savistant, the cbief of the unit for cemmisesry aupriics, the chief disoSplinary officer, tie operst iene] rep- resentative, the chief of the special unit, soxotizes the chief of the planning-produc ton unit, tho inatructer of tho political section, forrarly inopector of tho cultural. education’ unit, and tre fcroran (naryadehik) in clarge of the storehowe, & totel of 32-13 persons.” The position of fareran ves e fietiticus one, for uiich sorecre receiv: woney. In ectulity the forenen vas one of tho nriconers sro wea connected vith the chief of the special unit ené vith the operationel rocresentetive, le vas, In effect, the meat influentiel prisoner in tre cup. About 100 porsons fron settloront O43 verked within te comp 49 toslors, shoorelers, Dieckersthe, joiners, cooks, leuncresses, ordariies, ate. ‘Ihe berrecks in settlorent 043, os ves cvstorury in the other settlements of Oxerleg, were msde of lo¢e plastered onthe inside and sorctires on the cutoide. The berraoks vere ono story high, cbout five or ix e vide, and about 0m lone. Usually each ber- Tack waa divided Into tvo sections, osch ineccossiblo to the other and osch vith one eatrance. Each section hed o vechroor and usvelly « drving ree (sustslka). Trere were tuo brick stoves tn ouch section. hs section vas b It to aeccncdute 5¢ perecns, but in actuelity often contained up 100 persons. ‘The priscners slept cn vhst vere called "vagonki", double-decker seoden structures} tvo prinoners slept on tep anc tuo ‘on bottom. SECRET anitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP80T002464032000400001-1 %. 2. 29. 3B ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-ROP8OT002464032000400001-1 25x1 SECRET 4 Until 1952 the "guaranteed ration® vss distributed to cach princner, roperélea: of whether or not ke bud fulfilled tke nore. It consisted of 127 pranc of prouts, 10 frome of flow, 20 erexo of auger, 75 grers of oh, 10 crore of acrothing redo of, Tour, such serond, SCC grand ef potutoss and vorotables, 15 (rvs of fots, HW eran’ of 8 coffee substitute, 1.3 grams of tomato scuce, 15 rare of rest, and 650 Erne of treed. Prox thio the folloving reals vere darfvod: brealfuat ~"700 erase ‘9f soup and 200 ce of kaghas dimmer ~ 7C0 cc of ncup ond 2C0 sroun of breed; supper ‘700 ce of soup and 200 e¢ of keabe. In the evening @ perticn of fish and 270 praua of broad vere hended out. Al] these food creducte vere of extrorel; lov quolity. Ie ad8stion, 1t woe peraitted to substitute ceo mroducta for otters; for exexpte, fish eould be substituted for weet, cagguee for potetoos, ote. ‘Those ;riaoners who fulff)led over 1008 of tho ncrm vere given # supplenentory ration. ‘were soveral grades, gech including 100 erers of bree’, 200 ce cf Yeahs, end 5 rosa of sugar nore then the next lowest one. Boginnine vith Narch 1952 tho corp vos put on © biste of econo-te accountability (ihoarsehet), 1.e, the priscners vere paid for their work on tte tosis of @ reduced rate of output (po wrabothe po poniatannoy terifnoy setke). The quantity of food ‘vas incressed: overyone ues given ce!ly an additionel ®CC grara cf arsor, 130 praes of pronto, 10 prema cf our preducts, 3C grove of fat, 2) grevs of super, 3 grams of tomsto puree, 350 grens of potatoss, SCC grins of vogotebles, /5 jrers of eat, and up to 90 prefs of fish. The food seproved, but the practice of substituting acre pre duets for others rorained. Yreover, trero elusys vos en inadequete uccunt of precn vepetsbles and the prisonérs el suffered fron scurvy. Storea Ler‘) whero food éné tobecee coulé be beugtt vere oponod at “te settienonts. One eculd always buy tread at these atcron, but tle aupply of otter roduets wae poor There were expensive products, too exrensive for the priscuers to buy, but rerely cheup sroduets In tho omer of 1955 the nores for fcod rations vare oguin ckanget, The old nore ‘vere Tetained only for those vho verkod ut basic antorprises such co forest exploit~ otion, the seumili, the moter vehicle rereir vork shops, ote. #1) toval ifs en? pri ‘Soneré engeged in cubeidiary work began to receive less? €5C graxs of treed, 13.5 eens of super, 12 preee of fet. At pottlenent C43, 96 in eli other gottlovento, there ues one storshouse both for the prisoners und tho’ purriso:. The storeFouse bui'ding wes 15 x 20 m large. It vavally contained a wook's supply of foot preduets. The food products vere brought frov the centro] warehouses of the Directorste or the cubsection. In 195% the products vere brought to the storehouse by motor vehicles. Fernerly toy hed beon brought by hersen ond stil] earlier, prior to 1950, the carts bearing the products vore érovm by mon. Supp ice fer spwrexinateny 7.—2¢ duyo vero brought st ove tie, ln erctien, there gotablo storahcvso at the sottlonent which usa filled vith potatoes and other ‘Vegetables in the fell after harvest. Umvelly the vegetables Gid not last unti2 the next harvest. ‘the sterchouse ond olso the vegetable stcrotouse wore located tn the vorking rene, here to shoe repair hora, carpenter vork shops and amithies verc. This zone vas separate from the living quarters zeae. The storohouse and the veretsble storehowe vere not guarded othar than by the genere] guard feroe from the tevera. ‘The vegetables and the potatoes cure from # aovihor which belonged to tho esp direct ar «The Jaber in this sovihos vss eso suppliod ty prisoners, wsuslly women. The Sovihos's harvest vos ususlly gathered lste, ond the produee reached the store) o:ses partially frosen, and quickly spoiled. SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP80T002484032000400001-1 ‘Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-ROP8OT002464032000400001-1 SECRET 26x1 5 Jk. Jn edditien, the sottlerente tJ onselves vould often plont small ve:ctabie plota. Sibsequenti) the aettlorente mainteined their own pigsties, but tho nest fron tren vas inoluded in the norrs. There were often Antazruptions in the supply produce. “a auch eases the folloving was done: if tere ves nillet in the storehouses, the Frisoucre were given porridge nade out of it for three wonthe. If © auprly of peas Nas brought in, they ote peas for three wonthe. 95. ‘The earnings of the prisonere vere coleulated on the busts of « reduced USSR scale of norms (po ponighonnys tarifaya normse SSSR). 36. Mech enterprise vhere the prisoners worked paid the money earned by the prisoners to ‘the camp. The cenp deducted 60 of cach prisoner's eernings for the upkeep of the camp. Mare vas deducted fren the reaaining 40% ea tho upkeep of tla prisoner hinself, Sher for lodging, food, clothing, and services such es Licht, besting, beth, tarber, ete, The remaining monay vis givon to the prisoner. For example: ¢ lockorsth (alese in a motor vehicle repair shop earned 1,000 rubles ¢ month. Tle canp ‘edveted €00 rubles for the upkeep cf the cep. About 100 rubles of the remaining 100 rubles vas Deducted far food, 75 rubles for clothing, atout 5C rubles for everything clae, such 6 lodging, bath, berber, ate. He was piven tho rensining money. This was typical of C vorker vho vao'e apecielist, Tho other workers received an avarage of 30-40 rubles fa nonth. 37. Those who were employed in ceonosie services, ouch as shosmakers, barbers, ete. and aleo prisoners uho varked in the edministretion, vero given a salary of 36 to 160 r8bi 25X1 38. Invalides who 414 production vork vero paid according to thoir output. tlevever, only 50% waa deducted from thoir earnings. 39. he eount of exrninge depended on the profession and on the depres of fulfilinent of ‘the norms, 4¢ there vere nores for that patticaler type of vork. AC. In addition, for overfulfi2ivent of the norm thero vere the so-called “zachoty" (pay-, nents). For overfulfilling the nore by 105%, ono day of the sentence ves counted aa 25X1 two. : = ‘Theae, such an cooks, tailors, cte., tho rerforned work for vhieh there were no norms, were given this type of contersation in accerdance Mitb the evalustion of their orks’ if the evalustion vas coot, one coy of tieir aen~ ‘tence counted for twos if the evaluation use excellent, one dey counted for 2 or 3, Goponding on their duties. 4. Once a month, at # nesting, the chief of the averial unit ennounced to the “risoners hov many sechety" each hed. ‘The prisoners vere not alloved to leove the cenp un= guarded only within the vork sree and to work and beck. If a crieoner communicated With @ freo xan, both were punished. Jn the neighboring villeges there vero many former prisoners vio, after their relesse, did not heve the right to go to other arcas of the country. 28x1 4a ‘the poruletion ves hostsie tovard the quarde (oki ranniet). wren tne comma vous paos through a populated point, as at a station, the inkebitents voulc try to slip cigarettes and other itens to the Beisoners. They vould reply to the guarda’ protests by saying "Shut up, dogs cf Berty SECRET anitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/22 : CIA-RDP80T002464032000400001-1

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