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Nama : Feby Aprillia

Kelas : XII RPL 1
Hari/Tanggal : Senin,10 Agustus 2020
Nama Responden : Rukandi
Alamat Responden : Ds. Cijati RT 02/RW 06

Feby : Assalamualaikum wr.wb...good morning

Mr. Rukandi : Waalaikumsalam wr.wb...good morning
Feby : Previously, my name is Feby Aprilia, what's your name?
Mr. Rukandi : My name is Rukandi
Feby : May I have a moment to ask some questions about residents on RW 06?
Mr. Rukandi : Yes you can, please
Feby : What is the total population in RW 06?
Mr. Rukandi: The number of residents in RW 06 is 197 people
Feby : What kinds of jobs or professions are in RW 06?
Mr. Rukandi: The residents here do different jobs or professions, including those who work
as civil servants, laborers, farmers, traders and others
Feby : What are the most jobs done here?
Mr. Rukandi: of the total population here, most of them work as laborers and farmers
Feby : Alright, thank you very much for taking the time to answer some of my questions.
Mr. Rukandi: Your welcome

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