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Civil War Monologue

I am the Battle of Vicksburg. I started on May 18, 1863,

and ended on July 4, 1863.
I was the last Confederate stronghold there was. Abraham
Lincoln and Jefferson Davis saw me as “the key” to the
Confederacy. If I fell, then the Union would control the whole
Mississippi River. General Grant’s army outnumbered the
Confederate Army two to one. With no supplies for the
Confederacy, the Southern army surrendered on July 4th. The
Union now controlled the Mississippi River, dividing the
Confederacy in half.
General “Grant’s victory had boosted his reputation,
leading ultimately to his appointment a General-in-Chief for
the Union Army.”
In the Union, 75,000 soldiers engaged, and in the
Confederacy, only 34,000 soldiers engaged. The Confederate
side also had high casualties: About 33,300 soldiers were
either injured or killed. Compare that to the Union’s
Casualties: About 5,000 that were killed, injured or captured!
That’s a lot less!
As you see, I was a sad but important war, and I should
always be remembered.

1."Vicksburg." Civil War Trust. Civil War Trust, n.d. Web. 17 May 2017.
2. "Kids Safe Search Engine." KidzSearch. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2017.
3. "The Civil War." N.p., n.d. Web.
4."10 Facts: The Vicksburg Campaign." Civil War Trust. Civil War Trust, n.d.
Web. 18 May 2017

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