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x : Fa wt jon test. In some test incomplete sentences tests only a single word or brief response is called for; the major differences appears to be in the length of the stimulus. zane hrwag Cel orgs vhich the S's has to complete as soon as syo ppssible but the usual time taken is around 20 | instructions and can be easily worked out on apyreater population. p evelopment of RISB The Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank is a “comes in three’ forms te. school form, college form, adult form for different age groups, ard—comprises sentences. Scanned with CamScanner the development of the RISB, two bjectives were kept in mind,,Qneaim was-to_ i nique_whic bjectively for screening and_experiment to obtain informati diggnostic_value_for Staten specific nerefore items on thse were divided into two res deemed as nearly equivalent_as_possibl yielded 2 corrected.spliteshatf-reliability. n based on the records of 124-male c ' dents, and 83 when based -on—71-.female.. dents. Inter-scorer reliabjlity fpr two scorer ied by the ayithors was{.91 yhen based on 3 records ea female Técords. Gingethe items on an sin ee blank are_not_equivalent,_the ven technique for determining ld tend eam dine PbO ———— falidity . Tile Incomplete Sentence Blank was validated on gipups of subjects which did not include any of “cdbes used in developing the scoring principles and tHE scoring manuals.. Scoring of the blanks was ddne “blindly” the scorer never knew whether the teft blank was supposed to be that of a mpladjusted or an adjusted subject. Scanned with CamScanner ity data were obtained for the two sexes Sfparately since the scoring manuals differ. The SNbjects include 82 females and 124 males who re classified as either adjusted or nholagjusted ie. as needing personal counseling or J not needing such counseling. A cutting score of 15 provided a very sufficient separation of afjusted and maladjusted students in the data chllected above. ena chee forms distribution of scores on the ISB for a rqpresentative college freshman population was obtained by giving the Incomplete Sentences Blank td 299 entering freshman at Ohio State University. comparison between the median percentile ranks oh the Ohio State Psychological Examination of the sfmple and of the total freshman. population stowed a difference of approximately two pprcentile points. coma oma ne tot The agreement between corresponding first and points was very close. It was resting find that the correlation | chefficient between the Chio State Psychological I ! ‘amination scores and SB scores for the selected ‘as only 11. This is in accord ig thst a very litle relationship as the tote ministration \complete sentence blank-college form lame . ling. Try to do every one. Be sure to make lomplete sentences. _ Moana re Pape Scanned with CamScanner er rrent administration ‘he printed instructions are given oF page which_ state _comptete— these A Sentences to express your real feel 1 re to_make “ye to do every one. Be su complete sentence ca Lhe RISB was administered on a female_of 20 rears of age. The test consisted-offorty-items which had to_be completed by the-subject. The jest was administered in_a class setting. Subject vas ‘seated comfortably on the chair, Faas well ventilated and well lighted. The above Instructions were given to the subject before she tarted the testy pee Ls instructions are x tructions if necessary and te all the items. f any number of ‘ble, The approximate average _ tration is 20 minutes. further i tifne for adminis ‘oring sentence completions are used frm examples in the scoring-manuals—by-assigning a numerical 0 6 for each sentence and the 8 categories (P3-C3) have been noted beside each lgcoup of respansesthan-totating the Weights to lobtain the overall score. Scanned with CamScanner manual are given to facilitate the ‘assignment of weights to responses. They are ft nd 53 female college students, rahging from extremely well adjusted person to those judged to be in need of psychotherapy. Categories _/* Conflict responses a Neutral responsess The scoring‘ examples ‘in part I of this - Cut Of Scores Total Range hich no answer is given or for which the ightis incomplete. Omissions andf fragments re not scored. It is recognized that in_a clini tuations are occasionally provocative since fey may point to areas which the individual joes not recognize or cannot bring himself to eXDIeSS.-+ 240 + Well adjusted 0-120 Maladjusted at border line 121-135 Mal adjusted 136- menaentalinees Scanned with CamScanner ‘onflict responses 4, responses are those indicating an ed frame of mind. These C* or conti nhealthy or maladjust jaclade host icitation, hopelessness and_suicidal_wishes, unhappy experiences, _and otis ht Ce angst Responses range from (Cl, ta C3 according to the severity, of the conflict or, maladjusted expressed. The numerical weights for the conflict responses areC1=4, C2=5, C3=6. jeneral Tt might be sar re minor problems which are not deep-seated or apacitating, and more or less specific difficulties. if the C2 category. On the whole the response: th broader, more ifficulties_than_are Scanned with CamScanner lict or indications of the pression of severe co adjustments are rated C3. Among ward people expression of general, feelings of con | ever bizarre attitudes, and so forth. Flr example, ‘I like. . to know.iam crazy”. is type of response will Ne is over” ategary—I-want_to ‘about life’, this type of response wi $s ee me net lositive responses ;ponses are those indicating ic__Tesponses, - reactions. Responses_range—from Pita P3 depending on the degree of good adjustment In the Pl. class common responses are those Which deal with positive attitudes feeling toward some i exsuamn@ustnngs Scanned with CamScanner good social adjustment, healthy “ramily_Tife,_ optimism and humor, “The happiest time . - . is yet to come”, this type of response wil eutral responses or neutral responses are those not falling arly_into-either-of the above categories. The ical_welght-agefor_neutral responses are 3-~All_the N_ responses are scored” 3.For lear cut good natured humor, real of farm acceptance are types Of responses which f@ subsumed under the P3 group. The ISB viates from the majority of the test in that it ike res humorous responses. For example,.’ "this type of response wi are many friends", ie in P3 category. ‘ifs type of response wi Scanned with CamScanner onan oma Chie Plage independent Scoring of Items Each response is to be scored and evaluated independently of all others, except when it is clear-cut reference to a previous statement. It is, of course, important in the scoring of any papers to avoid the halo effect as much as possible so that the measurement can be reliable. For example, “I wish . .. he were dead” in one record had reference toYhe preceding sentence when the individual said, “the only trouble is I wish I could forget I be like my tather’-Another instance 1s, "I secretly .: . blame~my mother”, which refers to a precedent, “My father. .. was a suicide”. : tama tone Cie Panos an example in the (Iresponses which start like cored manual but are_di with a consideration of . For xamplé, -it—m following responses should be scored higher than if they had not been qualified. “ — nama Anna rc Peg ports. . .Thave always liked, yet they don't hold yy interest like*they did”. Or “This schoo! .k, but it's too close to home”, There are also * ssponses which will be given lower ra ey would get without the qual fommon among these are responses given by dividuals subsequent to therapy. “The future . . . is uncertain, but I think I Or “Back home .. . life’ was pretty miserable, but I think I can cope 3 with the situation now’, Such’ ieee Cee gennge Scanned with CamScanner \ Extreme weights es In cases when a response seems to be more extreme than the examples cited, then it is permissible to use an extreme weight. These weights may be assigned, however, if clearly warranted. In cases when a response seems to be more extreme than the examples cited, then it is permissible to use an extreme weight eee If the following responses were given they ‘would be scored 6, although there are no \ | Seamples listed for these items. “Sports. \ ] Should not be allowed for mixed groups because they are too stimulation’, Or "Reading one thing I hate”. ma + went tno nusually Long Responses In cases where the response is unusual long, it should be given an additional point in the direction of “C"Unless it has already been rated 6. a apne A a ' For example, one poorly ‘adjusted idual wrote, “I am best when. “Tam under no pressure of responsi concerning the accomplishment of a given thing within a certain specified time’. An‘ adjusted person wrote, "I am best when... I'm having a party"¢ Scanned with CamScanner ‘Qualitative Interpretation It covers different areas of life and interpretation comes under the following headings + Familial Attitude * Social and Sexual Attitude . * General Attitude * Character Traits Cut of Score [Category Level 135 Malagjustment dvantages of RISB The general advantages of the sentence completion method can be summarized as follows: There is freedom of response. That is, the subject is not forced to answer yes or no or? To the examiner question, He may instead, in any way he desiras, ota heme Cn Pp Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner

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