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Волокітін Дмитро, 305 ап.

The Ukrainian Constitution

The Ukrainian Constitution reads as follows: all people are free, have equal dignity, and enjoy
equality of rights. Human rights and freedoms are inviolable and inalienable. They are guaranteed by the
Constitution and cannot be abolished.

According to the Constitution, everyone has the right to freely develop their own personality, if in so
doing, other humans rights and freedoms are being respected. All inhabitants are equal before the law.

No one shall be deprived of citizenship and the right to change the citizenship. Ukrainian citizen cannot
be expelled from the country and extradited to a relevant country. Every human being has the inherent
right to life. Every citizen has the right to respect for his or her dignity. The constitution guarantees the
right for freedom and personal inviolability.

Everyone is guaranteed the inviolability of his or her dwelling and confidentiality of correspondence.

Every citizen is guaranteed freedom of thought and speech, and their freedom to express their opinions
and convictions, the right of association, participate in the administration of public affairs.

The right to private property is inviolable.

The Ukrainian Constitution guarantees the right to entrepreneurial activity, timely remuneration for
work, the right to strike, work, social protection, the housing, right to recreation, health security, an
adequate standard of living for yourself and your family, damages.

Basic obligations citizens: protect the Homeland, protect the environment, to pay taxes, to adhere to the

Active vocabulary:
Inviolable – непорушний
Inalienable – невідчужуваний, невід'ємний
To abolish – скасувати
To be deprived of citizenship – бути позбавленним громадянства
To expel – вигнати
To extradite – видати (напр. злочинця)
Personal inviolability – особиста недоторканність
To exercise the right – здійснювати, (використовувати) право
Freedom of convictions – свобода переконань
Sovereignty – суверенітет
Territorial integrity – територіальна цілісність

New Education Act in Ukraine, 2017

The main education’s principals in Ukraine are:

- the accessibility to each citizen all forms and types of educational services provided by the State;
- each person has an equal opportunity to realize in full his or her abilities, talents and all-round
- humanism, democracy and primacy of universal spiritual values;
- an organic relationship with world and Ukrainian history, culture and traditions;
- education should be independent of political, public and religious institutions (except educational
institutions established by religious organizations);
- scientific and also secular education (except educational institutions established by religious
- integration of science and production;
- interaction with the education systems of other countries;
- flexibility and predictability of the education system;
- unity and consistency of the education system;
- continuity and diversity of education;
- combination of Government administration and public self-governance in education.

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