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The Classroom Environment

Every successful and ideal classroom environment is considered as favorable to learning.

An ideal classroom is a place where students come happily to learn new things and the teacher is

highly compassionate, confident, and organized. Kindergarten classroom development is focused

on cleanliness, orderly, friendly environment, and safety and security (Mantzicopoulos et al.,

2018). Through student teaching, classroom observation, and course readings and videos, a

detailed plan is devised for implementing a system of classroom management for my future


Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport

According to Domain 2 of Danielson’s Framework (2013), an educator should establish a

classroom environment of respect and rapport. In this component, the prime focus is on

establishing an atmosphere of interaction between the teachers and students (Mantzicopoulos et

al., 2018). Children between the age of 5 years to 6 years generally go to kindergarten and at this

stage, teaching them the significance of respect and rapport can help them in their long run. With

an environment of respect and rapport, students can learn easily and quickly and can have

positive memories. This applies to all elementary classroom, not just a kindergarten classroom.

As a new teacher, I would use the right words and attitude in front of students as they behave

what they observe. In this context, students would be taught to be kind to others, never indulge in

violent behavior, and learn to do their work by themselves. At the school that I student teach,

creating the environment is done 100% virtual. In this environment, setting up good relationships

with the students and their learning coaches is very important as teachers do not get to physically

meet them. Since students only get to see me through the screen, choosing the right words to

show respect is critical. Relationships between students are also important as students can model
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each other to show respect by using respectful words and taking turns. Face expression is also

very important in virtual setting. I observed my mentor teacher using exonerated face

expressions with kindergarten students. This works really well with these students because it gets

their attention. Through observation and teaching lessons, I have learned that encouragement

works very well with students. Students know that they are not left out during virtual live lessons

when the teacher notices and comments on students when they are called.

Establishing a Culture for Learning

To establish a culture for learning in the classroom, I would need to set up classroom

expectations. This would be put in a PowerPoint slide for each class so the students are reminded

every day in a virtual classroom setting. I would do the same for the bricks and mortar school

where I would put my classroom expectations in a large poster and hang it on a wall space where

students can easily see. Classroom should be safe for students. They can interact each other by

encouraging each other and supportive of one another. One activity would be done for a

student’s birthday where each student would write one word on a piece of paper or a portable

whiteboard to describe the student with birthday to have positive interactions. I would encourage

students in my class to always feel comfortable to talk about anything. I would stress that there is

nothing wrong with making mistakes because we learn from our mistakes. Positive feedback is

more effective than the negative one. Modeling is the key for students’ success. Modeling by the

teacher or modeling each other would both be beneficial (Youtchoko, 2019).

Managing Classroom Procedures

As an educator, several practices are to be included for classroom management. Setting

up classroom routine and classroom expectation are critical for students to be successful. These

would be taught throughout school year. I would put up a classroom expectations poster as I
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mentioned earlier where students can easily have access. Class schedule will be also posted on

the front part of the classroom so that students know what to expect day to day for easy

transitioning. In a virtual setting, students move from a live lesson to another live lesson by

logging in to different Zoom rooms. In a bricks and mortar school, there could be a lot of time

wasting between the class depending on the locations of the classroom. With the set routine, time

management would be easily managed and run more smoothly.

All the materials and supplies would be organized for students to easily access. Each

student would have his/her own cubbies for textbooks, bookbags, lunch bags, school supplies,

etc. A lot of school supplies used to be community ones where everyone would bring the list of

school supplies and share them throughout the school year. COVID-19 changed this to have their

own school supplies where parents would send all or part of the required school supplies and

they are kept in Ziplock bags to stay in their cubby until students need them. They will then grab

what they need and never share them. For my 1st grade daughter, I had to put a name sticker for

everything that was on the school supply list.

Another approach is to show and teach them what is correct and incorrect behavior in a

pictorial format. Using a lot of visuals can act as a trigger for developing the right classroom

management behavior. This is a great way of teaching the students acceptable behavior in

society. The use of words and pictures on charts can also help students understand the key

message. While dealing with students, it is necessary for the teacher to be patient and never lose


Managing Student Behavior

The management of student behavior in classroom is necessary to avoid any kind of

disruption in the learning process. We as teachers must teach students the right and wrong words
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that can help model their behavior. Setting clear and consistent rules can also help students

understand their limits for specific behavior. Classroom expectations play a vital role in

managing student behavior where students know what to do and what not to do. When the

teacher helps students know the consequences of not adhering to acceptable behavior, then they

are most likely to behave properly (Danniels et al., 2020). I would have a chart with a few

different behaviors from excellent to warning with laundry clips with students’ names that would

move up or down according to their behavior throughout the day. Another way to encourage

good student behavior would be to have an empty jar and fill it up with beads every time the

class earns points for good behavior. When it is filled up, I could treat students with a pizza


Listening to students’ concerns and giving attention is the most important criteria for the

teacher before making the final decision. Moreover, students should also be appreciated when

they do something good which will encourage them to continue with this good behavior.

Organizing Physical Space

In the approach of organizing a learning atmosphere for students, teachers must develop a

safe, comfortable, and organized classroom environment. First of all, we as teachers are required

to adopt a cooperative learning method where students are grouped in small groups and ask them

to complete a task competitively. This approach will not only develop competitiveness among

students but also increase their interest in learning new things. Centers and guided group lessons

are good way to teach collaborative learning. I would set up a corner as a classroom library

where students can have access to different reading leveled books and they will be encouraged to

read anytime they finish their work early or any in between time during break or transitioning

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Another approach for learning would be the hands-on approach where students are

encouraged to learn through self-practice and example. The use of props, pictures, and videos is

considered a lucrative tool for students to engage in the learning process. The use of board games

or computers is found to be interesting for students. Similarly, the game method can also be used

to build confidence and social skill among students.

Impact for Enhancing Teaching and Learning Process

The focus on creating an environment of respect and rapport, establishing a culture for

leaning, managing classroom procedures, managing student behavior, and organizing physical

space is believed to contribute to a healthy learning process. Making students learn the

significance of respect and rapport will help them perform well in their learning process. The

culture of learning would also support students to learn new things and help the teacher know

more about the students’ strengths and weaknesses. Managing classroom procedures make the

transition smoother and easier with the set everyday routine and classroom expectations. The

approach of students’ behavior management helps students understand acceptable and

unexpectable behavior. Organizing for learning is important where students can work in groups

for students to be successful. Each component of Danielson’s Domain 2 compliments each other.

Students will benefit from different options that will be available in classroom. My goal is to

build a strong community where students can safely work together while learning.
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Danniels, E., Pyle, A., & DeLuca, C. (2020). The role of technology in supporting classroom

assessment in play-based kindergarten. Teaching and Teacher Education. 88, 102966.

Mantzicopoulos, P., French, B. F., Patrick, H., Watson, J. S., & Ahn, I. (2018). The stability of

kindergarten teachers’ effectiveness: A generalizability study comparing the Framework

for Teaching and the Classroom Assessment Scoring System. Educational Assessment.

23(1), 24–46.

The Danielson Group. (2019). The Framework for Teaching. Retrieved from https://learn-us-












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Yotchoko, T. (2019). 7 Powerful Tips for Creating a Culture of Learning in the Classroom.

Retrieved from


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