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Homework 1 - Jaime Chaire

General Instructions. Due Sunday, September 13th at 11:59pm. Please submit your code and
a log of your output for Part TWO. For Part ONE submit an electronic version through Canvas.
The TA will grade these for completeness.

Part ONE
Consult Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of OpenIntro Statistics from the syllabus for Topics we’ve
covered. Chapter 1 is Introduction to Data and Chapter 2 is on Probability.
Short Questions
1. If we roll a 4-sided die and an 8 sided-die simultaneously. Use the chart to
compute the probabilities for the following events:

a) P (1,1)
b) P (sum=5)
4/32 = 1/8
c) P (sum>9)
6/32 = 3/16
d) P (sum=odd)
16/32 = 1/2
e) P (sum=5 or sum>9)
10/32 = 5/16
2. Suppose you flip a coin 5 times, observing heads (H) or tails (T) on each flip.
Define to be a Random Variable that equals 1 if the coin comes up heads at least one
time and 0 otherwise. Compute the expected value of , denoted .

C[X] = 1*(31/32) + 0*(1/32) = 31/32.

Part TWO
Practice with R. Use R to complete the following exercise. You can modify the script from class
to do this, but save your commands in a separate script file.
Begin by setting the seed, so that the results can be replicated. Run the command
set.seed(5030) to do this.

Generate sample spaces and sample from them.

1. Sample spaces.
a. Following the example of a five-sided die from class, generate a sample
space for an eight-sided die, and save it in an object called S_oct.
b. Generate a sample space of a coin with outcomes labeled “H” and “T.”
Save in an object named S_coin.
2. Sampling
a. Draw a sample of size = 100 observations from the discrete RV sample
spaces in (1). Store in objects labeled X_oct and X_coin.
b. Draw a sample of size = 100 observations from the following continuous
i. Uniform[-1,+1]. As in Class_1_code file,
use the runif() function. Store in an object labeled X_uni.
ii. Normal(mean = 5, sd = 1). Similar to the uniform,
use the rnorm() function. Store the result in an object labeled X_norm.
1. Tip: To learn about how to use rnorm(), type the
command help(rnorm). There are lots of options, but only a
few that you’ll need to use/ specify. By comparison, look at

3. Summarize the samples.

a. For each of the samples in 2 (X_oct, X_coin, X_uni, and X_norm),
summarize the sample.
i. Report the output from
summary(“object”) where “object” is one of the samples generated in
2. Use a comment in the code to note what you notice in each case (if
you type a pound sign #, what follows the # on that line is not interpreted
as code, but is a comment).
ii. For the discrete samples, X_oct and X_coin, coerce
the variable to become a factor using the as.factor() function (e.g.,
object_factor = as.factor(object)). Use the summary()
function on the factor version of these samples. What additional
information does this add? This will give the possibilities of each

[include your answer in a comment in the script]

b. Use the sd() function to compute the standard deviation of each sample.

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