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Boost your Immune System

- Strengthen your Immune System , and
Boost your Energy & Health Naturally

With Healthy Revitalizing Food

The immune system is a network of cells, tissues, and organs that help the body defend
from infections from outsider invaders, like bacteria, virus, fungi and toxins. It's a highly
adaptive, complex biological system that requires balance between all parts to function

This means optimal immune health relies on a multifaceted approach that focuses on
making healthy lifestyle choices.

we need to focus on the foundation that supports your immune system every day, and
that foundation is made up of good nutrition, moderate exercise, stress management,
and getting enough sleep. By maintaining this foundation, you can support your immune
system functioning optimally, and a strong immune system is your best defense against
infection and illness.

To ensure your immune system is as strong as it can be against outside invaders, here
are practical tips worth incorporating into your everyday life.
Holistic Perspective

This method of Natural Healing of diseases and health unbalances, is focused on a

holistic approach, where the focus is on understanding and healing the causes that
created the unbalance, and solving them from the root, while boosting the immune
system, so we have strong defences and immunity, and the diseases can start their
healing process , restoring the balance from the root, and as we maintain the focus and
determination, any disease simply vanishes and heals completely

(of course we can always complement with the conventional medicine approach, which is
expert in solving the symptoms (consequences),
but if we don’t solve the cause, (and change the habits that originated it), the symptoms
return, until we understand the message our body is sending us, and so, healing the
cause of the unbalances, so the disease doesn’t return anymore, and we can be
completely healed

we can also choose to, instead of having a synthetic extract in the form of a pill, (and
their consequent side effects)
we can choose to go to the original plant where that extract was taken from,
(as it is studied in the vast experience of naturopathy , and with much less side effects)

Besides the physical causes of diseases (usually unhealthy habits or environment), we

need to check also the emotional cause (particular on chronic diseases, or recurring, long
lasting situations.

So, the biggest emotional causes of most diseases are when we accumulate emotions like
anger, sorrow, frustrations, resentment, envy, and the sense of guilt

This approach is based on Naturopathy, macrobiotics, pro-biotics (focused on more life

energy food) and traditional Chinese medicine (with its vast experience in healing
practically all diseases, simply changing food habits and healthy lifestyle
(and with results around the 90% of complete healing)

The proposed nutrition is: LIVING FOOD ( Raw-vegan),

( Organic ecological agriculture)

where the nutrients have the most Life energy because they are alive (raw)
and their vitality is reflected on our health, revitalizing us completely...
Natural Healing based on Healthy Food

Alkaline and anti-inflammatory food

most of diseases happen in acidic body environments...

so, by changing the body’s acidity to alkaline, practically all diseases just vanish, because
they don’t have conditions anymore to thrive.
Just the healthy cells can develop in alkaline environments...

so, the most Life energy the food has, usually the most alkaline they are

(when cooking, or using refining/ processed food, the food loses their vitality and
become acidic, and consequently less healthy.

So this way, the ideal is to have the food with its most life energy possible (ideally raw,
sprouted or fermented (pro-biotics), (preferably local and from the actual season), and
organic. All this reflects in an increase o our vitality and health...

(notice that the lemon, although is an acid, on the body becomes alkalinizing, and so it’s
an excellent alkalinizer, for rejuvenating our immune system


Anti-inflammatory Diet
Many diseases, including allergies, asthma, arthritis, and many others, are inflammatory
related diseases, which means that the immune system triggers a reactive response,
trying to defend from what it perceives as being an attack from the outside

so, an anti-inflammatory diet helps to calm down this internal “fire” reaction.

this is a diet rich in antioxidants, and free from foods that ignite even more our immune

so this diet is rich in natural foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole cereals, seeds,
sprouts, and with most vitality possible (Living Food – (Raw)
with the exception of the cereals that can be cooked in a simple light way)

this nutrition, based on plants/vegetables provides an excellent source of vitamins,

minerals, phyto-nutrients and vital energy...
on the other hand, it’s important to reduce/avoid foods that ignite even more our
immune system, such as artificial and processed foods, dairy, or refined foods, such as
sugar, white flours, pasta, and bread, substituting these with whole cereals

(check that even on most of the whole breads available, check if it doesn’t contain
chemicals or refined/white flours mixed in the ingredients)

we can make our own home bread with the ingredients we select
(check Essenes Living Bread recipe further ahead)

verify also on the foods supposingly suitable for children,

check if it doesn’t contain chemicals, sugar, artificial sweeteners or dairy, etc
(dairy foods are often a cause of inflammatory reactions such as asthma)

and of course, always look for organic food and ingredients, and try to live in a most
natural possible environment, and gradually attuning back with nature again, and so
informing our system that nature is our friend, and we don’t need to react against it, but
instead, learn to attune with her, and find the balance and harmony with our natural
- Whole Cereals -

In most diseases (including cancer, diabetes, obesity, depression and many others),
regulating the glycaemic levels (sugar levels in the body circulation) is priority.

also, the allergies and asthma symptoms are calmed down , by reducing the simple
sugars and refined cereals (which cause inflammatory reactions) and substituting them
with whole cereals

Most diseases causing organisms, (including cancer cells) are fed mostly by simple
sugars, so if we reduce/avoid them, these cells are reduced as they are not fed anymore,
and so they disappear naturally from our system, and our health simply returns

so it is vital to avoid completely

the simple sugars from our diet,
including on an initial stage, the
honey, sweet fruits, and dried

and substitute them with complex

sugars (carbohydrates)
- whole cereals (and ideally
sprouting them)

when the sugars are simple (the

sweet ones), they act like coffee, that give us the energetical (and emotional) peak , but
when they decrease , they give us the cravings for more sweets/stimulating substances,
and so we get trapped on a vicious cycle of highs and lows energy levels...

so, the whole cereals stabilize all that, as they are gradually assimilated, they give us long
term stable energy, and the cravings just disappear, because the glycemia (blood sugar
levels) is stabilized, and our energetic and emotional systems are stable and in balance

(you can also investigate about Ketogenic diet, an interesting approach on this subject)
water with Lemon
Lemon is a great source of vitamin C, which is
great for keeping our health balanced and
helping to boost our immune system.

Having as soon as we wake up some water with

Lemon is an excellent detox for the Liver, and
stabilizer of the glycemia, (it can be warm -
near the body temperature, and never burning
so the natural enzymes keep alive and full of

A more elaborated version of this is called Alkaline water:

This water is a really powerful antioxidant. It is purifying the organism of the toxins. The
consumption of alkaline water strengthens the immune system. This is a very beneficial
way to decrease the free radical in the organism and stop some diseases like for
example – cancer, osteoporosis, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, that strive on acid
body environment.

All you need is: - 1 Lemon

- Medium cucumber (half)

- Ginger root (a quarter)

- Mint leaves (half a cup)

Wash and peel the ginger, cut all in small pieces, Put them in a small jar of water and
leave it for the night. In the morning, you should strain the drink and consume it before
you eat and throughout the day.

Raw turnip
Excellent for regulating glycemia, reducing the cravings of sugar and sweets...

it’s recommended some thin slices, (half an hour after the lemon water detox), or
whenever we have cravings of sweet things, or as a snack between meals

(it’s delicious with some drops o Shoyu – try it out...

Probiotics (fermented foods)

Probiotics are a type of beneficial

bacteria and/or yeasts that naturally
live in our guts, and we can also
find them in

some specific foods, such as:

- kombucha

- Sauerkraut (chucrute)

Probiotic bacteria have been shown to have a number of beneficial immune and health
effects, such as helping in the prevention and treating some illnesses.

they promote a healthy digestive tract and they are a very important part of our immune
(In fact, up to 70 percent of your immune
system cells reside in our gut!

It’s been found that the many different

species of probiotics can not only enhance
your digestion, but also your skin,
respiratory system, cognitive function,
mood… and so much more.

Many of the scientific studies on probiotics show that they can provide positive changes
for those with food allergies, behavioral disorders, mood changes, autoimmune disease,
arthritis, chronic fatigue, skin disorders, and even cancer.

That’s why a probiotic-rich diet is so valuable.

Recognized as the greatest living
food, with their incredible health
benefits, sprouts exemplify the
amazing way in which nature works
at continuing life. When a plant
produces seeds, it stores in them all
the nutrients needed for the new
plants to grow from them. These
nutrients remain latent until
germination occurs; and so,
sprouting activates all these
nutrients, harnessing the full potential of the seed

Easy to digest, as its nutrients, when sprouting, are converted into simpler forms,
much easier to be absorbed, sprouts of certain seeds and nuts are an inexpensive and
simple way to add extra nutrients to the diet. They are easy to grow at home and the
ultimate local superfood. Even if you don’t have room for a garden, you can grow a jar of
sprouts on your kitchen counter. All it takes is a container, seeds, and water—and it's
incredibly cost-effective, as you can buy a large bag of seeds for very little money and
sprout those seeds for months.

Sprouts boost the immune system and alkalize the body, protecting it from disease
including cancer. They have great anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and detoxifying

Essenes Living Bread

Originally, the bread, as it was used and prepared
by the Essenes
was what was called as Essenes Bread (or Living Bread).
This is made with sprouted cereals, placed on the
sunlight, and so not heating too much, so all its vitality
and nutritional qualities are preserved, and that
reflecting on our health and vitality...

About Gluten
Even the issue of the Gluten, as the wheat sprouts, is then converted on the
development of the cereal, being decomposed during its sprouting process, and so
becoming much more healthy for our health... (most of the supposed gluten intolerances,
are for the chemical used on this cereals production (glyphosate and others). so, if you
have gluten intolerance, try sprouting the wheat, and assure it comes from an organic
source, and you’ll see that most probably, on this way, it is already in harmony with our

the recipe is simple... Sprout the cereal,

(then you can ground and add seasonings)
and place on the sunlight to dry, and it’s ready ...
Vegetarians - where to get Protein, iron and B12


There is a myth that we need protein to have energy…

on a molecular level, what gives most energy is the carbohydrates,

and then the healthy fats (about 1/10th of a carbohydrate)
and only then the proteins (about 1 / 30th of a carbohydrate)

it’s true that the proteins give muscular mass, but most people after reaching adulthood,
don’t need so much protein as we are told to believe, and the excess of that leads to
accumulation in the articulations, causing diseases like arthritis

(so if you articulations hurt or feel stuck, you probably have an excess of protein…

so reducing or avoiding proteins (in meat, or legumes . beans, peas, etc) and increase
poli-unsaturated (healthy) fats (oily seeds), will certainly improve your articulations and
joints mobility…


in vegetarian diets, it’s simple to find alternative sources of iron in foods like:

dark green leaves, beetroot, cereals, beans, red fruits, etc)

(better absorbed together with vitamin C sources, such as lemon, orange or green leaves
B12 Vitamin

B12 Vitamin is usual a concern, mainly on Vegan diets…

- Do you know that, just like other animals, are able to produce our B12, but it’s in the
intestine, below the absorption area, so usually it goes out before being assimilated…

unless we do occasionally a fasting (for more than 1 day), where we give space in the
intestines so the b12 can go up and be re-absorbed

also other sources of b12 is in Living water (as described by “Anastasia”,

where the water, coming from a spring, goes to a little stream, where it re-awakens from
it’s dormant state , by getting sunshine, and nutrients from the bacteria that live on the
earth, responsible for producing this natural b12 and other nutrients…

so drinking this Living water daily, (from the stream) gives us plenty of b12

also the bacteria that produce b12 live on the soil, and if we have a vegetable garden, our
vegetables have plenty of n12, so if we eat daily some leaves directly from the garden,
are assured to have all the B12 we need ( use the vegetables without washing (organic
agriculture) because the b12 is washed away with the water)

also, particularly on men, a lot of b12 and Life energy is lost every time we loose our
semen … so it’s really important to learn about tantra, and containing our Semen (and
still being able to Have the orgasms without loosing our Life energy
Fresh fruit
(and Living food – plenty of Vitality)

Fresh Fruit (like the raw food);

is an excellent source of vital energy

but due to its high content in sugars, it’s

only recommended after stabilizing the
glycemic balance, and assure that we
don’t have anymore any micro-organisms
or cells that feed from these simple
sugars (such as cancers, fungus, diabetes,

(and, as said above, on these cases it’s recommended to obtain the nutrients that give us
the most energy (which are the carbohydrates, on the form of whole cereals),
that as they are gradually assimilated, they don’t feed anymore the toxic cells, and give
us the energy we need, reflecting on our sensation of satisfaction (where the cravings of
sweet things just disappears, because our body as all the nutrients it needs – energy
sources (on the form of whole carbohydrates – whole cereals)

so, after these conditions return to balance, and stabilized our health,
we can re-introduce fresh fruit

and this should ideally be consumed in the morning, or until half an hour before the last
meal of the day ...

avoid having fruit (or sweet things) on the end of the day, because the liver needs to rest
during the night while we sleep, (without being working on the assimilation of the
sugars(fruits or sweets) from the last meal of the day )

this way, the liver can restore itself during the night, so it can give us strength and
vitality, and rejuvenating and restoring our health and immune system and giving us
plenty of energy the following day .

(you can try for yourselves, one day having one or two pieces of fruit, before bedtime (or
a day that we happen to have a desert after dinner) and comparing with another day that
we don’t have anything sweet after dinner, and certainly you will feel a difference on
your energy levels when waking up in the morning
- Cheese and dairy -
many cancers and allergies are associated to dairy, and when we stop having them,
around 95% of them just disappear completely

and on breast cancer, for example, which is our milk producing organ, the cheese gives
the information of coagulated milk, and from another species, so our system gets
confused, and also starts to coagulate the milk on the breast, and so the nodules appear,
expressing that confused information, and they disappear completely when we stop
cheese, (and yoghurts and dairy in general)

-Healthy Fats - Poli-unsaturated (omega 3 and 6)

it’s also important to substitute the saturated fat, (including the healthy ones, that when
heated (example in frying or stews), they become saturated with the heat, loosing their

so use them always cold, as a final seasoning

If you have cravings of cheese (or other fats):

the body probably is asking for a healthy source of fat,
that we can find in the following examples: (try using daily if possible):

- linseed (flax seeds) (ground for example), chia seeds

- oil seeds (almonds, nuts, etc)

rich in poli-unsturated (omega 3 e 6)

(the seeds must be alive – full of vitality (without toasting or salt)

(substitute of cheese – try it out:

- Beer yeast (nutritional yeast),

- Linseed (grounded)
- olive oil
- sea water (or whole natural salt)...

(it gives the creamy sensation of the cheese,

in a healthy way (rich in poli-unsaturated (omega 3 e 6)
and the minerals on the salt
(ideally sea water, where they are complete and with most
For centuries, people have relied on herbs
and other plants for treating medical
conditions and boosting immunity
naturally. Herbal plants that boost
immune system stimulate the activity of
cells responsible for fighting infections.
These natural immune boosters are an
important tool to keep ourselves healthy
and naturally immune to virus and other
health issues

About Boosting Immunity Naturally

Over 80% of the earth’s population depends on plants that increase immunity and
promote healing. The immune system is one of the more complex systems within the
human body. It helps keep you healthy by tackling viruses, bacteria and abnormal cells,
all while distinguishing between your own healthy tissue and the invading pathogen.
Plants that boost the immune system naturally help keep you healthy. The key to using
these plants is prevention. The role of plants that increase immunity is just that, to
support and strengthen your body’s natural immune system, so it is naturally strong to
defend against any virus or any disturbance of our health

Natural Immune Boosters

Echinacea is a plant long used to strengthen immunity, specifically upper respiratory

tract infections and effectively shortens their duration and severity. It also has
antimicrobial properties and regulates inflammation. It should be used daily during cold
and flu season.

Elder is derived from elderberries and contains proanthocyanadins. These

antimicrobials also boost the immune system while the antioxidant rich flavonoids
protect cells and fight off invaders. Like echinacea, elder has been used to treat flu
symptoms for hundreds of years. Elder should be taken within 24 hours of the first flu-
like symptom.

Other plants that increase immunity include astragalus and ginseng, both of which
boost resistance to infection and slow tumor growth. Aloe vera, St. John’s wort, and
licorice are also plants that have been shown to boost immunity.

Garlic is another plant that boosts the immune system. It contains allicin, ajoene, and
thiosulfinates that help prevent and fight infection. Historically, garlic has also been used
to treat fungal infections and disinfect wounds. The best way to receive the benefits of
garlic is to eat it raw, which might be quite a feat for some. Add raw garlic to pesto or
other sauces and in homemade vinaigrettes to reap its benefits.

Other culinary herbs said to boost the immune system are thyme and oregano.
Shitake mushrooms and chilies are known to increase immunity too.
Ginger and curcuma (turmeric)
Ginger and Curcuma are two excellent
anti-inflammatory foods with great
therapeutical effects, and they are
particularly promising natural agents
in fighting the ravages of aging and
degenerative diseases,

(note – for curcuma to be more active

and bio-available, add some black

One great immunity boost recipe:

- Mix in the blender and have 1 or 2 big spoons 2 times a day:

- Ginger (fresh) – equivalent to a small potato, unpeeled and cut in small pieces

- Curcuma (turmeric) – ideally fresh ,( if in powder - use 2 large spoons)

- Coconut oil or olive oil

- Lemon juice (1 big lemon)

- Black pepper (1 teaspoon)

(for extreme cases you can add - garlic (1 or 2 pieces)

- purple onion

- aloe vera (the inner side of a leaf)

- Onion and garlic -

Excellent to quickly recover our immune system

- and the garlic is an excellent antibiotic for everything (raw, in the salads, or with some
olive oil on bread for example)

for chemotherapy detox, or to eliminate toxins / virus quickly, try using a sliced onion on
the bedroom while we sleep, that it absorbs the toxins from the environment...

although some traditions of yoga and ayurveda do not recommend these foods, because
they can excessively stimulate our mental waves, and also stimulating our sexual energy,
making it more difficult to focus, in practices such as meditation, for example…

so, we can choose the challenge of taking these practices to a new level of intensity,
accepting these (super) foods and maintaining the focus on our evolution, channelling
these energies to upper chakras (with practices such as Tantra and Yoga, for example),
and so, challenging ourselves to master these energies, while using these super foods,
contributing for the awakening of our vital energy - the Kundalini, and so, contributing
for our evolution and expansion of consciousness.
Energized Water
as you may already know, the water absorbs our intentions

(as demonstrated on the scientific experiments of Dr Masaru Emoto) – “The healing

power of water”,

so it’s important, before drinking water (or any food),

put your intentions, of being in harmony with health, in body and spirit, nurturing and
reinvigorating us completely

we can also amplify the healing power of

water, by placing it on a glass bottle, for a
day on the SunLight (Solar water),
and we can also complement by doing reiki
or placing some crystals in the water, that
we feel in tune, and also putting our
intentions of harmony in them

Remember that water is the main

constituent of our bodies, so it’s vital to
make sure we have good quality water –
ideally from natural springs (without
chemicals like chloride (or fluoride), that we
can find in most waters bought in the supermarket. So it’s essential to find good springs
near where you live (or choose to live on a place where you can have good quality natural

Simple Recipe for Self Esteem

- Fill a glass with water and hold it in your hands

- Close your eyes and repeat 7 times:

* I Love myself
* I accept myself as I am
* I forgive myself
* I value myself – I’m worth all the Love
* I respect myself
* I deserve the Best

- now, while drinking this water, you can say to yourself:

“May the infinite Light of unconditional Love spread Light over my entire Being”

Repeat daily

Blessings in infinite Loving Light

Exercise Regularly
Keeping ourselves fit, by doing exercise regularly is an important habit to integrate if we
want to keep healthy

Ideally in Nature , so our energies can flow in harmony and find our natural balance

Also, activities like Yoga, chi kung, Reiki and meditation also help to keep our body
(and spirit) balanced and healthy.

Cold showers
Alternating warm and cold showers is also a great boost to our immune system

Clothes in Natural materials

As we might already know, Prana (or chi), is the Life energy that is around us everywhere.
So for our bodies to be able to receive it more efficiently we need to wear clothes that
allow the life energy to flow through, so for that, the ideal is for us to wear the most
natural possible clothes.

Also relating to the vibration of the clothes, the colors influence a lot on the vibration we
attract to ourselves and what we radiate to our environment. This vibration reflects on
our life energy, health, general moods and vitality. As a general guideline, the brighter,
the higher the vibration, and the most vitality and vibrant we feel

If you like to know more, you can research about the “psychology of color”
Reduce stress and Rest when the body asks
Our modern society cultivates stress and productivity, at the expensive cost of our health
and body needs of rest and balance.

So it’s vital to re-learn to listen to the body’s needs, and rest when it asks for,

(and choose a lifestyle that allows us that freedom – remember we create our realities –
so visualize the ideal for you)

- Coffee and burned / toasted substances

the coffee and burned/toasted substances (including cereals coffee (eg. barley)
give us a sensation of energy because of the information they give to our system of
something burning – Fire, so we need energy to run away from the fire, but that energy
comes from stress (from the energy reserves for emergencies from the kidneys), that, if
used as an habit, debilitate our immune system...

so it’s vital to re-learn to wake up naturally, soft and gradually, with the morning Sun,
and if we feel tired / sleepy, for example after lunch or in the heat hours, just listen to
the body’s request and take a nap, or meditate in nature for example, so our energy can
focus on digestion or regulating the body temperature.
Enjoy Nature and take plenty of Sunshine
Being outdoors, in Nature with plenty of Prana – Life Energy and enjoying the sunshine
(in the morning and mid-afternoon) is great for increasing our Vitality and immune

Living with plenty of Prana – Life Energy

Getting sunshine in all our chakras, and live with plenty of prana is a great boost for
our immune system

if we want to be healthy and have plenty of vitality, it's essential we live in an

environment with plenty of prana - Life energy.

so for example in our homes, it makes a great difference when we get the habit of always
having a window slightly open, (including while we sleep), so the levels of oxygen, and
prana increase, from the average 10-20% to ideally around 80-90%, and we while surely
notice a great boost in our vitality...
Environment free of Radiations - (wi-fi and wireless phones)

it is extremely important to reduce/avoid the radiations the most we can,

especially the wi-fi and wireless phones, that are the most toxic,

so we can have internet and telephone with wires

(easy to adapt, just buy a cable and connect to the router) ,

it’s also recommended to reduce the use of mobile phones, that, even switched off, it is
proven they keep emitting toxic radiation, responsible of many cases of cancers and
immune system diseases...

so, if we really need to use it, at least keeping it away from the body, (away from the
ears/head and from the body (on the pocket), alternatively we can use the speakers or
headphones, and keeping whenever possible away from us (we can always check the
messages later and call back, or use more the written messages)

- Crystals and energy filters for radiations

if we have to go to environments with wifi and other radiations, we can use crystal such
as Selenite and black Tourmaline (this one needs cleaning after use, to discharge the
energies filtered, (the Selenite doesn’t need cleaning, as it is a salt that naturally keeps
itself self clean)

so, to make an energy filter for radiations, we can place crystals (quartz or Selenite), on
the corners of the space where we spend most time (bedroom, bed, office, living room,

we can also complement by putting a copper wire around the bed, with spirals on the
corners, with the vortex pointing down, rotating and narrowing down on the direction of
the Sun

and if possible, we can cover the walls with hexagon metal net (like the chicken wire net)
with the vortexes of the hexagons pointing up and down, and similar spirals on the lower
corners, or extending the copper wire, to connect and discharge directly on the earth
ground, deep on the earth
Grounding / Earthing - (Barefoot Enrootening)

The Earth , together with

the Sun, are the greatest
sources of energy available
to us. Our planet is like one
huge battery that is
constantly being recharged
from solar energy and
lightning from above, as
well from its deep-down
molten core.

we are electromagnetic
and our bodies are a
conduit for the flow of energy...

when we walk barefoot, we absorb free electrons into our bodies, neutralizing and
releasing toxic free radicals. The two hundred thousand nerve endings on the sole of
each foot pick up the electrons transferred from the earth.

when this flow is in balance, we are healthy and in balance,

but what usually happens in our modern society is that we we’ve lost our literal
connections to the Earth and cut this natural flow of energy,
isolating ourselves from Mother Earth,
by living in isolated houses, sitting on chairs and in cars (which are isolated with rubber
tires), and when we go outside, we wear shoes with rubber and other isolating materials

so this brings an excessive accumulation of energy that needs to be discharged but is not
able to, so it manifests as inflammation (which is one of the main causes of most
diseases), and other syndromes of disconnection ...

We are born out of the Earth, with a deep and natural connection to her. Reconnecting to
nature starts with our feet, natural points of connection with the Earth.

For most Human existence, we have spent much of our days walking, sitting, and
sleeping directly on the ground. We are of the earth like fish are to the water and birds
are to the sky.

walking barefoot will calm your nervous system and help your body return to an optimal
electrical state, from which you’re better able to self-regulate and self-heal.
There’s something so freeing about taking our shoes off and feeling the soil or grass
beneath our toes.

As you walk and feel the earth below your feet, the way you interact with the world will

Studies have shown that “Earthing”, - contacting the Earth directly with our feet - in the
soil, grass, sand, moss, anything natural on earth – can help reduce inflammation and
chronic pain, reduce stress, improve energy, and improve sleep and reinvigorate our

if your thoughts are running rampant, step out barefoot and notice that your mind starts
to quiet and you feel more present in the body.

so if we get the habit of daily getting barefoot on nature, (for at least an hour), this will
restore our energy balance, and your health and energy system return to their Natural
Balance, and we feel with more vitality and connected with Earth and All the Universe

more info, you can see this

short documentary about

Down to Earth
Circadian rhythm (day and night natural cycles)
Being in tune with the natural cycles brings us into our natural balance, with great
benefits on our health and immune system.

Natural circadian rhythm, (also known as day and night cycles) - Aims to be awake
in the daylight, and sleeping in the night,
( just as most nature does ) ...

This strongly boosts our immune system

( usually, if we just avoid using artificial light after the sunset, we naturally feel
sleepy, but when we turn a light on, (and that include the illuminated screens,
like the computer or the telephone), we are telling to our body system :
"it's daytime again, so let's be awake". And this makes our system confused, which
affects our health.

so, when we are in tune with the Sun and natural cycles, we realise we tend to wake
up naturally with the Sun, completely reinvigorated and full of energy and vitality...
Intermittent Fasting
Did you know the word “breakfast” comes from breaking the overnight fasting
period, and replenishing the body with a supply of healthy nutrients. It implies a period
of metabolic rest that we know from ancestral health is beneficial, but in recent time,
that period has shortened. fasting triggers a cascade of adaptive responses that can
prove that intermittent fasting benefits health and slows the aging process

With intermittent fasting, you only eat during a specific time. Fasting for a certain
number of hours each day or eating just one meal a couple days a week, can help your
body burn fat. And scientific evidence points to some health benefits, as well, including
chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, age-related neurodegenerative
disorders, even inflammatory bowel disease and many cancers. It also gives a general
boost to the immune system

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed and championed

the practice of fasting. He wrote, “To eat when you are sick, is to feed your
There are several different ways to do intermittent fasting, but they are all based on
choosing regular time periods to eat and fast. For instance, you might try eating only
during an eight-hour period each day and fast for the remainder (16/8) for example last
meal until 18h and first after 10h. Or
you might choose to eat only one
meal a day two days a week. There are
many different intermittent fasting
schedules. You can choose the
most appropriate for you.

Preserving and channelling our Life Energy, with the purpose of expansion of
Consciousness, and awakening our complete potential...
and reflecting on our Health and Vitality
Have you noticed that most of the spiritual traditions, focused on awakening and
evolution o consciousness,
practically all of them focus on the preservation of our Vital Energy (kundalini),
or with the practice of celibacy, or with tantra practices
(where we can have orgasms, without loosing the Semen – our Vital Energy

for deepening these techniques, a recommended author is Mantak Chia,

(with practical exercises, suitable for everyone)
Since the Egyptians that the secrets of Sungazing
were known, as a source of Vitality and energy …

have you noticed that on most of the egyptian

drawings, there’s always an eye (of Horus) looking at
the Sun (Ra), with the Key of Life (Ankh) …

is it coincidence, or can we interpret in many ways,

including the possibility of the Egyptians knowing
the secrets of Sungazing, and the possibility we are
able to receive the Vital Energy, directly from the Sun
(so we can tune our body to assimilate directly the
energy from the Sun, just as the plants do already)

So, the Sungazing is recommended to do, only on the 1st hour after the Sunrise, or on
the hour before the sunset, looking at the Sun directly (without glasses in between),
starting with 10 secs, and adding 10 secs everyday (except if it’s cloudy or we missed
that day, and on that case, we keep the previous timing)

it’s also recommended to be barefoot on the earth, and having plenty of water and green
leaves vegetables (that give us the clorophyl, that help us make the photosynthesis, just
like the plants) (more info – check the authors Jasmuheen or HRM (Hira Ratan Manek)

Food cravings

– Understanding what the body is asking us, and learning to give a healthy alternative,
that completely satisfy us (and the craving just disappears, as a sign the body is feeling
completely satisfied)...

If you crave What you really need

And here are healthy foods that have it:
this… is…
Raw nuts and seeds, legumes,
Chocolate Magnesium
fruits (bananas, avocados)
whole cereals (instead of refined or processed
Sweets Stabilizing glicemia (whole grains instead of flours)
(e.g. whole rice instead of white rice or pasta)
Chromium Broccoli, grapes, dried beans,
Carbon Fresh fruits
Phosphorus nuts, legumes, grains
Sulfur Cranberries, horseradish, cruciferous vegetables, kale, cabbage
Tryptophan raisins, sweet potato, spinach
Bread, toast Nitrogen nuts, beans
Calcium Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, sesame
Oily snacks,
Poli-unsaturated fats
fatty foods (see cheese – poli-unsaturated fats)
(ómega 3 & 6)
Coffee or tea Phosphorous nuts, legumes
Sulfur red peppers, garlic, onion, cruciferous vegetables
NaCl (salt) Sea salt, apple cider vinegar (on salad)

Iron (see – “Red Meat”)

Cereals milk (oats, etc)
Protein and
Carbohydrates Soy milk

Seeds and nuts milk (eg almond milk

Poli-unsaturated fats
(Omega 3 and 6)

Linseed (flaxseed) , chia

Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, sesame seeds
seeds and nuts (omega 3 and 6)
- Poli-unsaturated fat (exº tahini (sesame seeds), linseed, chia seeds
(omega 3 and 6) seeds "milk" (eg. almond milk)

proteins - beans family (chick peas, beans, lentils, soy, etc)

Cheese - Protein (exº humus (chick peas), tempeh (soy), seitan (wheat protein)

beer yeast (nutritional yeast)

minerals (sea salt)
unrefined sea salt (or himalaian) ( complete minerals)
Eggs Sulphur broccoli, cabbage, or onions

(for substituting the Flaxseed (Lineseed), chia, Bananas

egg consistency in
recipes Oatmeal, rice, tomato paste

Seaweed, greens, black cherries, beetroot

dark leafy greens or sea vegetables,
spinach, collards, dried prunes, raisins, beans, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans and
Spirulina , clorella, Pumpkin seeds, Quinoa
Tomato, White beans,Dried apricots
Dried peaches, Prunes, Lentils, Peas

(eat these with another food high in vitamin C to enhance absorption (such as a
salad with spinach and orange slices).
Red meat
iron (tips for better
absortion) Eat iron-rich foods along with foods that contain vitamin C, which helps the
body absorb the iron.

Avoid Tea and coffee – they contain compounds called polyphenols, which
can bind with iron making it harder for our bodies to absorb it.

Calcium also hinders the absorption of iron; avoid high-calcium foods for a
half hour before or after eating iron-rich foods.
Salty foods Chloride unrefined sea salt
Burned food Carbon Fresh fruits
Soda and
Calcium Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, sesame seeds
Chewing ice Iron raisins, spinach, seaweed, black cherries
Acid foods Magnesium Raw nuts and seeds, legumes, fruits
for liquids
Water Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.
rather than
for solids You have been so dehydrated for so long that you have lost your thirst.
rather than Flavor water with lemon or lime. You need 8 to 10 glasses per day.
Cool drinks Manganese Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries
menstrual Zinc seafood, leafy vegetables, root vegetables
Silicon Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches
Tryptophan raisins, sweet potato, spinach
Tyrosine Vitamin C supplements or orange, green, red fruits and vegetables
Lack of
Vitamin B1 Nuts, seeds, beans
Vitamin B3 seeds and legumes
Manganese Walnuts, almonds, pecans, pineapple, blueberries
Chloride unrefined sea salt
Protein seafood, nuts
Alcohol, Avenin Granola, oatmeal
recreational Calcium Mustard and turnip greens, broccoli, kale, legumes, sesame seeds
drugs Glutamine raw cabbage juice
Potassium Sun-dried black olives, potato peel broth, seaweed, bitter greens
Silicon Nuts, seeds; avoid refined starches
Tyrosine Vitamin C supplements or orange, green and red fruits and vegetables
written and assembled by:

Wahari Yam
Wahari was "Re-Born" in Amazónia, and, since then, has been finding ways to Live in harmony with
Nature and the Universe...

So, since then, after returning to Portugal, and during about 4 years, has been experiencing Living in
different Holistic Centers, communities, and projects envisioning Self Sufficiency, and living in
harmony between Nature and All Beings…

On this moment, ( since 2014 ) has been Co-Creating a project called:

Naturalmente - Holistic Retreat Center
( Nucleum for the Reconnection with the Essence within the Being )
( ),
where has been putting in practice All what he has been learning,
and mainly how to live in Harmony with Nature and All the Universe

In Parallel, has been learning and developing several therapeutical techniques,

and several Holistic practices, like Yoga and Meditation, where he focuses on
finding the Common Essence in most of the different spiritual paths :
- The goal of Samadhi (Enlightenment) – Expansion of Consciousness ,
until we feel in Union (Yoga) with All Beings and All the Universe

On the therapies and activities he facilitates, he usually shares and teaches some of the tools,
for everyone to have autonomy to apply and develop themselves,
to Self Balancing and Healing , and helping each one to find his own mastery,
without depending on anything external to Oneself,
and finding the guides and masters within Each One of us…

in Naturalmente Retreat Center we welcome everyone that feels the call

for a Deep connection with Nature, (and as a mirror of the outside, also connecting and awakening
our inner Essence, in connection with All the Universe

(more info, please visit our site : )

welcome naturalmente

Hugs and Blessings in Infinite Loving Light

We hope this information was useful.

This is a free publication. Feel welcome to distribute it freely

If you liked it and you felt it was useful, you can make a contribution/donation
so we can develop further and spread these and other information that might help many
people that might be needing it. (you can ask for details by mail )

And if you like to experience this lifestyle, in a place where you can put all this in
practice, surrounded by peaceful landscape and vibrant nature, in a healing natural

You are welcome to visit our Retreat Center,

(more info and contacts please visit our website)

Deep Gratitude and Blessings in Infinite Loving Light

wahari Naturalmente

Naturalmente Retreat Center

- Nucleum for the Reconnection with the Essence within the Being


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