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PD Paramount. 6 Feb 18.

Mark 7:1-23
*Khoirun-nasi akhsanuhum khuluqan anfa'ahum linnasi (The best
people are the best they have created to be useful for the other people)
*people must -- anfa'ahum linnasi -- be useful for the (other) people!
*then a good man should actually can give contribution or have
benefits to others.
*to make others living! Memanusiakan manusia!
*a human being is actually a being if he/she makes others become
human being! (Memanusiakan manusia)
*A Proverb in Minahasan, by Sam Ratulangi (in Rp 20.000) Si tou
timou tumou tou! (The living lives to make live the living)
*So a living/human has to make others live.
*A human is to be useful for others!

*But instead we just become like a Latin proverb: Homo homini

socius! A human is a wolf to others!
*Bill Maher (Religulous) -- Being religious is sometimes like being
*Why? Because sometimes there are "religious" people who are
*religious but take a humanity (kemanusiaan) aside!
*religiosity not spirituality!

*there are so many cases that people are so religious! But forget about

*(tell about my experience with Daniel Taliwongso: who said that
Jesus also teaches about hatred according to his interpretation in
Matthew 23 regarding Jesus that criticised the Pharisees and Scribes
of the Torah)
*This happened if we just become religious but hate other people!
*I Tell you: Indeed that  people are for God,
*But God is not for people’s (agenda)!
*A case in the Gospel regarding the Sabbath Day: Sabbath was made
for people, not people for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27)
*Religion is for people’s (goodness), not people for religion!
*So  People are enslaving God; but
 People are also enslaved by Religion!
*By reason of religion and religiosity  We hate others!
*I don’t like/ HATE him, or hate her, or them because they are not:
Pentecostal, Lutheran, Catholic, Orthodox, Adventist, Reform, etc.
because they are not like me, like what I believe, like what I want!
*remember: Hatred is against love! Jesus’s main teaching is about
*Remember the case of Ahok? Some people use a reason behind
religion to make their accusation right!
*In the time of Jesus also there were some people of the Jews (but not
all of them) that: were enslaving God but were enslaved by religion
and religiosity.
*Why? Because they misinterpreted the Holy Bible!
*Torah is translated as “Law that is enslaving”

*But Jesus through His teaching, including our text today, shows: The
humane side of the Torah

*(Explain about the Oral Torah: Fence of Law)

The Jews greatly exalted their tradition. Like most Indonesian tribes.
This tradition, which usually is attributed to the Oral Torah, is mixed
with the act of worship.
When Jesus let the disciples without washing their hands before
eating, the other Jews considered it unclean. (exp. Netilat Yadayim)
This is different from their point of view, the habit of those who
always do an outward cleansing as a custom.
Actually, there is a veiled motive behind their coming from Jerusalem
to the place where Jesus is that time.
They come to look for Jesus' guilt (Mark 7:1-5).
Therefore, Jesus strongly rebukes them.
For the sake of hypocrisy, they are willing to ignore God's command
(Mark 7:6-8).
In addition, many of the Jews that time also seem to neglect the care
of parents according to Mark’s note.
They think that when they offer sacrifices to God, they do not need to
pay attention to their parents (Mark 7:9-13).
They replace moral purity with ceremonial matters.
Jesus explains that the food that comes from the outside does not
contaminate the heart.
The real uncleanness of the heart is expelled through words and evil
actions (Mark 7:14-23).
*Jesus is not against the Torah, which is the teaching about God, but
He is against the tradition that is against the Torah itself, including the
things that is against humanity!
God knows the evil thing that is in our heart, though it is covered with
a good attitude or words.
*Tradition and customs are not entirely wrong.
*But the truth of God goes far beyond the traditions and human
*Customs and traditions should be based on the Word of God.
*God wants our hearts to come closer to Him.
*Thus, our hearts will be filled with things that put God first.
*Our relationship is not entirely with God, but also with people
*There are so many people think that they are: close with God, pious,
pray all the time, obey, pray a lot
*But ignore the relationship with others: ceremonial matters, hate
others, grudging others!
*Don’t forget: The terrorists feel that they are the closest people with
God, but they hate others!
*Therefore, the church should hold the true integrity in life.
*All of our words, behaviour, piety must be done from a faithful
heart, surrender and willingly do the will of God.
*Then we may embody a life of integrity.

Amen. God bless us all.

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