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Uncle Jack in the Amazon Rainforest

and his frien d s
go on an
in the Amazon
Can they
save Slowly’s

(to) cut down.


Jaxe Cadwallacler

Uncle (to) hang

ix the
R aixforest (to) hug
Uncle J a c k in the Amazon Rain/orest


rainforest (to) push

(to) row


The ELI Readers co llection is a c om p lete range
of books a n d plays f o r readers of all a g e s,
Youns R eaders I
ranging fr o m captivatin g contem porary stories
to tim eless classics. There are three series,
e a c h catering f o r a different a g e group;
Young ELI Readers, Teen ELI Readers an d
Young Adult ELI Readers. The books are
carefully e d ited an d beautifully illustrated
to capture th e e sse n c e o f the stories a n d plots.

Uncle Jack In the A m azon Rainforest

by J a n e C adwallader
Illustrated by Gustavo Mazali

ELI Readers
Founder and Series Editors
Paola Accattoli, Grazia Ancillani,
Daniele Garbuglia (Art Director)

Graphic D esign
Airone Comunicazione - Sergio Elisei

D esign D epartm ent

Airone Comunicazione - Sergio Elisei

Production Manager
Francesco Capitano

Typeset in 14 / 2 0 pt Monotype Plantin Schoolbook

© 2 0 1 4 ELI s.r.l.
P.O. Box 6 - 6 2 0 1 9 Recanati MC - Italy 1I
T + 39 0 7 1 7 5 0 7 0 1 - F + 39 0 7 1 9 7 7 8 5 1
Printed in Italy by Tecnostampa Recanati - ERY316.01 I
ISBN 9 7 8 -8 8 -5 3 6 -1 7 3 8 -5
First edition: March 2 0 1 4 II
I „

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The FSC certification guarantees that the paper used For this series of ELI
in these publications comes from certified forests, graded readers, we have
promoting responsible forestry management worldwide. planted 5000 new trees.
Y oung R eapers

Jane C ad w allad er

Uncle Jack
in the
ncle Jack was sitting in a n arm c h a ir in
his living room. In his h an d s w as a letter
from his d au g h ter, D r Silver. She w as a
biologist a n d she worked in the A m azon
rainforest. U ncle Jack w asn ’t happy.
T h e letter from D r Silver said, dad, some people
from the city are cutting down the forest. Some Amazon
Indians are helping them. I t’s terrible! £I m ust go a n d
help my d au g h ter,’ said U ncle Jack. ‘Two heads
are better th a n one!’
U ncle Jack p u t a b ag with some sun cream , a
sandw ich a n d some m osquito repellent in the
h o t-air balloon.
Suddenly he saw Jim, D aisy a n d M ay. ‘W h a t are
you doing?’ asked U ncle Jack. ‘We’re coming too!’
said Jim. ‘F our heads are better th a n two!’ ‘W oof
W oof’, said G rum py the dog. ‘Sorry G ru m p y ’,
said Jim, ‘five heads are better th a n two!’
T h e h o t-air balloon w ent to the A m azon rainforest.
It w as very ho t a n d very green! ‘I t’s beautiful
U ncle Jack. A nd w h at a lot of anim als!’ said
Jim. ‘T h e re ’s D r Silver,’ said D aisy. ‘Hello! Hello
D r Silver! I t’s us!’ shouted M ay.

U ncle Jack said, ‘L e t’s go a n d tell the m en to stop
cutting down the trees.’ Suddenly Jim shouted,
‘Stop! Stop A unt Silver! T h e re ’s a dog in the ro ad !’
D r Silver stopped the car a n d they all w ent to see
the dog in the ro ad b u t...

^ /* O
‘H ey!’ said Jim. ‘It isn’t a dog! W h a t is it?’ ‘I t’s a
sloth,’ said D r Silver. ‘B ut sloths ea t leaves. W h a t
is it doing here? L e t’s take him to find some trees’,
said Jim. ‘A nd let’s call him Slowly because he
goes so sloooooooowly!’ said M ay.

3 S lo w ly ’s P o em
I ’m a sloth a n d I ea t slowly
Sit a n d sta n d a n d climb slowly
I ’m a sloth. I do everything slowly
T h a t ’s how I got my nam e.

I ’m small a n d hairy with three toes

Long arm s a n d legs a n d a soft nose
I h ang from a tree all day long
y hom e is the A m azon rainforest.

I ’m a sloth a n d I move slowly

W ake up a n d think a n d play slowly
I ’m a sloth. I do everything slowly
T h a t ’s how I got my n am e ... SLOW LY
( ► ) 4 T hey w ent th ro ug h the jungle until they cam e to
the cam p of the m en from the city.
T h ey talked to the boss of the m en. ‘You m ust stop
cutting down the trees,’ said U ncle Jack. T h e forest
is for the A m azon Indians a n d for the anim als a n d
T h e A m azon Indians started to throw darts.
‘Run! Quickly!’ said D r Silver. T h e boss of the
m en lau gh ed a n d shouted to them . ‘You see! T h e
A m azon Indians w ant to cut down the trees too!’
An A m azon In d ian girl cam e. H er n am e w as K a b a .
C U rk w as the
a rdl m
aumgVhi tter
A r ' of the C hief a n d she gave

Slowly some medicine. Soon Slowly w as better

a g ain . K a b a said, ‘We d o n ’t w an t to cut down the
forest b u t w h at can we do? T h e m en from the city
. . • _ J _______ ~ »Tm V \r< T r a trv \ 17r \ r l 7 t r \
K a b a took D r Silver, U ncle Jack a n d the children
to m eet her fath er a n d the other A m azon Indians.
D r Silver showed them some nuts. ‘You should tell
people outside the A m azon ab o u t these nuts. T hey
are very good to eat!’ said D r Silver.
JM h
r f
Slowly was very h ap p y because there were lots
of sloths a t the In d ian cam p. Jim, D aisy a n d
M ay were hap p y too! ‘You should sta rt a Sloth
S an ctu ary ,’ said Jim. ‘People outside the A m azon
lifcp q1o 1-ViqI? QniH 7V4 n n
> 1

T h ey all sat round the fire. K a b a asked, ‘H ow can

we tell people outside the A m azon ab o u t the Sloth
S an ctu ary a n d the nuts?’ ‘We can use the Internet,’
said Jim. ‘I t’s easy.’ H e showed them his tablet.
T h e C hief said, ‘H ow can we stop the m en cutting
dow n the trees?’ ‘I have a n idea,’ said U ncle Jack.
T h e A m azon Indians, D r Silver, U ncle Jack a n d
the children carried the sloths to the hill above
the cam p. Everyone helped to p u t the sloths one
on top of the other. T h e sloths held on with their
long arm s a n d their long legs until they m a d e ...
a g re a t big ball of sloths!
In the m orning the A m azon Indians gave the ball
of sloths a good push. It sta rted to go down the
hill, moving faster a n d faster. U ncle Jack a n d the
children w atched a n d smiled.
T h e sloth ball went into the cam p.T h e sloths waved
their arm s a n d legs a n d calledW O O O O W O O O O .
T h e m en stopped having their b reakfast an d
looked ... ‘A H H H H H H H H H ! W H A T ’S T H A T !’
T h e m en were very afraid! T hey ra n to the boats.
T hey jum ped into the b o ats a n d rowed aw ay down
the river. ‘Quick!’ ‘L e t’s go!’ ‘T h e re ’s a m onster
T h e children a n d the Indians a n d U ncle Jack
a n d D r Silver all jum ped up a n d dow n happily
a n d h u g g ed the sloths. ‘Well done Slowly!’ said
D r Silver. ‘Well done all of you!’ ‘H a! H a !’ laug h ed
the A m azon Indians, ‘H a! H a! H a !’

A nd did th e p la n s work?
H ere is K a b a a n d the other A m azon Indians
looking after the tourists a t the Sloth S anctu ary .
U ncle Jack, D r Silver a n d the children are busy
telling people all over the world ab o u t the sloths
a n d, the A* m azon rainforest.
• t 1____
Lots of people are_
elping. W h a t ab o u t you?


- \

f 1 #•



^ri wm

^a m a z o n i c a ! I
€.AT y

rx j
A c t i v i t y p o d g es

W ho are the characters in the story?

1 Urtcle ^ Kaba, the

of tke Chief.

2 TKe
5 The
of Uncle Jack. yR, „ r .
_r ,... v /w fro m th e citu
Dr Silver. j j

3 T h e------------- £ \ 6
Indians. cv -c the sloth.

Choose the correct words to complete the

sentences. Then, number the sentences in
the order of the story.

a ( ^ ) Uncle Jack and the children went to the

North Pole I Amazon rainforest to help
Uncle Jack’s daughter I sister.
b The Amazon Indians made a Monkeg I
Sloth Sanctuary,
c ( ^ ) The men from the city I forest were
af raid and ran away.
O They made a sloth ball I hamburger with
some Amazon Indians.
o Colour tke outlines o f tke verb
in tke poem and write tkem in tke correct
place. Ckeck on page 7.

move sleep stand wake up Kang

jump play sit eat think

Slowly *s Poem
I’m a sloth and I eat slowly
_ _ _ _ _ and and climb slowly
I’m a sloth. I do everything slowly
That’s how I got my name.
I’m small and hairy with three toes
Long arms and legs and a soft nose
I from a tree all day long
My home is the Amazon rainforest.
I’m a sloth and I ________slowly
________ a n d ________ a n d _________ slowly
I’m a sloth. I do everything slowly
That’s how I got my name ... SLOWLY.

O Find verbs in Activity 3 tkat rkyme witk

tkese words.
1 day ptay 4 sand ________
2 sheep _______ 5 drink ________
3 gang _______ 6 meat _____

Cross out the 2 extra letters to Jind the words.
Write the words In the correct category.

The family The body


1 dau/ghte^r 7 armimaal 12 legbo

2 Jlorrest 8 bouttome 13 leatvees
3 daydi 9 ciutay 14 riovert
4 chaildreeri 10 alrom 15 harrmdes
5 eheard 11 sjunsgle 16 arunrt
6 uoricler

Use tke characters Jrom Activity 1 arid tke
words in tke boxes to make sentences.

trC6S thecut down. GramPy Ufeed

to get wanted for food

a was biologist
children their

people told about

medicine gave
Rainforest the Amazon some Slowly

1 The men fro m h

et icttj cutdown the trees.

2 __________________________________

3 ____________________________________

4 ____________________________________

5 ....................................................................

6 .....

How many words can you make from

Rainforest (e.g. test, sat, tea)?

o Design the home page of a website and
write some sentences asking people to
help protect the Amazon rainforest.

Do gou like the storg?

Draw gour face and I love it.
choose a sentence I like it.
to write. I quite like it.
I don’t like it very much.
I don’t like it at all.


Vocabulary areas
the w orld a round us, fa m ily , the body

G ram m ar arid structures j

present simple, present c ontinuou s, past simple
verb + ing
infinitive o f purpose
My n a m e is J a n e a n d co m para tiv es
I live in a beautiful adverbs
Sp a n ish city, Madrid. let’s ...
I’m a n English a uthor m ust fo r o b lig a tio n
o f children’s books. sh o u ld fo r advice
I’ve a lw a y s loved q u estio n w o rds What... H ow ...
creating stories an d
so n g s f o r children.
Young ELI Readers
The best ideas
com e to m e while...
Stage 1
I’m jo g g in g !
Anonymous, A laddin and tke Magic Lamp
D. Guillemant, Hooray f o r tke Holidays
D. Guillemant, Sopkie’s Dream
J. Cadwallader, Granny Fixit and tke M onkey
J. Cadwallader, Granny Fixit and tke Yellow String
J. Cadwallader, Granny Fixit and tke Pirate
J. Cadwallader, Granny Fixit and tke Ball

S tage 2
L.F. Baum, Tke W onderful Wizard o f OZ
J. Cadwallader, PB3 and tke Helping Hands
J. Cadwallader, PB3 and Coco tke Clown
J. Cadwallader, PB3 and tke Vegetables
My n a m e is G ustavo. J. Cadwallader, PB3 and tke Jacket

I live in a very big

Stage 3
city, B u e n o s Aires. 0 . Wilde, Tke Canterville G kost
I have b e e n drawing J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack in tke A m azon Rainforest
all my life, ever since J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and tke M eerkats
J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and tke Emperor Penguins
I w a s a child as
J. Cadwallader, Uncle Jack and tke Bakonzi Tree
I didn’t have a TV.
J.M. Barrie, Peter Pan
I enjoy m o st o f all
drawing com ic strips Stage A
a n d picturing m yself J. London, W kite Fang
a n d my kids in the J. Cadwallader, Harry and tke Egyptian Tomb
J. Cadwallader, Harry and tke Sports Competition
illustrations th at
J. Cadwallader, Harry and an Electrical Problem
I create. J. Cadwallader, Harry and tke Crown
P. Bellini, Tke Secret Passage
L. Carroll, Alice in W onderland
R. Kipling, Tke Jungle Book
Ell Readers Is a beauti.Ju.lly illustrated series o f tim eless classics
and specially-written stories for learners o f English..

Jane Cadwallader
U ncle J a c k in th e A m a z o n R a in fo re s t
Have you ever seen a sloth? Jim and his sisters m eet one o f
these anim als in this adventure in the Amazon rainforest.

Uncle Jack, Jim and his sisters a n d Dr Silver have an im portant mission!
Can they tea m up with some Amazon Indians to save Slowly the sloth
and his friends and help protect their habitat?

- Games and language activities

- An audio recording of the story
- A picture dictionary

adventure protecting our environment solidarity

Q Stage 1 10 0 headw ords below A1 Starters

Q Stage 2 2 0 0 headw ords Starters/M overs

Q Stage 3 3 0 0 headw ords Movers

Q Stage 4 4 0 0 headw ords Flyers

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