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Seafood Fried Rice

500 gr Rice
2 piece of eggs
6 pieces of small shrimp that has been peeled
1 piece of squid that has been discarded its bone, and then cut round husk
1 leek that has been cut round
1 packet of Royco Complete Seasoning Fried Rice
2 tablespoons cooking oil
1 teaspoon margarine

How to make:
1. Heat the oil that has been mixed with margarine and enter the shrimp and squid,
and cook until the color change then add the egg and green onion, and cook until done.
2. After the dishes are already quite mature, add white rice and fried rice Royco seasoning,
stir until well mixed dishes and lift.
3. After fried rice cooked, you can serve it on a serving plate and added with other
complementary ingredients to taste like chili sauce, pickles, crackers, fried onions,
and others.

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