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In my opinion, people tend to underestimate the importance of competitive sport, however I

consider it at upmost importance.

On the one hand, people which lack confidence could find working out beneficial. I consider that
the best solution for confidential problems is sport, not only because while you solve a great issue you
also sustain a healthy life, but also because, people can find themselves in these free time activities. I
was told that competitive sport builds confidence.

On the other hand, my friend said that this leisure activity also provides enjoyment which
cannot be neglected. Some people sustain that new challenges give them energy. I know if I had not
worked out, now my life would lack from joy and confidence. I had hardly realized this when I was told
that martial arts are thriving. The fascinating fact about sports is that there is a large scale of individual
games. I truly believe that everybody can find its self in this leisure activity. In my opinion it is way better
to train than to use gadgets. I have always considered time management important but I am sure that
fitting in a one hour training could be highly useful.

In conclusion, competitive sport in ones life is highly important and on the long run it could be
beneficial as well.

The last movie I have seen was fast and furious and I consider that it is perfect for long flights.

On the one hand, I have been watching this movie ever since I was a kid and I have always been
amazed about how detailed it is. I was told that the film is perfect for long journeys, not only because it
has 8 parts, but also because it is highly entertaining. The movie is about street racings and a group of
friends which goes through lots of things. My friend said that he had really enjoyed the movie and that
he would recommend it for anybody.

On the other hand, I know if I had not seen this movie, now I would have with an amazing
experience less. In my opinion this film is thriving and I would be glad to see it again. The thing that
stuck me the most was the main characters loyalty to his family. I truly believe that this movie is not only
for car lovers, and I consider that you cannot find a better movie for long flights.

In conclusion, if you are looking for an amazing movie with lots of actions for a long flight I have
just presented the perfect one for you.

Dear Mr/Madam


I am writing to present an individual journey I have been on last year and the way it influenced

Giving background information

On the one hand, I have always wanted to go skydiving and last summer I had the opportunity to
try it. I was told that this extreme sport is thriving, however I do not consider this sport furthermore
leisure activity. I have seen the advertisement in the article and I knew I had to seize the moment. My
friend said that we should go together on this trip, and I do not regret taking him with me.
On the other hand, in my opinion this experience had a great impact over my life. I know if I had
not gone on this journey, now I would regret staying home. I had hardly realized the importance of
going on this tour when I had to jump out of the plain. After this highly dangerous jump I had found out
that I was more confident.


I would recommend this highly dangerous leisure time activity to anybody, as a result of this you
will gain self-confidence.


I am looking forward to a reply in due course and I would love to hear about your same extreme


The aim of this proposal is to ask for an extension for the school’s canteen, due to the fact that I
consider that there is not enough space for all the students.

Giving background information

On the one hand, I was told that the vast majority of the students do not want to eat in the
school, as a result of the lack of space. My friend said that extending the facility could be a great
solution. I had hardly realized that there is a competition where you can win founds to extend the
school’s canteen. In my opinion this could be highly useful.

On the other hand, I think that extending the building would be highly beneficial for the
students. The building’s playground is too big anyways so cutting down a little would do no harm. I am
sure that the young learners would understand the reason behind the decision.


In my opinion, applying for international founds would be useful and this could be the solution
to the problem.


I consider that, any answer to the problem I have mentioned could be helpful.

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