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Proposal, 1st February

Henley College, 62441 Daniella

Casey, 981511
Throughout the first 12 units of this course, I have been able to develop my practical skills and
knowledge throughout each unit. I have been able to learn different filming techniques and how to
use them to show the order of importance it has within expressing the narrative and what these
famous techniques are used for in film. Over the units I have had the opportunity to improve on my
weaknesses, for example: I learned how to analyse what I am researching and make sure it is
completed through depth and detail.

This story will allow me to showcase my skills as a producer as I will to have to manage and organise
my time efficiently and effectively to be able to put my production together. The planning and pre-
production is something I feel I have significantly improved on over the last few units the planning
and pre-production stage will really help me to produce my work for my factual programme. Strong
planning has helped me feel more confident on the weeks of filming therefore have helped my
production progress further. I will be able to manage the project effectively as well as producing a
creative piece of work as through all these units I have been building up and progression through
learning new skills and developing my planning and pre-production skills

In the past units I struggled with the research, although now I have learned how to structure my
work, so it is clear and concise. Analysing has been something that was quite difficult at the very
start of the year, however I got used to the method of learning of how to analyse a production. This
was done through going back to my work and improving on it, practise was key as I saw progression
throughout the units. To be able to have learned and developed these new skills and knowledge it
provides me with an opportunity to use what I have learned for my future projects. With this I am
confident and excited to begin my final major project. This qualification has helped me improve
academically and through practical skills in which I intend to use when I go to university.

Project Concept
Idea 1: A women of the ages, an American story of a 99-year-old woman telling her story.
This factual program will explore different chapters into her life and how they link to the
history of America over the last century. From family life, between two world wars, an
economic depression, and 18 presidents. It will focus more specifically on womanhood in
America. If I produced idea 1, I may be able to interview women of all ages in America as part of a
complimentary interview as myrtle would be the main interview. These short interviews would be
on the street, where they could talk about womanhood in America and what that means to them.
The only concern would the travelling situation of going to America although it could be possibly to
do this online. The target audience would be: 18 to 65 onwards as it focuses on womanhood and
feminism, which is why there should not be specific age group. Although I do understand that ages
below 18 may not find it engaging and the content may be too complicated for young children. I
would also have to change the style of the documentary.
Idea 2:  This documentary will explore the true story of the Magdalene Asylum. This is the
perspective of not only the female victims but also their children. In mid-20th century Ireland, the
catholic church forced unwed mothers in their care to give up their children to adoption This would
be difficult in finding historians or victims to interview and I would have to travel to Ireland, although
could be done online.

Idea 3: A radio drama about 5 brothers who immigrated from rural Ireland in the 1930s winning the
British rowing championship. 4 became professional wrestlers and one became a professional boxer.
They were selected for the 1936 Olympics after winning the British rowing championships, they were
then deselected because two of the brothers were professional wrestlers. This would be a challenge
in finding actors who could Irish accents.

For equipment, I would need led panel lighting, at least two cameras, two tripods, a drone, dolley
and sound equipment. in terms of for a radio play it would be necessary to have access to the Henley
college studio of where I can record the voice overs and a zoom recorder for Foley sounds. Tutorial
and peer feedback will be very useful, and I will use this to my advantage to constantly improve on
my work and each week in time within the deadline.

I will evaluate my work through completing weekly blogs once a week on Fridays, this is to be able to
show a short evaluation throughout each unit explaining what I have done and how I could have
improved to make my work better. This will help me to evaluate and reflect on the work I have done
in each unit. The weekly blogs will be an ongoing activity and will allow me to have more control on
my work and progress. I intend to record my decision making through improving by using feedback
from teachers and peers. It is important that I ask for feedback from target audience through
primary research, such as: surveys so that I keep on track of making sure my work always meet the
target audience’s needs.

For the conclusion of my project, I will be able to evaluate, what I have done in unit 13, explain my
areas of improvement and my strengths within this project. This will help me for future projects of
how I can always improve on my work. It is very important I stick to the guidelines as in the past
units I have not properly understood or read the disciplines carefully which led to my work having to
be done again. This will not happen in this unit as time is very significant and I will not waste it. If
there are changes to my idea as my work progresses it is key, I explain why my idea has changed for
a positive effect on my production. This will be done through evaluations as my work develops.
Production Schedule

Week of Beginning Action Completed

01/02/21 Monday: 10-11am look at vibe, take notes
Tuesday: 9:30-10:30am Teams call, understand unit
13. From 12-1pm Complete proposal and production

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