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A Solitary Druid Ritual

Just for archival purposes I'm going to post this rite here, so that there will be a full-
script example of an ADF ritual on this blog. This rite is based on the old Simple Rite of
Offering, with longer Kindred calls, and some new language for the Blessing. The genera
intent of the rite is to give the student an opportunity to meet the Kindreds at the fire. Old
hands may be interested in some of the new language for hallowing and receiving the
A Rite of Offering and Calling To All the Spirits.
You should have a completed Shrine, and a good, comfortable seat placed before it, located so
that you can reach all sections of the work area. Materials Needed: Small bell, fire-pot or candle
& censer with incense (the Fire), cauldron with blessed water - (the Well), world tree symbol, a
horn or cup for pouring and drinking, an offering bowl before the Fire if the rite is indoors,
offerings (corn meal, silver, olive oil or essential oil, or incense, ale, bread and salt, herbs and
small chips of semi-precious stones) ale, fruit juice or water for drinking, and a tool with which to
take an omen.

1: Give nine knells on a bell, then raise hands to the sky, and say:

I am here to honor the gods, and to seek the wisdom of the Old Ways. Be with me, all you
Gods and Spirits, in my working; forgive any errors, and grant me, I pray, your blessing.

2: Offer a pinch of corn meal onto the ground, saying:

Earth Mother, I am your child. Mother of all I pray you bless and uphold my rite, as you
uphold the whole world. Earth Mother, accept my sacrifice!

Place your hands on your heart and open to the light of inspiration, saying:

Sky Father, Fire of Inspiration, attend the shrine of my soul. Quicken my tongue that I
may work this rite in beauty.

Set a small offering of drink aside to the south of the ritual space, saying:

Outdweller spirits, hear me! You ancient dark ones, you who stood against the gods and
in your striving helped to make the worlds, any spirits who might wish ill upon this work,
accept this offering and trouble me not.

3: State the purpose of the rite, saying:

I have come to do as the wise ancients did, to make offering to the powers and to bless
my body, my mind and my spirit with the blessings of the Gods and Spirits. As our
forebears did, so do I do now, and so may my descendants do after me.
I seek the Wisdom of the Elder Wise, to know the Ancestors, the Landspirits, and the
Shining Gods and Goddesses. I seek to be strong in the Sacred Center, to hear the Voice
of the Fire and Water, and hold their power in my hands, to see and know the spirits, and
be seen and known by them. This I do that I may grow in health, and wealth and wisdom,
in wisdom, love and power, in service to the spirits, to the folk and to my own being. To
those ends, I will hallow this Sacred Grove.

4: Offer silver into the cauldron, saying:

In the deeps flow the waters of wisdom. Sacred Well, flow within me.

5: Make an offering to the Fire, saying:

I feed the sacred fire in wisdom, love and power. Sacred Fire, burn within me.

6: Sprinkle and cense the world-tree, wand or self, saying:

From the deeps to the heights spans the world-tree. Sacred Tree, grow within me.

7: Sprinkle everything with sacred water, and cense all with incense from the Fire; see the
Powers flowing in the whole Shrine turning away ill, repeating three times:

By the might of the Water and the light of the Fire, this Grove is made whole and holy

Spread your hands, and encompass the whole shrine in your awareness, saying:

Let the sea not rise, and all ill turn away.
Let the sky not fall and all ill turn away.
Let the land hold firm and all ill turn away.
Before me bounty, behind me wisdom
On my right hand magic, on my left hand strength

Contemplate the worlds and the Shrine, saying:

The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree, flow and flame and grow in me!
In Land, Sea, and Sky, below and on high! Thus is the Sacred Grove claimed and
hallowed. So be it!

9: Offer oil or incense to the fire, saying:

I make this offering to the Keeper of the Gates. Gatekeeper, Lord of the Between, Keeper
of Roads and Opener of Ways, join your magic with mine to guard and ward the gate of
this working. Gatekeeper, accept my sacrifice!

Make a deosil triskel or spiral over the Fire, saying:

In every place where Triads meet, there is the Center of the Worlds.
Let this sacred center be the boundary of all worlds, that my voice be carried and my
vision see.
Now let the Fire open the Gate
Let the Well open the Gate
Let the Tree hold fast the Way Between.
Open as an eye of seeing
Open as a mouth of speaking
Open as an oaken door, between this Sacred Center and the Otherworlds.
By the Keeper of Gates, and by my Will and Word, let the Gate be open!

10: Prepare the offerings for the Three Kindreds, and say:
Gods and Dead and mighty Spirits, Powers of Land and Sky and Sea,By Fire and Well
and sacred Tree, offerings I make to thee!

• O Mighty Ones, my Ancestors, my kindred; I your child honor you, and ask you draw
near my hearth.
You whose life and death creates my life, you whose wisdom upholds my wisdom,
Elder Clans of the Wise, the Warriors and the Keepers of Land, here I give you your due
To those who dwell below, to those who dwell above, to the tribes of spirits in land, sea
or sky.
Hear your true worshipper (your name) as I make due sacrifice to the Dead, the Spirits &
the Gods.
And to the Wise Dead I call.
Priests and Priestesses, Seers and Oracles, Singers and Magicians and Sacrificers,
hear me as I call to you.
I have come to the Well and Lit the Sacred Fire – let us meet at the Crossroad, at the Tree
of Worlds.
To you who hear me, I offer this offering. (offering of ale)
To you who would teach and aid, I offer this offering, (offering of bread)
To all you who come without harm, I offer this offering (offering of salt)
Whisper to me, Wise Ones, teach the Old Ways for New Days.
Bless my work and aid me to gain from my seeking.
Let the voice of the Wise be heard in the World.
O Mighty Ancestors, I honor your presence, offering my love and worship.
Be with me in my grove and in my heart, and accept this gift in token of my kinship.
All the offerings are given, with an offering of ale, saying:
“Ancestors, accept my sacrifice!”

• O Noble Ones, my Allies, with whom I share the worlds, I ask you welcome me in your
You who fill the land with wonder, Spirits of Stone and Stream, Red blood and Green sap,
Tribes of Spirits, the Peoples of the Otherworld,
Here I give you your due welcome.
To the spirits of this land on which I dwell, in which I light the Fire,
I offer a welcome and give an offering.
Spirits in the waters, spirits in the soil, spirits in the stone, spirits in the wind,
And the spirits in the beams of sun and moon, I honor your presence.
Tribes of spirits in the land, Noble Ones, you who rule the Lovely Court, I would be your
Meet me at the crossroad, Noble Ones, see me at my Fire and show yourselves to me in
this light.
To you who hear me, I offer this offering. (offering of incense)
To you who would teach and aid, I offer this offering, (offering of stones)
To all you who come without harm, I offer this offering (offering of whiskey)
So dwell with me in peace Noble Ones, and let there be good will between us.
Peace on the land, within the sea, beneath the sky, and I will give you proper offerings.
O Noble Spirits, I honor your presence, offering my love and worship.
Be with me in my grove and in my heart, and accept this gift in token of my friendship.
All offerings are given along with an offering of incense. Cry:
Landspirits, accept my sacrifice!

• O Shining Ones, my Elders, Goddeses and Gods of All Realms, I ask you to draw near
to my spirit.
O Wisest and Mightiest, loving and comforting, wrathful and wild, you who sustain all the
First Children of the Mother, the Tribe of the Goddess
Here I give you your due welcome.
To all the Gods who see my Fire, who hear the voices in my Well, I offer welcome.
To the Mother of This Land, First Goddess, Queen of Land, Sea and Sky, I make due
To the Lord of Wisdom, Magician-God, Lord of Secrets and Priest of the Fire I make due
To the Gods of my hearth, known or unknown, Shining Powers of Blessing, I make due
To you who hear me, I offer this offering. (offering of scented oil)
To you who would teach and aid, I offer this offering, (offering of precious metal)
To all you who come without harm, I offer this offering (offering of mead)
Reveal yourselves to me in your beauty, Shining Ones,
Guide my soul to the Center
And brighten my spirit in reflection of your Light.
O Shining Deities, I honor your presence, offering my love and worship.
Be with me in my grove and in my heart, and accept this gift in token of my kinship.
Drink from the horn is spilled on the ground or into the bowl. Cry:
Shining Ones, accept my sacrifice!

Pause for a moment and feel and envision the Gods and Spirits approaching your Grove.
Prepare a final offering, and gather up all your worship and aspiration toward the Gods and
Spirits, as you make the final sacrifice, saying:
Hear me my kin, my allies, my elders, I pray, and make your wisdom open to me, let your
love flow with mine, and your power be strong with me. Mighty, Noble and Shining Ones,
turn your faces toward my Fire, and join me now in my Grove! Oh Host of the Holy, I call
you on the Spirit Road; by the Four Winds and the Nine Waves, by the World Tree’s root
and branch. By Fire’s light and Well’s might, come to my call, be welcome at my Fire, and
accept my sacrifice! (make final offering)

13: Take up your divining tool of choice and meditate on the patrons and on the intention of this
rite. Cast for a simple omen, with this charm:

Spirit of the Gift, Spirit of the Song, Spirit of Destiny

Give me the gift of seeing, let me hear the song of the Turning of the Worlds
Mighty, Noble & Shining Ones, I have offered to you.
Now let the true sight be in me, the true speech be mine,
Answer me now, O spirits, what blessing do you offer me, in return for my offerings?

Draw the symbols and lay them outbefore you, perhaps reciting their names and meanings
aloud. Meditate on the omen, seek to understand what blessings the powers offer in return for
the sacrifice. Then, compose of all this - the image, the intention, and the omen - into a single
gestalt of energy.
14: With the omen in mind, lift the Coire Beannacht and call for the Blessing, saying:

Now I call to the Holy Ones, to the Elder Wise,

To the Kings and Queens of the Land,
To the Mother of Blessing and the Lord of Wisdom.
Send me your Blessing in Three Steams
From the Well of Wisdom,
From the Cauldron of the Mead.
Send me your Blessing in Three Steams
Into the Three Cauldrons
Into the Vessel of Blessing.
Send me your Blessing in Three Steams
Fill me with the Blessing
Of wisdom, love and power.
15: Pour the drink into the Cauldron and breathe the combined energy current into the drink
I call upon the Holy Ones to give to me as I have given to you,
as a gift calls for a gift.
Let this be the Vessel of Blessing
And let this be the Draft of Blessing.
Let it shine and flow in this mead.
I open my heart to the flow of your blessing, I, your child and worshipper.
Behold the waters of life!

Reverently drink most of the blessing, perhaps sprinkling any object to be consecrated in the
work as well. Meditate on the influx of spiritual current.

16: With the Blessing in you, find your Center and your Power and settle into a trance of vision.
Open your eyes to the Inner reality of your Grove, and recite this briocht:
By deep Well and bright Fire
By the World Tree’s root and branch
I come before the Gods
May I be the Kin of the Mighty Dead
May I be the Ally of the Noble Spirits
May I be the Blessed Child of the Shining Gods
Wisdom be upon me
Love uphold me
Power at every hand around me
And Wisdom, Love and Power
In my truest heart.
Rise in your Vision Body, and see there the Host of Spirits that you have called, especially the
Gods, and the Elder Wise, and those of the Landwights that seem to come to you. Spend what
time you may desire observing them and speaking carefully with them. Then return your
awareness to your body before the Fire, and say:

The worlds are in me, and I am in the worlds

The spirit in me is the spirit in the worlds
By Gods, Dead and Spirits;
By Fire, Well and Tree;
The blessing flows and shines in me!
So be it!

17: When all is done, give thanks, saying:

By this work I am blessed, by the power of the Mighty, Noble and Shining Ones! Secure
in their blessing, I go from the Grove into my life and work. I go with the blessing of the
Gods in my head, and heart and loins. To all those who have aided me in this holy work, I
give thanks.

Triple Kindreds, Gods, Dead and Landspirits:

I thank you for your presence in my small Grove.
Shining Ones, Mighty Dead, Noble Spirits
I thank you for your aid and blessing.

18: Make a closing triskel over the Fire.

Lord of the gates, lord of knowledge, I give you my thanks.
Now let the Fire be flame, the Well be water,
Let all be as it was before, save for the magic I have made
Let the Gates be closed!

19: Recenter and contemplate the entire working, and end, saying:
To the Mother I give thanks, for ever upholding my life and my work.

The blessings of the Holy Ones be on me and mine

My blessings on all beings, with peace on thee and thine
The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree
Flow and Flame and Grow in me
Thus do I fulfill the work of the Wise.
So be it!
The ADF Outline of Worship: A Briefing for Newcomers
by Ian Corrigan; ArchDruid Emeritas of ADF

The Intention of Our Rite 

Any Druidic ritual has as a primary intention the re-weaving of the links between human-
kind, the natural world, and the God/desses and Spirits who support both. For thousands of
years human culture lived in more or less intimate communion with the unseen worlds.
Over the centuries of European culture these ties have been weakened, until our modern
materialism is endangering the very air and water that sustains our life. We work to
reconnect with the powers of Land, Sea and Sky, honoring the spirit that is in them as well
as their physical realities.

As with any religious path we also seek blessings for ourselves, our families and
communities. We open our hearts to the flow of divine blessing that comes from our
God/desses. We seek also to awaken that same divine spark in our own souls, so that we can
bless the world in return.

Ár nDraíocht Féin is a small part of the neoPagan movement, one of the fastest-growing
currents in modern religion. From our beginnings we have been committed to serving the
whole Pagan community. Druidic worship is open and inclusive. We welcome Pagans of
every tradition and path, as well as those who want to learn more about Druidry or pagan
ways in general. We ask only that you respect our ways; you can expect the same from us.

Principles of Druidic Worship 

The outer form of our worship, like all ceremony, is made up of spoken prayers, invocations
and statements combined with traditional actions. While we have reclaimed some of these
from pre-Christian Europe we do not grant them the status of revelation or scripture. All
ritual speech is made by humans to help turn our minds more effectively toward the Divine.
Druidry teaches that beautiful speech, poetry or music pleases and influences the Powers,
and so we fill our rites with these things to the best of our ability.

A central action of our rites is the giving of gifts to the Powers. This is commonly called
sacrifice (Latin: to make sacred). We teach that the God/desses and Spirits are
strengthened by our offerings, and show their gratitude by blessing the givers. In pagan
ways humans are not mere dependents of even the greatest Deities. Rather they depend on
our love and offerings as we depend on their blessing and aid.

While it is true that the ancients offered animal and even occasional human lives to the
Powers, our modern Paganism rejects any offering that takes life or causes injury. We offer
our God/desses flowers, food, drink, incense and scented oil, precious metals and gems,
poetry and song, but never blood.

The soul-skills that bind Pagan worship together are the techniques of meditation and
trance. By concentrating our minds on the symbols and words of the rite, by relaxing our
bodies and letting go of our internal dialogue and by strongly visualising the rite's energy
flows and Deities we induce a state of mind that allows contact with Inner worlds.

In every Druidic rite there will be a series of spoken instructions intended to help induce
this trance. Following these suggestions with an open mind will deepen your experience.
Remember that all such guidance is just that; you are in control of your state of mind at all
times. Yet it is through consenting to trance that you can know our Magic best.

These three principles - ritual, sacrifice and trance combine to produce the magic of Druidic

The Outline of Druidic Rites 

Part 1: Establishing the Grove 
In ancient days Pagans gathered in places hallowed by tradition. Sometimes these were
temple buildings. More often they were groves and glens in the deep forest, or high places.
In our times we must usually recreate the holy atmosphere of the Sacred Groves by ritual
and meditation.

The Procession: In some cases the presiding priest/ess will come out of the Grove and lead
a procession of all the worshippers into the holy place. Usually this is accompanied by song.
At other times the worshippers are sent to meditate alone then called to the Grove by horn,
drum or song. When approaching the Grove one tradition is to circle the Center of the
Grove three times in the sunwise direction. Honoring the Mother: The priest/ess usually
gives a simple statement of beginning, followed by a prayer and offering to the Earth
Mother who upholds our lives and rites. One common custom is to bend and kiss, or place a
hand on, the earth to honor Her.

Opening Meditation: The priest/ess or a Grove member will lead a basic grounding and
centering. This attunement helps us to connect our individual souls with the Two Powers.
The Earth Current or Underworld Power carries the dark, mixed elements from which all
forms arise. The Sky Current, or Starry Power is the ordering pattern that crystallizes forms
out of the Underworld potential. Together these powers manifest the Middle World in
which we live.

Following the Grove meditation the Priest/ess gives a statement of the intention and
purpose of the rite and its precedent in the Ways of the ancients.

Affirming the World Order: Druidic ritual is anchored in the Sacred Center of the Grove.
The Center is conceived as a meeting-place of the common world with the Otherworlds of
the Spirits. We use one or more of the universal symbols of the Center - the Fire, the Well
and the World-Tree. Fire connects us with the Sky, the Well with the Underworld and the
Tree is the Boundary Between All Worlds, rooted deep and crowned high.

In this phase of the ritual the Order of the Worlds is acknowledged - first the vertical axis of
Under- Mid- and Starry Worlds. The rite may then honor the three worlds of Land, Sea and
Sky, or the Four Directions.

By affirming these symbols in our rite we acknowledge them in ourselves, making our own
souls a temple in which the God/desses may dwell.

Opening the Gates: Meditation on the World Order is a valuable spiritual tool all by itself.
The next part of the rite transforms the simple symbols of the Center into true Magical
gates. First the priest/ess invokes the Deity that has charge of the Ways Between, in the
pantheon of the rite. We offer to the Gatekeeper and ask their help in the work.

The symbols of the Sacred Center are then conjured to function as the Gates Between.
Through these gates we send our love, worship and offerings to the powers and they, in
turn, send blessing to us. As long as the Gates are open our thoughts and impulses can be
heard clearly by the God/desses and Spirits.

Part 2: Offering to the Powers 

Preliminary Offerings: There are two preliminary offerings usually made at this point.

First the Bard of the rite invokes the power of poetic inspiration to indwell both the
priest/esses and worshippers. This may be either an offering to a specific Deity or a general
attunement to sources of inspiration in the Self.

Next we offer to the spirits commonly called the Outdwellers. These are the Powers that can
be inimical to mortals or oppose our own God/desses. We acknowledge their presence,
asking them to leave our rites in peace. We also acknowledge the parts of ourselves that
might, likewise, interfere with proper worship.

Three Kindred Offerings: In each of our rites we invoke and offer to the Spirits in three
categories. We call these the Kindreds to reflect their family relationship with one another
and with us. The Nature Spirits are those who ensoul soil and stone, water and wind, bird
and beast. The Dead are our ancestors, both those of actual blood or those of our heart and
affection. The God/desses are the eldest Children of the Mother, the Brightest, Wisest and
Strongest. For each of these we speak an invocation and make a proper offering.

When these Triad Offerings are made the worshippers should meditate on and call to those
Spirits that are closest to her. Her own Ancestors, her God/desses, her allies among the
Nature Spirits are called to join us in honoring the Patron Powers of the rite.
Patron Offerings: Each of our rites is commonly dedicated to two or more of the
God/desses. These are usually chosen either for their connection with the seasonal holiday
being celebrated, for their ability in the area of the work being done or their special
relationship with the mortal focus of the rite.

The Patrons of the rite are first invoked with expressive prose or poetry, sometimes
accompanied by a visualized image of the Deities. A proper offering is made as the
priest/ess invokes.

After the formal offerings there is usually a time when members of the company can make
personal offerings. Usually these are 'Praise Offerings' - offerings of art - songs, poetry etc.,
though they may be thanks to the Powers for blessings received.

Final Sacrifice and Omen: After the Praise Offerings the priest/ess gives a final Prayer of
Sacrifice and makes a large offering to the Fire. This is the moment when every worshipper
sends her love and respect, her energy, through the Gates to the Patrons and Powers.

After the Sacrifice the priest/ess seeks an omen, doing a simple divination to determine
what sort of blessing the Powers offer in return for our gifts.

Part 3: The Blessing 

Opening to Blessing: The priest/ess leads a meditation combining the presence of the
powers with the content of the Omen. We also meditate on our own needs, those of our
loved ones, and our community.

At this time there is usually a litany in which the assembled company pray to be given the
Blessing, in the form of the Waters of Life. In this moment your personal desires should be
strongly imagined, held in the mind and heart, with harm to none and for the good of all.

The Waters of Life: The Blessing of the Powers is commonly given as a cup or horn of drink.
There is always clear water or fruit juice and sometimes ale, wine or even whiskey (Gaelic:
uisge na beatha, water of life). The priest/ess invokes the Blessing as water drawn from the
Well of Potentials and held in the light of the Fire of Transformation. We contemplate again
our needs, and the Omen as we drink the Blessing. We often sing an anthem or listen
quietly during this most reverent moment.

Works: If there is any social or magical task to be accomplished it is done at this time.
Healings, announcements of weddings, child blessings, workings for community good may
occasionally be part of the rites.

Part 4: Thanks, and Closing 

After all is done we give proper thanks to all the Powers. The priest/ess leads us in thanking
the Patrons and the Kindreds. We thank the Gatekeeper and conjure the Gates to close. We
renew our grounding, our connection with Earth and Sky, and center the energies of the rite
in our souls. We allow any excess energy to flow away into the ground as we offer any
remains of the rite to the Earth Mother.

The rite concludes with a blessing and we often sing a closing chant as we leave the Grove.

Some Conventions of Druidic Ritual 

Our rites are open and inclusive. We do not close our circles, and you are free to come and
go as you please during the rite. We ask only that you be respectfully quiet and attentive
when within earshot of the ritual.
If you have a Praise Offering that you wish to perform, please see our Grove Bard before the
rite. We ask that you not applaud the Praise Offerings, rather give the energy of your
appreciation to the Patrons.

Grove of the Seven Hills Invocations

Outline of Spring Equinox Rite 3-20-2010
Outline of Samhain Ritual 10-30-09
Outline of Autumnal Equinox Ritual 9-22-09

A General Rite of Offering

The General Rite of Offering was designed as a venue to worship, honor and
make offerings to any beings among the Indo-European Kindred, with exception
of those beings considered to be Outsiders to any given ritual setting.
Specifically, this ritual was created to provide additional opportunities for the
worship of the Indo-European Kindred in general, as opposed to high rituals
focusing upon a specific Being(s) of the Occasion, as well as for Grove’s to be
able to offer additional opportunities for worship within their diverse
communities. This ritual has not been tied to any seasonal customs or any
other specific purposes and has been intentionally created to provide hearth
culture neutrality. The deities invited to provide Bardic Inspiration and to
function as the Gatekeeper may be chosen from any Indo-European hearth

During the preparation phase of our ritual the following activities are completed
prior to initiating the rite. Upon arrival to the ritual site and prior to any ritual
tools being unloaded or set up, we gather to invite and make offering to the
Spirits of the Land. The Spirits of the Land are those beings attached in some
way to the land we use for our worship. These spirits may be Nature Spirits,
Ancestors or Deities that are often protectors and guardians of the land itself.
Utilizing the following invocation, we ask for permission to worship upon the
land and the Spirits of the Land are invited to join in our celebration, if they
wish to do so.

Spirits of the Land

From the crossroads between Earth and Sky,
Upon the border of this Great Lake
And among those that dwell in this plane,
We call out to the spirits of this land.
Once more we assemble upon this ground and ask for the use of this place for
our worship.
Deities of past and present peoples;
Guardians and protectors of this ground;
Those of you in tune with our purpose;
We invite you to share in our celebration.
Spirits of this Land, accept our offering!

An offering of milk and honey is made to the Spirits of the Land. While the
offering is being made around our ritual area all who have gathered sing the
chant: We Approach the Sacred Grove 3x’s to attune to the land, its spirits and
each other. Once the chant and offering are complete all participants say the

Spirits of this Land, accept our offering!

All:  Spirits of this Land, be welcome among us!

Following the invocation and offering to the Spirits of the Land we unload our
ritual tools and other items necessary for our gathering. We set up our ritual
space and our feasting hall prior to the arrival of guests.

After the Nemeton has been set up the waters for the well (which have been
gathered from 3 water sources) are poured and blessed by an officiate using
the following invocation or one of their own:
Water (as the waters are being poured)
With the power to create and destroy
And the strength of cleanse and purify,
Flowing from deep within the Earth.

Gathered from three wells for a sacred purpose.

Blessed is the water that will hallow and make holy our Nemeton!

The fire kindled with flint and steal and blessed by an officiate using the
following invocation.

Fire (as the fire is kindled)

With the power to create and destroy,
And the strength to cleanse and purify.
Forging forth as flint strikes steel.

Kindled from the hearth’s flame for a sacred purpose.

Blessed is the flame that will hallow and make holy our Nemeton!

Once our Nemeton has been prepared we dress for ritual and a pre-ritual omen
is taken. One rune or ogham is drawn for each of the three Kindred for the
purpose of avoiding unforeseen problems within our ritual to come. Once the
messages from the Kindred have been considered any necessary changes are
made prior to proceeding. If the omen is good we proceed with our

Pre-Ritual Briefing
Once guests have arrived a Pre-Ritual briefing is facilitate, which discusses the
purpose, intention and order of the upcoming ritual. Songs and chants to be
used within the ritual are practiced at this time, as well as specific directions
given for guest participation.


Grove Attunement
Following the pre-briefing, all participants are assembled for the Grove
Attunement. The Grove Attunement is a guided meditation, which utilizes an
adapted Two Power’s meditation. The Grove Attunement is intended to aid all
participants to let go of negative thoughts or struggles, while connecting to the
powers of Earth and Sky and to each other, as we unite as one people with a
common purpose for the period of the rite.

Closing your eyes, take a few deep cleansing breaths.

Breathing in through your nose and out through your mouth.
In through your nose and out through your mouth.
As you breathe, lay aside the worries, troubles and woes of the mundane
(pause for a 4 count)

We now stand between the Earth and Sky

Feel your feet firmly resting upon the Earth
Know that below us flows the primal waters,
Cold, dark and chaotic; filled with the potential of all life.
Allow the primal waters to enter your being.
Feel the coolness of the waters as they pool within your belly, within your heart
and finally, within your head.
(pause for 8 count)

Reaching high into the sky above

Feel the illuminating radiance of the Heavens
Know that above us burns the primal fires,
Warm, light and ordered; filled with the spark of all life.

Allow the primal fire to enter your being.

Feel the warmth of the fires as they illuminate your mind, your heart and finally
your spirit.
(pause for 8 count)
Feel the primal powers of Earth and Sky as they surge through you, lending
strength and energy to your being.
(pause for 8 count)

As we open our eyes, know that we assemble as one folk to worship with a
common purpose.

May our worship be true.
May our actions be just.
May our love be pure.
Blessings, honor and worship to the Holy Ones.

We begin our ritual by gathering in a single file line outside of our Nemeton. We
process to our ritual space with a slow walk, while singing a chant or song. The
song is repeated until all participants are within the Nemeton.

In Song
Come we now as a people
To gather together at the sacred well
Come we now as a people
To gather in the warmth and the light of the flame
© Stone Creed Grove, ADF

Repeat until all participants have entered the worship area.

Musical Signal
A musical signal, a bell, hammer striking an anvil, drum beat, etc. lets all who
have gathered know the ritual has begun.


Honoring the Earth Mother and Sky Father
An opening prayer is given to honor and invite the Earth Mother and Sky
Father, the primal Mother and Father of all, to our ritual. We have made a
personal addition to the ADF Core Order of Ritual in our opening blessings with
the inclusion of a Sky Father. The Earth Mother and Sky Father are not to be
confused with the Neopagan concept of Lord and Lady, but are the primal
mother and father of their pantheons. Our Earth Mother may be localized Earth
Mother or chosen from among the Goddesses of Sovereignty from a hearth
culture specific pantheon. The Sky Father deity honored in our opening
blessings is the God of the Clear Sky or Day Sky. He is the embodiment of Sky
power, the illuminating radiance of the Heavens. It is our belief that through
the union of the Earth Mother and Sky Father that all life comes into being and
true balance can be achieved.
Earth Mother

(kneeling at the well)

Ancient One of ever changing beauty

Primal Mother of Gods and Men
And Great Goddess of Sovereignty
We are renewed in your waters
Cradled within your mantel of green
And sustained by your abundance
Earth Mother, we call upon the life-giving magic of the Earth!

Sky Father

(standing at the sacred fire arms outstretched to the sky)

Flashing One of the Sun’s healing warmth

Brilliant Father of the Clear Sky
And Great God of the creative spark
We are purified between your flames
Strengthened through your radiant light
And prosper from your fertility
Sky Father, we call upon the illuminating power of the Sky!

Officiate inviting the Earth Mother and Sky Father together say:

Great Earth Mother and Sky Father,

Through your sacred union springs forth all life.
Mother and Father of all that was, of all that is and all that will be.
We come before you in love and respect and we ask that you uphold and bless
our gathering!

An offering of white bread (1 whole round loaf) and clarified butter is made to
the Earth Mother and Sky Father.

Earth Mother and Sky Father, accept our offering!

All:  Earth Mother and Sky Father, be welcome among us!

Invocation for Bardic Inspiration *Optional.

An officiate may call upon a specific Deity to provide participants with the gift of
inspiration and eloquence for the period of our worship. This deity is also called
upon to aid us in communication with the Otherworld. The Deity of Bardic
Inspiration can be a deity from any Indo-European hearth culture with
the ability to provide such inspiration.
Goddess of Inspiration & Poetry
Great Mother of Song & Music
May our words echo in the sacred well.
May our hearts and minds burn with your eternal flame.
May our songs resonate upon the wind.
May you grant us the gift of inspiration and insight!

An offering of cream & honey is placed in the offering bowl for Brighid.

Lady Brighid, accept our offering!

All:  Brighid, be welcome among us! STATEMENT OF PURPOSE

The statement of purpose is a brief statement of the purpose for the ritual. It
explains the reasons we have gathered, who the Beings of the Occasion will be
(if any) and is often accompanied by a storytelling based on Indo-European
mythology to establish the historical precedent.

This eve we gather upon the Earth as one tribe;

To worship and honor the Kindred as one people;
We gather kin and clan beneath the Sky;
To make sacrifice to the Kindred;
Receiving their blessings in return.
May all who gather this eve be welcome among us!

The Outdwellers are defined by Whispering Lake Grove as beings of chaos that
are not in tune with the purpose and intention of our ritual. The Outdwellers are
addressed and given a token outside of our Southern fire in an attempt to
control the chaos that enters our ritual space. The officiate placing the token to
the Outdwellers does so just after the purpose of our ritual has been
established. The items for the Outdwellers are usually given in an even number
and are darker in color representing the chaotic nature of these beings. These
items are given from the left hand, while avoiding eye contact. We strive not to
offend or provoke, but to avoid establishing a guest/host relationship with any
and all beings among the Outdwellers. During our rituals all present are asked
to turn away and pay no attention to these beings as they are addressed to
avoid establishing a relationship with them.


(at the Southern fire a token is placed for the Outdwellers)

Beings of chaos and discord!

Hoards, whose minds know not rest and whose spirits know not peace.
To all those, whose screams and cries, harmonize not with our songs and
Know that this time and place we claim as ours!
You may have held it in the past, you may hold it in the future, but for now,
Let it be known that it is OURS!
We have given to you all that we intend to give.
May order reign and chaos trouble not our gathering!

Purification of Participants & Space

Participants are led in the following power raising chant:

With the powers to create and destroy

And the strength to cleanse and purify.

As the participant’s chant, blessed water is taken from our well and incense
briquettes within a censor are lit from the sacred fire. Participates are sprinkled
with water and censed with incense. Water is then sprinkled once around our
ritual space to cleanse the space, followed by the incense for purification.

When all participants and the worship area is censed and asperged the
following words are said:

Through the union of fire and water,

Our Nemeton is made whole and holy!
Once more we have met the threat of chaos with order and laid claim to this
place. We have made sacred this space and time that we may worship and
honor the Kindred as one people.

Creating the Group Mind & Affirmation of Unity

A ritual officiate will assist participants to re-establish group mind and reaffirm
their connection to the Earth and Sky, followed by all chanting:
In Song

Deep Peace (Author Unknown)

Deep peace of the flowing air to you

Deep peace of the sacred flame
Deep peace of the running wave to you
Deep peace of the quiet earth
May peace, may peace, may peace fill your soul
Let peace, let peace, let peace make you whole.

Repeat chant 3 times


Consecration of Time
An officiate will take the participants to the time of cosmic beginning of Norse
mythology or to the time of the coming of the Tuatha in Irish Celtic mythology
due to the lack of a creation mythology for the Irish Celts. Other Indo-European
creations myths may also be adapted for this purpose. This activity prepares
the way for the convergence of the worlds and re-establishes group mind.

In the beginning and so too in the end; there was but fire and ice, and between
them a vast emptiness.
To the North laid the ice and snow, frigid winds and fearsome storms ravaged
the land.
To the South burned the fires, molten and glowing the dancing flames
consumed all before them.
In the vast emptiness the warm breath mingled with the ice. The warm winds
began to melt the ice and tiny drops of water began to form. Within the tiny
drops of water new life began to stir and the powers to destroy life became the
powers that created it.

The fire, well and tree are honored with a song or invocation and are prepared
through offering to become the sacred center between land, sea and sky in
preparation for opening the ways between the worlds.

Fire, Well & Tree (chant)

Fire, bright Fire
Gate to the Shining Ones
Fire, bright Fire
Our passage to the Sky
Fire, bright Fire
Warmth of our Community
Spark of Life
We honor you now

Incense is offered to the fire.

Well, deep Well

Gate to the Underworld
Well, deep Well
Our passage to the Sea
Well, deep Well
Wisdom of the Ancestors
Waters of Life
We honor you now

Silver is offered into the well.

Tree, great Tree
Gate that reaches everywhere
Tree, great Tree
With you we share the Land
Tree, great Tree
Our passage to the Otherworld
Source of Life
We honor you now.

The bile is asperged with water from the well and censed with incense.
Words & music by Pandora

Completing the Cosmology

Land, Sea and Sky are established, as well as the Underworld, Middle world and
Heavens through invocation.

To Land, Sea & Sky

The waters support and surround us.
The land extends about us.
The sky stretches above us.
And at the center burns a living flame.
Let us pray with a good fire.
May all the Kindred bless us.
May our worship be true.
May our actions be just.
May our love be pure.
Blessings and honor and worship to the holy ones.

Land, Sea & Sky Text by Ceisiwr Serith


An invocation is spoken asking a Gatekeeper deity (a God/Goddess of the
Threshold) to ward the way and facilitate communication between the worlds,
as well as to assist in opening the gates. An offering is made to the Gatekeeper
and all participants join in singing a power-raising chant prior to the gate
opening. The Gatekeeper deity can be any Indo-European psycho pomp
or liminal deity.

The magical portals (fire, well and tree) are then opened. The Bile or tree
becomes a crossroads or axis between Earth and Sky, between this world and
the Otherworld, where spirits and communication may travel freely between the
worlds. The Sacred Fire is opened as a way to the Shining Ones, the Deities and
the Sacred Well is opened as a way to the Mighty Dead, the Ancestors. Through
these portals we send our love and worship in the form of prayers and
offerings. The Kindred (The Noble Spirits, Mighty Dead and Shining Ones) in
return send us their guidance, wisdom and blessings through the portals.
Manannan MacLir, it is your might and magic that wards the threshold.

Grey Rider of Aonbarr, we ask for your protection as we walk through the mist
this night.
Mighty Lord of the Crossroads, as we travel between the worlds of man and
Sidhe may you part the mist before us.

Irish whiskey is offered to Manannan.

Manannan MacLir, Mist Weaver, accept our offering!

All:  Manannan, be welcome among us!

Let us raise our voices in song to the Gatekeeper!

All in song

Gatekeeper open the portals,

Between the Gods and mortals,
Power freely flows, as our magic grows!

Repeat chant three times

© Stone Creed Grove, ADF

Manannan, merge now your magic with ours!

See the flame leaping forth from the fire.
See the mist arising from the well,
Flame and mist converging upon the tree.
Forming a meeting place between the realms

Striking a sigil or triskel over the fire

Let the fire burning towards the heavens open as a gate that we may follow the
way to the Shining Ones.

Striking a sigil or triskel over the well

Let the well whose depths reach the Underworld open as a gate that we may
follow the way to the Mighty Dead.

Striking a sigil or triskel upon the tree

Let the tree, pathway between Earth & Sky, be open to us.
By the land before us!
By the seas about us!
By the sky above us!
Let the Gates Be Open!


We pray and make offering to the Kindred. We honor the Noble Spirits of the
world around us, our animal companions, the green world, fairy folk and other
non-human spirits. We honor the Mighty Dead, our Ancestors of blood, as well
as those of spirit that have passed from this world. We honor and worship the
Shining Ones, our Deities, asking them for their blessings in our lives. We end
each invocation by all participants welcoming the Kindred among us.

Now that the world of the living and that of the spirit are one, we call out from
the crossroads to the Mighty Kindred. Allies of the Middle Realm!

Noble Spirits
Beasts of legend and lore
Lurkers of mist and shadow
Creatures of fur, fin and feather
Allies of the Middle Realm

Beings of myth and magic

Messengers of the Otherworld
Dwellers of land, sea and sky
Watchers of this sacred ground!

Hear us, Spirits both great and small, for we are in need of your company!
Noble Spirits, join us in celebration this night!

Seeds and cream are offered upon the ground.

Noble Spirits, accept our offering!

All:  Noble Spirits, be welcome among us!

Mighty Dead
Priests of magic and lore
Chieftains of kith and clan
Bringers of law and order
Mighty Ones of the realm below

Heroes of myth and legend

Warriors of strength and courage
Beloved Dead of blood and spirit
Ancestors of flesh and bone

Hear us, Teachers and Guides, for we are in need of your wisdom!
Mighty Dead, join us in celebration this night!

Beer and bread are offered.

Ancestors, accept our offering!
All:  Ancestors, be welcome among us!

Shining Ones
Guardians of hearth and home
Protectors of kith and kin
Bringers of peace and plenty
Shining Ones of the realm above

Champions of honor and might

Wielders of war and destruction
Dwellers of light and shadow
Deities of land, sea and sky

Hear us Eldest and Brightest for we are in need of your blessings!

Shining Ones, join us in celebration this night!

Clarified butter and white bread are offered.

Shining Ones, accept our offering!

All:  Shining Ones, be welcome among us!

Invitation of the Beings of the Occasion
For the purpose of this ritual the invitation to the Kindred to serves as the Key
Offering. The Indo-European Kindred are the honored guests of the occasion.

Personal/Praise Offerings
Ritual participants are given an opportunity to make praise offerings in the form
of poetry, song, dance, or works of their hands etc. These offerings of praise
may be given to any among the IE Kindred. Praise is given freely and nothing is
asked for in return. Ritual participants may also give a personal offering of
thanks or petition the Kindred, if they wish.


The purpose of the Prayer of Sacrifice is to collect all of the energy, love and
honor left within our ritual area intended for the Beings of the Occasion. Once
collected this energy is to be sent through the gates just before the final
sacrifice is made. A final sacrifice is prepared and given. It is at this point in the
ritual that the energy that has been flowing through the gates from the
participants now begins to flow back to us from the Beings of the Occasion in
the form of blessings.
Through our praise, love and sacrifice;
We honor deities, as they walk among us.
Through communication with the Otherworld;
We receive their guidance, inspiration and insight.
Tonight we call out from the crossroads to our guests of honor!
As we prepare to make our final sacrifice.

The final sacrifice is prepared.

It is in love, honor and respect that we have offered hospitality to the Kindred
this night.
We have sung their praise; made our sacrifice.
It is our hope that our words and sacrifice have conveyed our love.
We call once more through the Gates and deep within the Otherworld that all
shall know of our devotion.
Mighty Kindred, we honor you.

The final sacrifice is made.

Kindred, accept our sacrifice!

All:  Kindred, accept our sacrifice!

Participants meditate, sending their energies through the gates.

Let us raise our voices in song as the Kindred reveal their will.

In song
Come druid all, ovate and seers
And let your minds be still
Earth, sea and sky will lend no fears
As the gods reveal their will.

Let every heart sing praise to them

And all our works be skilled
Claiming their blessings to the very end.
As the gods reveal their will.
(Words by Sean Miller)

The Omen is taken utilizing a symbol set, for example, by drawing three Ogham
or three Runes. The type of symbol set utilized and the number of symbols
drawn may very. The primary purpose of the Omen is to give the Beings of the
Occasion a voice, as we ask if they have accepted our praise, offerings and
sacrifice. The secondary purpose of the Omen is to preview the blessing and
receive guidance; wisdom, inspiration, insight, warnings or other messages the
Beings of the Occasion may have for us. The Grove Seer gives a brief
interpretation and explanation for participants to contemplate each message.


Blessings are call down from the Beings of the Occasion

Two pitchers will be filled and sat in the midst of the hallows. The
following words will be spoken over the pitchers.

As in the ways of old we have given our gifts freely and as in the ways of old a
gift is given unto us in return.
We will drink deep of the Cup of Inspiration. May the blessings of health,
wealth and wisdom be ours.
Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!

All: Kindred, your blessings upon us!

We gather with you between Earth and Sky. We are proud to call ourselves
your people.
Once again, Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!

All: Kindred, your blessings upon us!

We have brought our offerings. We have made sacrifice.

One last time, Mighty Kindred, your blessings upon us!

All: Kindred, your blessings upon us!

The pitchers are lifted saluting the fire, well and tree.


The Blessings of the Beings of the Occasion are invoked into the Waters.

Behold the Waters of Life!

Mighty Kindred, hear and bless us.
Noble Ones, hallow these waters of life.
Mighty Ones, hallow these waters of life.
Shining Ones, hallow these Waters of Life.
Lifting the pitchers before the participants.
Behold the Waters of Life!
All:  Behold the Waters of Life!


The participants are asked if they wish to receive the Blessings of the Being(s)
of the Occasion. Upon receiving affirmation the Waters of Life are passed and
shared among the participants. As the Waters are shared, it is customary to
sing a song or chant until all have had an opportunity to receive the blessing.

Now Good folk, do you wish to receive the blessings of our honored guests?
_____________. Then we shall drink deep the blessings of the Kindred!

The Waters are passed and all participants share the waters. As the waters are
passed participants sing the following song.

In song

Pour the waters, raise the cup, drink your share of wisdom deep, strength and
love now fill us up as the elder ways we keep.

© Stone Creed Grove, ADF

Any work that may need to be done on behalf of the community may be
performed, as needed, during this section of the ritual.


All of the participants thank the powers that have attended us during the ritual
in reverse order. Each Being that was invited to join our celebration is given a
token of thanks. The Earth Mother and Sky Father are not thanked until later in
the ritual.

Shining Ones, Eldest and Brightest. May you continue to guide and bless us as
we walk this path. Shining Ones, known and unknown, we thank you for your
blessings and guidance this eve. (a final token is offered) May there be peace
between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Shining Ones, we thank you!

Mighty Dead of blood and spirit, those who inspire and guide us in our lives.
Beloved Dead we thank you for the wisdom you have shared with us. (a final
token is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by
the hearth’s fire.

All: Mighty Dead, we thank you!

Noble Spirits of land, sea and sky, Companions who aid and guide us in our
journey. Noble Spirits, we thank you for sharing your knowledge and
protection. (a final token is offered) May there be peace between us until we
meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Noble Spirits, we thank you!

Lady Brighid, Great Mother of Song and Music. We thank you for your blessings
of inspiration and eloquence. (a final token is offered) May there be peace
between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Brighid, we thank you!


The Gatekeeper is thanked and receives a final token of thanks. The Gates
between the worlds are closed.

Manannan MacLir, Weaver of Gray Mists; we thank you for your protection and
guidance as we have walked between the worlds this night. (A final token is
offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the
hearth’s fire

All: Manannan, we thank you!

Manannan Mac Lir, Great Guardian of the Threshold, we now, ask that you close
the gates, warding the way between the worlds once more.
Let the fire burning towards the heavens once more become but flames.
Let the well whose depths reach the Underworld once more become but water.
Let the tree, pathway between Earth & Sky, become but wood.
By the land before us!
By the seas about us!
By the sky above us!
Let the Gates be closed!


Just prior to the conclusion of our ritual, the Earth Mother and Sky Father are
thanked and all that has gone unused is returned to the Earth and Sky.

Illuminating One of the Sky, may you continue to show us the way to courage
and right. Bright Father of the Clear Sky, we thank you for the strength and
healing warmth you have given us. (a final token is offered) May there be
peace between us until we meet once again by the hearth’s fire.

All: Sky Father, we thank you!

Ancient One of Ever Changing Beauty, may you continue to renew and sustain
us. Primal Mother of the Gods and Man, we thank you for all life. (a final token
is offered) May there be peace between us until we meet once again by the
hearth’s fire.

All: Earth Mother, we thank you!

We now return all that has gone unused to the Earth and the Sky, may they
continue to support, surround and sustain us. All offerings that remain are
burnt in the fire or scattered upon the Earth.


Unmerging, Regrounding & Recentering: Meditation
Participants take part in a final meditation for the purpose of grounding and
centering energy from the ritual.

Good folk, join me once more as we close our eyes; breathing deeply in
through your nose and out through your mouth
(pause for a 2 count).
As the mighty oak is part of the forest, we are all part of the great circle of life.
Remember the blessings we have received together this night (pause).
As we stand between Earth and Sky
Once more feel your feet firmly resting upon the Earth
Know that below us flows the primal waters.
Once more feel the coolness of the waters that have pooled within your belly,
within your heart and finally, within your head. (pause 4 count)
Reaching high into the sky above
Feel the illuminating radiance of the Heavens.
Know that above us burns the primal fires.
Once more feel the warmth of the fires that have illuminated your mind, your
heart and finally your spirit. (pause 4 count)
Feel the primal powers of Earth and Sky surging through you, as they have
given strength and energy to your being. (pause 4 count)
Keep of this power what you need, sending what remains forth from our beings
into the Great Lake  (pause). See this energy heal and protect her as we
conclude our worship.

May all that is be what was, that it may be again!

Musical Signal
A musical signal lets all who have gathered know the ritual has ended.

All:  We will keep the faith until the sky falls upon us and crushes us; until the
earth opens and swallows us; until the seas arises and overwhelm us.
At the conclusion of our ritual, participants leave the ritual space in song until
all have left the Nemeton.

The sky fuels the waters
And the waters sustain the skies
We walk together from this place
With the honored as our guides

Strong in our purpose

We balance and survive
From many wells of fortitude
Our spirits are revived

Joyous in our sharing

We honor dead and alive
With voices of sacred wisdom
We travel the path of our lives

Fulfilled in our learning

Our souls will always thrive
In our varied hearts and minds
We keep the sacred for all time

lyrics by Moon Dragon

Core Order of Ritual Devotional Rite

This rite was written and recorded for the ADF Clergy Council as part of my
application for ordination. It is a simple rite of devotion based off the ADF Core
Order of Ritual (COoR). To be a true ADF rite and to be used as a public ADF rite all
rituals must follow the COoR. I now present to you my devotional COoR Rite:

All text in Green are songs. All test in Blue are stage directions. 

Ritual Briefing- several people will be attending this rite so well do a small ritual

Initiating the Rite:

Outsider Offering- (Ring bell 3 times)
Mighty Outdwellers, though your ways are mighty, they are not our ways! We
give to you this offering and ask that you leave our working in peace. Mighty
Outdwellers, turn from our rite!
Opening Prayer- (have those in attendance hold hands as to be one)
Through the Ancestors we gain courage. Through the Nature Spirits we gain
peace. Through the Gods we gain wisdom. Through the Kindred we are whole.
May the Kindred be ever in our hearts and homes. And forgive us any errors that
we may do while honoring you in this rite.

(present the blessed waters to each person present)
May we be washed clean by the waters of the land so that we are pure
before the divine.
(Pass incense over each person present)
May we be scented by the fires cleansing smoke so that we are pure before
the divine.

Honoring the Earth Mother- (Place offering to the Earth Mother around the
Glorious Earth Mother, you who are the mother of all, you who sustain us with
your breath, you who feed us with your life, you whose body is the ground upon
which we stand, we come before you this day. Accept our offering oh Mother! Be
with us now and always!

    The river is flowing and it is growing.
                The river is flowing down to the sea.
                Mother earth carry me, your child I'll always be.
                Mother earth carry me down to the sea.

                Her sacred ground we walk upon , with every step we take.

                Her sacred ground we walk upon , with every step we take.

                The river is flowing and it is growing.

                The river is flowing down to the sea.
                Mother earth carry me, your child I'll always be.
                Mother earth carry me down to the sea.

                The earth is our mother, we must take care of her.

                The earth is our mother, we must take care of her.

                The river is flowing and it is growing.

                The river is flowing down to the sea.
                Mother earth carry me, your child I'll always be.
                Mother earth carry me down to the sea.

Statement of Purpose
We come before the Kindred this day to honor as did our ancestors before us. We
come to keep our Druid way.

(Re)Creating the Cosmos:

Sacred Center-Fire, Well and Tree
By Fire and by Water, between the Earth and Sky
We stand like the World-Tree rooted deep, crowned high. (repeat once) 

(Place silver into the Well)

Come we now to the Well, the eye and the mouth of Earth,
Come we now to the Well, and silver we bring,
Come we now to the Well, the waters of rebirth,
Come we now to the Well, together we sing: 


(Place grain around the Tree)

Gather we at the Tree, the root & the crown of all,
Gather we at the Tree, Below & above,
Gather we at the Tree, Together we make our call,
Gather we at the Tree, In wisdom & love. 


(Pour drink onto the Fire)

We will kindle a Fire, Bless all, and with harm to none,
We will kindle a Fire, and offering pour,
We will kindle a Fire, A light 'neath the Moon & Sun,
We will kindle a fire, our spirits will soar. 


Opening the Gates

Gate Keeper- (make offering at each gate as invocation is spoken)
Bright Lady of Torches, She who holds the keys to every door and every world,
She whose power is of land sea and sky, we call to you!

Lady Hekate, keeper of the keys, aid us in opening the way!  Aid us in holding
open the Gates! Accept this offering and open the way!

Let this well be no longer a simple well but all the Wells of all the Worlds and all
the seas. Let it be the foundation of all the Worlds! Spirit of the Well; flow above,
below, and within us! Let the Gate be open.

Let this tree be no more a simple tree but all the Trees of all the Worlds and all the
lands. Let it be the Axis Mundi, the Center path between all the Worlds. Spirit of
the Tree; grow above, below, and within us! Let the Gate be open.

Let this fire be no longer a simple fire but all the Fires in all the Worlds
and  throughout all the skies. Let it be the Crown of all the Worlds. Spirit of the
Fire; burn above, around, and  within us! Let the Gate be open.

Let the Gates be open!

Let the Gates be open!
Let the Gates be open!...

The Gates are open!

Inviting the Three Kindred
Beloved Ancestors, kin to us all;
You of hearth, blood, and bone;
You who have gone before creating the path we walk;
We call to you!
Beloved Ancestors accept this offering and be at our rite! (Make offering to
the Well)
Mighty Nature Spirits, mortal and spirit alike;
You of fur and feather and scale and skin;
You of land, sea, and sky;
We call to you!
Mighty Nature Spirits accept this offering and be at our rite! (Make
offering to the Tree)

Glorious Shinning Ones, Gods from times of old;

You who are the immortal and deathless ones;
You of the three worlds and the three realms;
We call to you!
Glorious Shinning Ones accept this offering and be at our rite! (Make
offering to the Fire)

Gods and Dead and Mighty Sidhe, Powers of earth and sky and sea, By fire and
well and sacred tree, Offerings we make to ye!

Main Ritual:

Key Offerings -
     Invitation of Beings of the Occasion-
                Gentle eldest and youngest daughter of Chronos and Rhea, we call to
you. (ring bell)
                Virgin maiden of fire, tender of the Sacred Fire on Olympus, we call to
you. (ring bell)
                Sister to the Great Father Zeus, teacher of human society, whose altar
lives in every 
                hearth on earth, we call to you. (ring bell)
                As in days of old we call onto you and ask that you be always in our
hearts and homes.
   Great and Glorious Hestia, you who have no throne upon Olympus, you whose
   throne lives in the hearts and homes of all human kind, hear our call! (light
Hestia lamp)
               Accept this offering and be with us now! (Pour offering to Hestia)

     Praise Offerings-
                Let us now give offerings to those Kindred who give aid us in our daily
lives: (praise offerings)

     Prayer of Sacrifice-
           We come to you as in days of old to share this sacred meal and give
libations as our                               ancestors once did. We do this to honor, to
show our love, and to bring balance to the  
Unto the Gods we give their due, the fat and bones of the Sacred Meal. Blessed
Hestia, receive first your due and then for all the Gods, that which is Theirs! (place
fat and bones in the fire)

And unto the Gods we give these libations, gifts to  honor and soothe. Blessed
Hestia, receive first you due and then for all the Gods, that which is Theirs!

To you all that have come, to all that heard our call we give you these gifts;

White milk, sweet to drink from the animal sacred Hermes, the cow;
(Pour Milk)

Golden honey, the distillation of the bees that work on sweet Persephone’s
(Pour Honey)

Holy water brought from the source a pure spring, domain of the Nymphs;
(Pour Water)

This refreshing, unmixed drink from the ancient vine, its mother Demeter the
Goddess of all growing things, the gift to human kind from Beloved Dionysus;
(Pour Wine)

And the fragrant fruit of the pale green olive that lives its abundant life among the
leaves and light of Helios, the gift of Athena to her people;
(Pour Olive Oil)

These gifts we give to you in love and in respect, in friendship and kinship.
Might Ones accept our sacrifice!

                Let our voices arise on the Fire,
                Let our voices resound in the Deep,
                May the spirits accept what we offer,
                As we honor the old ways we keep.


Blessed Apollo guide my hand and guide my sight, let me see what it's true and
right: (cast die three times for Omen. First for Ancesters, second for Nature Spirits,
and third for the Gods. Have enough offerings set aside for a second round if
required by Omen.)

Blessing Waters:

     Calling (asking) for the Blessings-

Offerings we have made, offerings you have received!  Blessed Kindred please
release the Waters of Life! Bring your Blessings unto the people!

     Hallowing the Blessing-

Ancestors bless these waters so that we can share in the warmth of your
knowledge! (To the Well)
                Nature Spirits bless these waters so that we can share in the love of your
kinship! (To the Tree)
                Gods bless these waters so that we can share in the light if your
wisdom! (To the Fire)
                (To the People – intoning together)

     Affirmation of the Blessing-

                (To the People) Behold! The Waters of Life, Gift of the Kindred to the
                (To the Well) In the name of memory, the preserving shrine.
                (To the Tree) In the name of the earth, our common mother.
                (To the Fire) In the light of Truth, the light that has no beginning and no
(To the People) Do the people accept this blessing, this gift from the Kindred, in
the spirit in which it is given? (Wait for response from all attending)

     Sharing of the Blessing-

May we never have thirst or need while in your service! Awen! (Present to the
people gathered to share in the Waters of life)

Ending Ritual:

     Thanking the Beings

                Being of Occasion
                Nature Spirits
     Closing the Gate(s)
Lady of the Ways, She who is the keeper of the Keys, aid us now in releasing the
Spirit of the Fire, we thank you for being with us this day. Be with us when
next we call. Let  
the Gate be closed.

            Spirit of the Tree, we thank you for being with us this day. Be with us
when next we call.  Let 
            the Gate be closed.

            Spirit of the Well, we thank you for being with us this day. Be with us
when next we call. Let 
            the Gate be closed.

Mighty Hekate, Let the Gates be closed.

Bright Hekate, we thank you for being with us this day. Carry with you our
offerings and prayers. Be with us when next we call. Accept this final offering in
thanks for your aid. (Make offering to at the three Hallows)
     Thanking the Earth Mother
      Closing the Prayer/Blessing -
Walk with wisdom from this hallowed place.
Walk not in sorrow our roots shall ere embrace.
May strength be your brother and honor be your friend.
And luck be your lover, until we meet again.

Return the Blessings and Offerings Given to the Earth Mother- (Bury in

soil of garden)
We return the Water of Life and our sacrifices so that the land will be better for us
having been here. Hail great giving Earth! Keep safe always the sacrifice, keep it
ever holy!
Imbolc Ritual

Written by Lisa Gentry, Ariel Smith, Michael Talvola, Kaila Kaden, Emile

          Sources: 2007 Sonoran Sunrise Grove, ADF Imbolc Ritual

          Raven’s Cry Grove members

For ritual February 6, 2016

Previously performed at ritual February 1, 2014


Facilitator 1: Ariel
Facilitator 2: Emile
Warrior: Shelby 
Censor/Asperser: Tom/Susan
Inspiration – Bedb and Macha: Brit-El
Earth Mother: Ravven
Group Mind Meditation: Jackie
Well: Lisa
Fire:  Natasha
Tree:  Angela
Open the Gates -- Manannan Mac Lir:  Heather
Ancestors:  Russell
Nature Spirits:  Darin
Shining Ones:  Kaylan
Omen:  Russell 
Priestess of Brighid:  Kaila 
Tea-lights (real or electric)
Anvil and Hammer
Statue of Brigid
Bowl & Pebbles 
Morrigan – Red Wine 
Outdwellers - Ale
Earth Mother – Grain 
Well – Silver
Fire – Oil
Tree – Incense 
Ancestors – Whiskey 
Nature Spirits – Fruit/Flowers
Hallows – Oil 
Shining Ones – Oil 
Brigid - Blackberries & Milk


Procession and Purification

Ariel: Children of the earth! Release the cares of your mundane life. 

Breathe deeply and allow your mind to be still.  Thoughts outside of this
time are released.  You are here spiraling ever forward in the present.

Emile: Feel the pull of our sacred space, calling out to you, whispering on
the wind.  In this space we create a sacred place.  We can become all the
Kindreds call us to be.  Purification enables our transformation into our
sacred selves.  Please come forward, be purified, and attune yourself to
mythic time.  Let go and cross the divide.

Create the candlelight procession.  Light candles in hands of all the folk. 
Procession begins with the Priestess of Brighid carrying the flame. 

Procession – Song: Come We Now as a People (by Ian Corrigan)

[Bards play in E minor]

           Come we now as a people,

            To gather at the sacred well.
            Come we now as a people,
            Together in the warmth and the light of the flame.

Folk are censed and aspersed as they enter the space.

When all folk are in place:


Ariel: Children of the Earth!  Welcome to the Imbolc ritual of Raven’s Cry

Grove, ADF.  We stand here at the threshold.  Warrior, call a guardian for
our rite.

Warrior approaches the threshold


Hail to the Raven Goddess, the harbinger of Death,

Under Your Black wings we learn to face our Fears.
Hail to the Majesty of Ruin, the harbinger of Poetic Devastation,
Under Your wings we find the path through the Chaos of our souls.
Hail to the the Lady of Battlefields, the harbinger of War,
Under your Red Wings we learn Honorable conflict.
Morrigan Warrior Queen!!
As you did once for the people of Ireland,
Blow your protective fog over this rite,
Ward the folk and this space,

Warrior makes an offering of  red wine to Morrigan, pouring

Morrigan, Accept our Sacrifice.

Ariel: Oh entryway that supports the weight of the heavens, it is beneath
you that we create our threshold.  Please hold open the roadway to the
sacred center.  Warrior, mark this space that the outdwellers shall not

Warrior draws a line at the entrance.

 Shelby:  Morrigan we ask you to watch this threshold.


Emile: Children of the earth, as we prepare to make offering to the

Outdwellers, please avert your eyes so as not to form a relationship with
them, and also look to the Outdwellers in your own hearts.  This is a
celebration of the returning Spring and renewal.  All that we carry into the
nemeton today will flower.  Take only that which you wish to root, grow,
and flourish.

Warrior!  Make offering and appease the Outdwellers who do not support
our ways.


Beings not of this rite,

Those who stand against the Gods,
We ask you to stand outside the boundaries,
And trouble not our working!

Warrior makes an offering of  ale to the Outdwellers, pouring

Bíodh sé amhlaidh!

Emile and Ariel: By the light of the fire and the might of the water, make
this Grove be whole and holy.


Ariel: ring chime 3x3 times saying:

Ancestors! (chime 3x)
Nature Spirits! (chime 3x)
Shining Ones! (chime 3x)
We have crossed the threshold into sacred space.  Let us reconnect with the
sacred cosmos as we prepare to open the gates to the otherworlds, so that
the kindreds will reveal themselves once more.


Ravven: Earth Mother!  Bearer of all life!  We show you honor!

The people kneel.

Earth Mother, your sinuous curves and deep valleys 

contain the veins through which the waters of life flow. 
The strong oak, gate to all the worlds, 
roots deeply within the caverns of wisdom, 
sustained by the waters which nourish all.

Blessed Earth Mother, giver of sustenance, shelter, healing, and

we honor all the sacrifices you make to sustain the lives which
depend on you.
A true mother, we honor you this night and ask that you accept this
offering of barley.
(offer grain)

Earth Mother, Join us and accept our sacrifice.

Biodh sé Amhlaidh

All: Bíodh sé amhlaidh!

Statement Of Purpose

Emile: We gather here to celebrate Imbolc, the time before the birth of
lambs when the ewes come into their milk. For some, Imbolc remains a day
frozen in the grip of winter, when half the stores are gone, and the land is
still bleak and quiet. But here, in this land, we recognize the stirring of life
beneath our feet, as winter begins to depart, as the rivers flood, as the days
begin to lengthen, as the first buds appear on the trees, and tulips push
through the cold soil to greet the sun.

Ariel: We are here to offer worship to the triple goddess Brighid: She who
protects, heals, and inspires. Renewal begins for mother earth; seeds take
root and come to flower. As the light strengthens and begins to awaken the
land, let it be so for us as well; let us clear away the old, dead leaves of
winter and prepare our soil to be planted anew, fresh and clear with
intention and ripe with purpose.

Emile: As our ancestors did, so do we now: we are here to honor the Old
Bargain between mortals and the Kindreds. So let us join together as one
folk to make our offerings in joy and reverence.

Bíodh sé amhlaidh!

All: Bíodh sé amhlaidh!


Rhythmic drumming to accompany the inspiration invocation

Emile: Sister goddesses Bedb and Macha, we ask you for inspiration for our


Peace to the sky,

Sky to the earth,
Earth beneath sky,
A cup very full,
Summer in winter,
Spear supported by shield,
Bring your blessings to me Badb!
Battle fury, Crow Goddess,
Both Maiden and Crone,
Cauldron keeper,
Fate weaver,
Badb, lead us toward rebirth!
Beloved Macha
Sleek mare, Faery woman, Bold Queen
You teach us that there can be no life without death
No beginning without an ending
Come, Macha come!
Be at our side
Let us know the right times to let go
And when to stand firm in our conviction and deeds
Badb, Macha – Beloved Sisters,
we call upon you for inspiration.
From dark beginnings all potential is born.
Keepers of the Cauldron of Life, Widsom, Inspiration and Enlightenment.
Take us to that place between the realm of flesh and spirit,
Between this time and that place beyond time,
Where myth, truth, and mystery become one.
Badb and Macha, accept our sacrifice and join us at our rite.

          Bíodh sé amhlaidh!

All: Bíodh sé amhlaidh!

Establish the Group Mind

Jackie: [Two powers meditation]


The Three Realms

Emile: Druids, let us now re-establish the Sacred Center of the Worlds.

Land and sea and starry sky, you surround and sanctify.
Ariel: Let the land hold firm we pray.  May all ill be turned away!
All: May all ill be turned away!

Emile: Land and sea and starry sky, you surround and sanctify.
Ariel: Let the sea not rise we pray.  May all ill be turned away!
All: May all ill be turned away!

Emile: Land and sea and starry sky, you surround and sanctify.
Ariel: Let the sky not fall we pray.  May all ill be turned away!
All: May all ill be turned away!

Well, Fire, and Tree

Start a Drumbeat. 

Lisa: Go to the well with silver.

Addy: Go to the fire with oil.
Angela: Go to the tree with incense.

Lisa: offer silver to well saying

Sacred wells, of ancient Eire,
Connect from here, through time and space,
Cosmic potential rises to fill us,
Brigit’s wells, flow within us!

All: Brigit’s wells, flow within us!

Addy: offer oil to fire saying

Sacred Fire, eternal flame,
Burning bright at Kildare,
Cosmic order brings form to raw potential.
Brigit’s Fire, burn within us!

All: Brigit’s Fire, burn within us!

Angela: cense and asperse the tree

Sacred Oak at Kildare
Mighty trees of ancient Eire,
Connectors of potential and pattern,
Sacred Tree, grow within us!

All: Sacred Tree, grow within us!

Emile: move clockwise around the circle, leading the chant.  After

3rd  time, stop, face center, and raise up arms.

Well and Fire and Sacred Tree, flow and flame and grow in me!
Well and Fire and Sacred Tree, flow and flame and grow in me!
Well and Fire and Sacred Tree, flow and flame and grow in me!


Heather: Shapeshifter, Mist Lord, Sidhe King!

A Manannan Mac Lir!  
We have come to meet you at the crossroads,
To walk the Sacred Way. 
We ask that you share Your mysteries with us, 
And ward our steps in safety, Lord of the Gates.
Druid makes offering of oil at each of the hallows as each are
addressed for 
Now, O Manannan, Ferryman of the Shrouded Path,
join your will with ours.

Let the fire be opened now, as a gate to the Shining Ones. 

Let the well be opened now, as a gate to the Otherworld,

Let the tree stand as an connector of the ways, 

to serve as a path to all the Worlds.

Open as a road to our voices so that they may be heard by the

A Mhanannain Mhic Lir, Osclaitear na Geatai anois!
Let the Gates be Open!

 Emile: Children of the earth, we stand now at the center of the cosmos. 

We are woven into the sacred fabric of the universe.  Here, the Kindreds
can hear our thoughts and know our hearts.  Let there be only truth here.


Emile:  Druids! Make our offerings to our Kindreds – the Ancient Ones, the

Noble Ones, and the Shining Ones.


Emile: Now, we will make our offering to the Ancestors.

Ancestors, A shinseara (uh HEEN-sher-un)
You who lie deep within this land, you whose memories hold it, and whose
hearts are tied to its very essence; folk of old, we offer you welcome!
Grandmothers and grandfathers, our beloved dead, kin of blood and heart,
ancient tribes whose legacy is in our veins, we offer you welcome!
Elders and wise ones of ancient days, whose teachings echo through time to
guide us here and now, we offer you welcome!
Mighty Ancestors, A shinseara we would give you honour and praise, and
we ask that you join us here today!

offering of Whisky

Ancestors, accept our sacrifice!

All: Ancestors, accept our sacrifice!

Ariel: Children of the earth, close your eyes, take a moment, and feel the
Ancestors as they join us here. 

Allow a few moments

Nature Spirits

Emile: Now, we will make our offering to the Nature Spirits.

Nature Spirits,
Wild ones of the woods and hills,
Flying ones soaring in the skies,
All you who swim, slither and slink,
Those who have made winter their domain,
And those now awakening with the first thaw,
Come! Join us in our rite.
All you evergreens, and all you trees still bare,
With out-reaching limbs, quaking in the winter wind,
who shelter us, and teach us,
Come! Join us in our rite.
We welcome you, kindred spirits,
To be with us tonight!

offering of fruit or flowers

Nature Spirits, accept our sacrifice!

All: Nature Spirits, accept our sacrifice!

Ariel: Children of the earth, close your eyes, take a moment, and feel the
Nature Spirits as they join us here.

Allow a few moments

 Shining Ones

Emile: Now, we will make our offering to the Shining Ones.

Come to our fire, come feel the warmth
We welcome you here, so that we may honor you with our praise.
You who we call Gods, Goddesses, Deity, Spirit – beings beyond our limited
You have many names and many faces, we show our respect to them all.

Shining Ones, join the people gathered here and celebrate this Imbolc
We offer you this oil to draw you near, so you may receive more offerings
from your people.

offering of Oil

Shining Ones, accept our sacrifice!

All: Shining Ones, accept our sacrifice!

Ariel: Children of the earth, close your eyes, take a moment, and feel the
Gods and Goddesses as they join us here.

Allow a few moments

Praise Offerings 

Ariel: Children of the earth, as the spirit moves you, come forward and
make praise offerings to the Kindreds or your Patrons.  You may offer at the
well, fire, or tree, sing songs, recite poetry, dance, or do whatever would
please the Kindreds.

Folk make offerings as they will


Bards: [Song To Brigid – by Lisa Thiel]

Emile: Children of the earth, it is time to meet the Goddess Brighid.

Kaila: [Meditation to meet Brighid]

Kaila: [Invocation of Brighid]

offering of blackberries and milk 

Bright Brigid we call this Imbolc night,

Please accept our offering
And join us at our rite!
Shining Lady, accept our sacrifice.

All: Shining Lady, accept our sacrifice.

Bards: [Offertory song – Gaol Ise Gaol I, trad.]



O Great Brighid!  O Noble, Ancient, and Shining Ones!  

Gifts have we offered to Your shrines!  
Offerings have we made through the Well, Fire and Tree!  
Kindreds!  All this we give to You in the name of Hospitality.
May our Piety increase Your magic!
May our Courage increase Your Power!
And may our Fertile Spirits show the world Your abundance!
Mighty Kindreds, accept our sacrifices!



If out of ignorance or faulty memory,

If we for any reason have offended You,
O Kindreds of our People, hear us now.
Accept this offering as recompense,
And know our hearts and our intent are pure.


Emile: Seer, what blessings and wisdom do the Kindreds offer us in return?  

DRUID: takes the omen



Children of the Earth, all our offerings, all we have done so far in our
rite, have led to this moment.  This is magic time!  We have made
offerings to the Powers as good hosts, and now as good guests we
shall ask for their blessings in return.  Visualize the blessings that
each of you desire and need from the Kindreds.  See it clearly in your
mind’s eye. And when we ask for the Waters of Life, when we
say, “Give us the Waters of Life,” see the blessing you desire descend
into the upraised cup like a mist, filling the cup.  And when we drink
of the Waters, you will receive your blessing.  So close your eyes and
take a moment to visualize your needs, and the needs of our Grove,
that we may all receive the blessings we desire.

Allow time for the people to meditate on needs and

desires.   Emile pours mead to the cup and holds it.

Ariel: O Bright Brighid!  O Ancient, Noble and Shining Ones!  We have

offered to you, so we ask for your gifts in return.

Emile: elevates the Waters.

Emile: Hallow these waters!  Bless our lives with Magic, Power and
Abundance as we drink of your essence.  Kindreds, we ask you, give us
the waters of life!

All: Give us the waters of life!

A pause…

Emile: Behold the waters of life!  Children of the Earth, drink of the waters
of life!

Song: Pour the Waters one time, then drumming and music etc.


A priestess of Brighid  [Kaila]  moves to near the altar, Brighid’s well,

and the anvil and hammer. 

Ariel: [Introduce and explain the working]

Each of the folk in turn will whisper to the priestess  [Kaila]  that
which they wish to let go of, then drop a stone in the well making a
wish, then make a pledge of action and seal it by striking the anvil
with the hammer. 

Two Druids help the folk at the well and anvil.


Emile: We have drunk of the Waters of Life!  The Powers have given us
true and wondrous blessings.  We affirm the gifts of our Kindreds and
acknowledge their power in our lives.

Children of the earth, do you accept the gifts of the Gods?

All: We do!


Emile: The Mighty Ones have blessed us!  So as we prepare to depart, let


give thanks to those who have aided us.

Kaila: O Bright Lady Brighid, protectress, healer, and inspiration.

Go raigh maith agat!  (GUR uh MAH gut)  We thank you!

All: We thank you!

Emile: Gods and Goddesses of elder days; noble Spirits of the Land; mighty

Ancestors; our Kindreds, we say, Go raigh maith agaibh!  (GUR uh MAH-

gev)  We

thank you!

All: We thank you!

Brit-El: Badb and Macha, sisters wise and powerful, for your gifts of
eloquence and inspiration, we say, Go raigh maith agat!  (GUR uh MAH
gut)  We thank you!

Shelby: Mighty Morrigan Guardian of our Rite tonight, For your Watching


Warding, Through magic and arms, we say,Go raigh maith agat!  (GUR uh
MAH gut)

We thank you!

All: We thank you!

Heather: Mannan Mac Lir, Keeper of the Gates between, we say: Go raigh

maith agat! 
(GUR uh MAH gut)  We thank you! 

Once more we ask you to join your magic with ours and aid us as we close
the gates. 

Now let the fire be flame

Let the well be water;
And let the tree be but the very heart of us all that we carry forth from this
Let all be as it was before. 
Let the Gates now be closed!

All: Let the Gates now be closed!


Ravven: Earth Mother!  We give you all remaining offerings, for what
comes from
the Earth must return to the Earth.

Pour remaining cup to the ground

Ravven: O Earth Mother!  For upholding the world and granting us Your
blessings, we say:  Go raigh maith agat!  (GUR uh MAH gut)  We thank you!

All: We thank you!


Emile:  Once again, we have continued in our traditions, honoring the

Gods, Ancestors and Nature Spirits, just as in times of old.  We have made
offerings to our Kindreds and received their blessings in return. 

But great energy has been raised within us this day!  Let us be grounded
once more.

leads final grounding.

Ariel:  rings the chime 3x3 

Walk with wisdom, children of the earth.  This rite is ended!

Bíodh sé amhlaidh!

All: Bíodh sé amhlaidh!

An ADF Imbolc Ritual

I realized today that I have not offered here any actual ritual for Imbolc, or indeed for flame-
keeping, and that doing so might be of help to some readers. After poking around in my
computer I further realized that it has been so long since I have felt the need to write out my
rituals ahead of time (I've found over time I'm happier keeping it direct and simple), I don't have
any to hand.

So I went noodling around on the internet and found this. It has many interesting ideas and
although I would make changes if I were using it (such as not using the word invoke, as I don't
feel I have the power or the cheek to summon a deity--invite, maybe), I think it is a great
jumping off place. Kudoes to Rob and Kami for their work here.
A Solitary Imbolc Ritual
by Rob Henderson and Kami Landy
written March 31st, 1999
Adapted from the Shining Lakes Grove 1999 Imbolc Rite, written by the SLG Liturgists
with sections shamelessly stolen from the StoneCreed Grove Solitary Liturgy

(This is my first attempt at writing a solitary ADF ritual. Well, perhaps "writing" isn't the
right word, more like "assembling". Our Grove's Imbolc Rite this year was more scripted than
our usual fare, and I thought it would be a good opportunity to do a solitary ritual. I'm adding
some running commentary in the parentheses, so you can understand not only what you're
doing, but why you're doing it. -- Rob)

[Kami's commentary will be in brackets, like so.]

(If you've got your Dedicant's shrine set up, you should use that for this ritual. If you don't
have such a shrine, you can make do with representations for the well (a bowl of water) with a
piece of silver for the Well offering (a coin is fine), the fire (a candle - three candles, or a three-
wicked candle, would be best), and the tree (a branch placed in a pot of soil is good). You'll also

o a separate bowl of water and a candle (to receive the blessings of Brigit)
o offerings for Brigit (see below for suggestions)
o offerings for the Outsiders (food or drink)
o For purifications: mud or red ochre; salt water; incense or smudge stick
o a straw "dolly" or rowan stick to represent Brigit, and a straw bed for her (optional)
o For the return blessing: red, white, and black ribbons attached to the frame of a
doorway (optional)
[Irish words used in the ritual:
Brighid/Bríd [brizh]
Bhrid [vrizh]
Biodh sé [bee sheh] -- let it be so!
Failte romhat [failcheh rowat] -- be very welcome
Go raibh ma agat [GO ruh ma A-gat] -- thank you (singular)
Go raibh ma agibh [GO ruh ma A-giv] -- thank you (plural)
Slán agat [slan A-gat] -- go well (singular)
Slán agibh [slan A-giv)] -- go well (plural)
--a is pronounced [ah] for the most part.]
(Are you sick of these parenthetical comments yet? Me too! Let's get going.)

[When we begin a ritual, first we purify the space and our selves, placing ourselves between
three realms. Find the center of your working space, or of the traffic pattern of your home if
you wish to see the whole thing as a microcosm of the sacred universe. In my house, there is a
place where the steps up, the steps to the basement, and the traffic pattern between rooms, all
meet. The corner of that wall is my center point.]

Go to the center and place a dab of red ochre or mud from your local area upon your forehead
and wrists, or toss upon the ground a handful of seeds, dirt or salt, saying "Upon the firm and
life giving land I stand."

Then take some salt water, walk the boundary of your space sprinkling it—preferably in nine
splashes—and say "The sea surrounds me, separating the wild from the tame."

Third, light a stick of incense or a smudge stick and wave it in an arc over your head, saying
"Above me the sky, realm of order and of wonder, that shall not fall as long as time endures."

Consecrating the Shrine

Pour water into the Well, saying:

"By the Goddesses of Waters

By the Gods of Waters
By the Powers Under the Earth
I give thanks for the Waters of the Well.
Let this vessel be as the Triple Well of Blessing in this Sacred Grove of Druidry."

Light the Fire, saying:

"I kindle this Fire

To be a Flame of Magic
To be a Flame of Claiming
To be a Flame of Inspiration
To welcome the Gods and Spirits to this Sacred Grove of Druidry."

Walk around the ritual space three times, clockwise.

(We begin the ritual by defining our sacred space, and preparing ourselves for ritual. The
walking-in-a-circle may seem silly, but I've found it to be an effective way to get into a "ritual
mindset". Besides, I like doing silly things.)

Opening Prayers
[From this moment, everything we do and say will be done and said in the place and the
presence of the gods and spirits. Therefore, first we ask the blessings of inspiration, that our
words will be a fit offering:]

(We start off by asking Brigit to inspire us, to make our voices and our words as beautiful as
possible. You may not want to invoke a deity this early in the rite, so feel free to substitute you
own invocation here. In general, we start off by invoking those powers which are most visible
in our lives, and work our way toward the ones who are least visible. Our Grove Liturgists
tried to make all of the invocations as Brigit-specific as possible, for this rite.)

"Thus do I call and name the Brilliant one; Queenly Bríd, - brings the smith's fire, the healer's
fire, the hearth fire, the well of vision, the well of inspiration, the well of healing, - midwife and
baker, brewer and weaver, singer and wise one, giver of all great gifts. I call upon Brighid of the
blessings, Brighid of the graces, giver of the blessings of inspiration- fire in the head that
enflames us with holy words, silver on the tongue that shall fall sweet as honey on the ears of the
gods and non-gods this day, grace of eye and hand, grace of voice and carriage, grace of
intention and action, so that all that I do here will honour Her this day. Biodh sé!"

(Our next invocation is to the Earth Mother, who is all around us and sustains our lives every
day. We make an offering to the Outsiders, and ask them not to disturb our ritual. We then use
the Two Powers Attunement to align ourselves with those powers, before opening the portals.)

Invoking the Earth Mother:

"Earth Mother, Mother of Peoples, Source of Waters. Your child thanks you for bringing the life
to the land, for giving me a place and a foundation upon which to place my hearth, and I honor

Outsiders Offering:
Take an offering of food or drink and set it outside the ritual space, saying:
"Outsiders, forces of chaos, you who choose not to be part of our workings, you dwell beyond
our firelight and our gates, in the dark places between, you who are primal and unbounded, raw
and untamed. I make you this offering, and ask that you not disturb us during this rite."

Two Powers Attunement:

(by Ian Corrigan)

(You shouldn't read this section out loud while doing it, since it wouldn't work well with the
deep breathing you're supposed to be doing. If you can, record a tape of yourself reading this,
then play it back during the actual ritual. If you can't, then you can read it from a script and
do the best you can with the visualizations. Of course, if you can memorize the whole thing,
that would be the best way to handle it!)

Begin, O seeker of wisdom, with your breath... breathe deeply, from your belly... in... and out...
make your body comfortable... stretch if you need to, settle in place... and focus on your
breath... observe your breath as it flows in and out of your body... and with each breath, allow
your body to relax... let your breath carry away tension from your flesh.. relaxing your feet
and legs... letting your belly soften and relax... breathing away tension from your shoulders
and arms... from your neck... relaxing your face and mouth, your eyes... with each breath your
body becoming warmer, comfortable and relaxed... your mind alert and prepared for magic...

Now, with your body still and calm, imagine that from your feet, or the base of your spine,
roots begin to grow downward... roots reaching and growing into the earth, down through
soil and stone... deepening and spreading... reaching to touch the waters under the Earth... the
Earth current... the dark, cool, magnetic power that nourishes and sustains life... as your roots
touch this current it is drawn in and up toward your body... your breath draws the Earth
power upward... into your body... the invisible, magnetic power fills your legs, energizing and
strengthening... waters rise from the earth, into your legs... rising... into your loins... and
pooling in your loins, a cauldron of Earth power... You breathe the power upward... rising
from the earth, through your loins, rising up your spine... into your heart... pooling and filling
a cauldron in your heart with healing, restoring energy... power rising from the deep, through
your loins, through your heart... rising up your spine and into your head... filling a cauldron
of wisdom and vision behind your eyes... and rising still, filling all your body and flowing out
again through the crown of your head... through your hands... flowing out around your body
and back into the earth... the power under the Earth flows in you... grounding you in the
source of life...

Now imagine the sky overhead... The sun and moon and, far beyond them, the stars... imagine
a single star at the center of the sky, shining directly over your head... the center of your inner
sky, your own pole-star...see a flash of light shining down from that star... streaming down
between moon and sun... gold, silver and blue-white light... the bright, warm, electric power of
the sky... the light touches your head, filling and illuminating the cauldron like sun on still
water... shining from above... filling your head with warm, awakening power... flowing down
into your heart... warming the cauldron... shining down through head and heart, illumining
the waters... downward to reach your loins... The cauldron shines with sky power in your
loins... Tingling, electrical light in head, heart and loins... the light flows downward into
Earth, and you are shining and flowing with the mingled powers of Earth and sky... the raw
material of magic... the chaos of potential and the world order...

These powers are balanced in you... yours to shape and use... always with you in some

But for now, allow the powers to recede... waters to the Earth, light to the sky... knowing that
each time you attune to them you become more attuned, more at one with the powers... breath
deep... and allow your awareness to return to your common senses... as you open your eyes...

Opening the Portals

(The Tree is aligned with the "World Tree," the center of our cosmos and the axis connecting
all three Realms. The Fire when opened as a "gate" or portal carries our words throughout the
realms on its smoke; and the Well or shaft becomes the portal to the Underworld and the
connection with the primal waters of life. Once the portals are opened, we call upon
Mannanan mac Lir in his role as a psychopomp (a fancy Greek word for "god who escorts the
spirits of the dead") to guide and protect us in our rite.)

Go to the center of your space and stamp a foot or tap a staff upon the ground, or thump a fist
upon the wall if that's the center for you, or sprinkle water from your well upon the branch if you
are using one, and say:
"Here I declare sacred center, where all times and places meet. Let it be as the world tree, the
central axis of the world, so that all spirits and beings of good will may be welcome here to share
in this rite!"
"World Tree, sacred center of the universe. Your roots delve deep into the earth, your branches
reach the heights of the sky, and your mighty trunk connects them. May you be the strong center
around which this rite revolves."
Visualize the roots of the tree growing deep into the earth, and the branches reaching up to the

Place the silver in the Well, saying:

"Sacred well, whose waters flow and swirl beneath us. May your depths connect my spirit to the
great underground sea and the ageless powers below."
Visualize the bottom of the well connecting to an ocean in the depths of the earth.

Place some incense in the Fire, saying:

"Sacred fire, carry all offerings to the gods and the beloved dead. May you warm all my spirit
and my life."
Visualize the smoke and flame connecting to shadowy, stylized places where graceful and dimly
seen beings receive the smoke as if it were solid.

Invocation of Mannanan:
"Mannanan mac Lir, Grey Walker, Keeper of the Gates. You guided the Ancestors to the Isle of
Avalon. Open now the way and convey my welcome to the Queenly mother, hearth goddess, and
to all those others I would welcome at this hearth, that we may share in this celebration

Invoking the Kindreds

(We invoke each of the three kindreds, inviting them to be with us during the rite. You may
want to visualize them as you invoke them.)

Ancestors Invocation:
"At this altar, with this candle, in this sacred place, I call to you o ancestors.
We welcome you to join me here, and to welcome as of old, Brigit, the hearth mother, who
taught you - as you teach me - the ancient arts of brewing and baking and many great gifts.
Ancestors, be welcome!"

Nature Spirits Invocation:

"Spirits of Nature, you who dwell within the land, gently waken to the steps of Bright Brigit.

Be welcome here, You oystercatcher bird and hearth cat, honey bee and milk cow, you serpent
coiled to do no harm - you companions of our highest queen, I honor and welcome you
Among all that I welcome here today. Nature Spirits, Failte romhat!"

Deities Invocation:
"High and Shining Ones, gods who are dear to me, be welcome here this day, be honored and
join in welcoming Brigit, honored among you as warrior-smith, poet-teacher, weaver and healer
and giver of plenty- gifts that each of you may share: Oh divine ones, share in the feast of Brigit."

Deity of the Occasion

Brigit Invocation
(We use a much longer invocation for Brigit - it is her day, after all!)

Beside the hearth or the ritual fire, you will have placed a "Bride's (Scottish spelling of Brighid)
bed" - a small straw or wood bed, made up nicely. Open your door, or go to the threshold, or
stand by the hearth if you have one. Take a straw "dolly" or rowan stick to represent the goddess,
or feel for her presence, and say:

"Brigit I invoke this day,

In the high places and the low,
Beside the hearth fire and at the sacred well.
The gentle queen I call to her hall,
The place where the bed is prepared.

"By her many graces I call to Brigit who graces us this day;
Grace of eye and grace of hand,
Grace of word and grace of will,
Grace of caring, grace of birthing, grace in mourning,
Grace of carriage, grace of courage,
Comforter and mother,
Brigit of the Blessings I name the one
Who blesses us this day!

"Let us greet her, we who know her blessings.

Come weaver and poet,
Come brewer and baker,
Come mother and healer,
Come blacksmith and wordsmith,
Beekeeper and hearth-keeper.

"Thus I call to the Mother and Queen; A bed is prepared at the seat of honor, Come grace the
hearth seat, Brigit I invoke this day!"

Place the dolly or stick on the bed, or gesture to the bed by the hearth and feel for the presence
of the goddess nearby.

You might place some bread and mead or ale beside the Bride's bed. A good offering would be
preparing and kneading bread within the ritual. Write and recite some poetry, sing or tell a story
to the goddess as you might do to entertain any guest. Spin or weave a small piece of work and
offer it to the goddess- don't burn this one; put it on her shrine if you have one or give it to the
next visitor who needs something comforting. Enjoy the sacredness and complexity of domestic
work. Make a promise of hospitality to all who need it, or dedicate yourself as a healer, or vow to
help a friend in childbirth. These are all the gifts and work of Brighid.

Omen of Return
(We ask the Kindreds, especially the Deity of the Occasion, whether our offering is pleasing to

Using your preferred method of divination, ask Brigit if your offering is acceptable. Since Brigit
is a hearth goddess, fire scrying is an appropriate method. She is also sometimes associated with
wells of vision and of healing, so you might choose to scry in water.

Return Blessings
Take water from the bowl and anoint your head, hands, and feet, saying:

"I take of the water of Brigit, to be cleansed and blessed."

Take your candle and light it from the Fire, saying:

"I ask the blessings of the triple Brigit.
Blessings of inspiration - silver on the tongue;
Blessings of hearth and healing - golden riches of honey;
Blessings of courage, wisdom and strength.
And the light of her flame to guide me this day, as I go forward to rebirth."

Take your candle and go to the doorway, at which you will have placed long coiled ribbons in
red, black and white. Uncoil and tape the ribbons around the door frame to make a sort of hoop.
This is called the "críos Bríd"- the girdle of Bríd.

Step through this circle, with your left leg first, and feel yourself being reborn. If you are able to
go around and come back in by another door, go through the Críos three times. This is a charm
for health, plenty and fertility. Then place the candle some place where it can burn safely.

(In exchange for our offerings, we ask Brigit to give us a symbolic rebirth. The water washes
us clean of those things we wish to be rid of, the flame represents the spark of life and
inspiration, and stepping through a circle... well, I'll let you figure that out. The traditional
ritual involved stepping through a large woven hoop, called a "críos" (pronounced "crish"),
that was held by two other people. You might not have two other people to help you hold a real
hoop, and I wouldn't want you to try contorting yourself through a hoop by yourself while
holding a candle, so I suggest using a facsimile or a visualization instead. Also, the traditional
manner of stepping through the críos was for the men (wearing pants) to step through, left
side first, while the women (wearing long skirts) would have the hoop lowered over them and
down to the ground, where they could step out of it. You can choose whichever method you

Thanking the deity of the occasion:
"Bríd have I welcomed this day, to my hearth, to my home, to my life. May she go from here
refreshed and made more joyous, as her blessing has renewed and uplifted me! Slán agat, a

Thanking the kindreds:

"You shining ones, nature spirits and ancestors, I thank you for your presence in this rite and in
my life! As I return to ordinary time and the daily world, your blessings travel with me. So to, let
my blessings and love go with you. Slán agibh!"

Thanking the Outsiders:

"Outsiders, you whose ways are not ours, I thank you for your forbearance. Without you there
would be no change, yet in this moment, your absence was as welcome as once your presence
was needed! Go raibh ma agibh!"

Thanking the Earth Mother:

"Earth mother, I do not leave you, nor do you go from here, but as this rite comes to a close,
once again I thank you for giving firm foundation to this hearth, for providing sustenance and
life, that your child can give you love and honor. Earth mother, Go raibh ma agat!"

Closing the portals:

"Here have we met, gods and spirits, ancestors and I. But now the sacred well becomes once
again a simple bowl of water, the ancient bonfire once again a candle, and this tree may no
longer touch the very arch of the heavens nor its roots be those which hold the worlds in their
embrace. Biodh sé!"

Ending statement:
"By Land, Sea and Sky, By Fire, Well and Tree
I end this rite.
I go forth with blessing, to bless the world in turn.
Biodh sé!"

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Author Information
Rev. Robert Henderson

Articles by Rev. Robert Henderson

A Rite for Brighid

This is a ritual to invite Brighid into your home to be your hearth guardian, or
to renew your acquaintance with her if she is already that. It may also be used
to ask Brighid for favors, or simply to enjoy her presence.

If you have an image of Brighid, put a candle or oil lamp in front of it. (An
image is not necessary; the flame itself is an image.) If you are fortunate
enough to have a fireplace, lay a fire in it instead, but do not light it. In front of
your fire source, put a bowl. Next to it put a pitcher of milk. Stand or sit so you
are at a comfortable level with respect to the fire. Extend your arms, bent up at
the elbow with your palms facing forward. This is called the "orans position,"
and is a common one for Pagan prayer. Nod your head or bow to the fire source
and then say:

I invite you into my home,

you who are the Queen of the Hearth,
you who are the fire's bright flame,
you who are the burning shining.
I call to you, Brighid, to come to me.
I ask you, Brighid, for your bright presence.

Light the fire source, saying:

The fire of Brighid is the flame on my hearth.

Pick up the pitcher in your right hand. Hold it up before the fire (you may put
your left hand under it to steady it if necessary), and say:

A gift for you, Brighid of the Cows, A gift for you, Brighid of the Blessings.

Pour the milk into the bowl, saying:

My prayers are poured out with this milk My words and deeds flow straight to

Put down the pitcher, and, if you have a request, make it now. (I usually pray
to Brighid for healing, inspiration, or home protection). If you are not making a
request (and it is good to just commune with the goddess for a while from time
to time), sit or stand in meditation on the flame. A good mantra to use is, "The
fire of Brighid is the flame in my heart," while visualizing a fire burning in your
heart. This mantra may be used at other times, to renew or establish a
relationship with Brighid, or just to feel her comforting presence. It may be
considered an offering to her in and of itself. When you are done, extinguish
the candle or oil lamp, saying:

She ever burns, Lady of Fire, in my heart, in my home, on my family hearth (or
"every hearth" if you live alone.)

Take up the orans position again, nod or bow, and the rite is done.

If you are using a fireplace, use the same words and the nod or bow, but leave
the fire going. Spend some time by it, especially as a family. Brighid likes that.

Leave the bowl of milk in place for 24 hours, and then put it outside for the
land spirits.

A Solitary Rite of Pagan Sacrifice

A high-church solitary 
temple, with Tree at
Well at the base
and Fire before that.

For long-time readers, this is a new solitary script based on ADF's Order of Ritual. I felt like trying to
devise some new language, and employ some new mythographic understandings as well as a couple
of ritual tropes. It will be familiar to Our Druids, but I hope it may be instructive and suggestive to
others looking for a modern approach to traditional-style rites of offering-and-blessing.
The Sacred Center is arranged with a Fire as the circumstance permits, and with a bowl of clean water.
There can also be an offering bowl if offerings may not be directly spilled on soil, and a censer to hold
multiple incense sticks if offerings cannot be directly burned in the Fire. If desired, a third symbol of the
Sacred Center – a pillar ‘tree’ or stone – can be added. To these basic tools are added any images or
objects proper to the rite at hand.

If you plan to work seated on the ground have a small rug or cloth to lay over the earth or floor. If you
wish to stand, a low table with a cloth covering will make the physical steps easier.

Tree, Well, & Fire, with Deity images and offerings at the ready.

Basic offerings and blessing:

Silver to bless the water

Incense, either loose incense to spoon onto charcoal or sticks to place in sand, enough for at least nine
individual offerings.

Bread and honey, for the Dead

Three silver-colored coins, or small semi-precious stones, for the Landwights

Scented oil or specially-chosen incense, for the Gods

A chosen drink for the Blessing – ale, wine, or non-alcohol, and a cup to drink from.

Other offerings, symbols, images and vessels may be needed for the specific purpose of any rite, but the
above will serve for a basic offering.

Arrange the ritual space with a seat, and a cloth to cover the grass if working on the ground, or on a
small table if working standing or seated.
The Rite:
Light the Fire (the candles and/or charcoal, or a proper Fire) and find your center and your
power, as you speak:
The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree; Flow and flame and grow in me.
Let the Deep Waters rise; Let the Great Light shine
I sit in balance, I seek the Sacred Center
Between the Earth and Sky

Work the Two Powers or other centering in silence, then say the Opening Prayer:
I come to keep the Old Ways. O Holy Ones hear me, I pray you, as a Child of the
Earth. Let my call come unto you with honor and truth, as I work the work of
Mighty Mother of all, first Goddess, whether the Mother of this soil, of the great
waters that flow, or of the whole world, I make offering to you (offer ground
grain) bless and uphold this rite, I pray you with love and reverence.

• The Well is elevated, and the silver offered, saying:

Waters of wisdom, Waters of love, Waters of life
Power of the Deep, be present in these waters and in this Grove.
Sacred well flow within me
• An offering is made to the fire saying:
Fire of inspiration, Fire of transformation, Fire of sacrifices
O Light of Inspiration, be present in this fire and in this Grove.
Sacred fire, burn within me.
• The Tree or Stone is sprinkled and censed, saying:
Pillar of the Grove, Sacred Crossroad, Tree of the World,
Let the Order of the Worlds be present in us all and in this Grove.
Sacred Tree, grow within me.

• The water is sprinkled around the area, and the incense is carried or fanned saying at least
three times:
By the Might of the Waters and the Light of the Fire
Let the Sea not rise, let the Sky not fall, let the Land hold fast
Let good be welcomed and ill be turned away
And this Grove be made whole and holy.

• spread hands and proclaim:

The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree
Flow and flame and grow in me
In Land, Sea and Sky, below and on high
Thus is the Sacred Grove claimed and hallowed!

• An offering of incense is made to the Fire, saying:

Where Sacred Fire & Water meet
There is the Boundary Between
There is the Center of the Worlds
Lord of the Sacred Center, Keeper of the Crossroads, Fleet-traveler, Teacher of the
Wise, Herald of the Spirits, Keeper of Roads and Ways, hold open the way between
the worlds, I pray.  Bar all ill and admit all weal as I seek the blessing of the spirits.
Gatekeeper, accept my offering.
• Make an Opening spiral (spiraling out from center to edge, clockwise) over the fire, saying:
By the Lord of the Borders, and by my magic, let this sacred center be as the
boundary between all worlds. Let the voices of the spirits be heard, let my voice be
heard among the spirits. Let the mist be parted, let the way be clear, let the gate be

Three Kindreds Offerings

• In this phase the offerings to the spirits are presented and set at the center. They are not
burned or spilled until the Prayer of the Sacrifice
• Pause for a moment to contemplate the whole pattern of the Sacred Center, and the
Boundary. Then begin the offerings by saying:
I come to the Sacred Center, to the Crossroad, where three meets three at the
Threefold Hallows. Let my voice be heard by the Gods, by the Dead, by the Noble
Ones as I make to them due offering.
• Prepare the simple offerings: Ale for the Dead; worked silver or crystal, or three silvery coins
for the Wights; scented oil or special incense for the Gods.
• The Dead: Hear my voice, Ancient and Mighty Ones. You who first were born and
died, you enthroned in the House of the Dead, First Memory, hear me.
Hear my voice, oh Mighty Dead. Grandmothers and Grandfathers, Progenitors,
Wisdom-Keepers, Warders of our line, hear me. Likewise, to all those of my blood
who stand by and watch, who will give aid, I call to you.
Hear my voice, oh Ancient Wise, Heroes of the ancient world, and of our times. All
you men and women of renown, whose names we know, and whose deeds inspire
us, hear me. To you all I make this simple offering, bread and honey from my
store. I welcome you at my fire; I set a feast for you in my heart. Mighty Dead,
accept my offering!

• The Landwights: Hear my voice, Wild and Lovely Ones. You noble kindreds of the
land who dwell in the world with us, Spirits of the World, hear me.
To the Uncounted Clans, those who dwell in the flesh of the Land, in the blood of
the Sea, in the breath of the Air; vast or tiny, to you I call.
To the Gentle Court I call, to the great ones who guide, the Queens and Kings of the
clans. Let me be welcome among you, and hear my call.
To you spirits who are my allies, known to me or unknown, who share my life with
me and mine; keep my luck by your aid, and hear my call.
To you all I make this simple offering, wealth from my store. I welcome you at my
fire; I make a gift to you in my heart. Noble Ones, accept my offering!

• The Deities: Hear my voice, Shining Ones, Gods and Goddesses. Ancient Victors
and Rulers, you who Order the Worlds and turn the Seasons, hear me.
You Ancient Fate-Weavers, Eldest, Silent, you who turn the wheel and draw out
the future, spin good weal for us.
First Mothers and Fathers, Enthroned Ones, Kings of the Realms, Great Queens,
let my path be well-walked by your guiding.
All the Tribe of the Mother, gods and goddesses, of wise arts and clever skill, of the
Warrior, the Farmer or the Wise, known to me or unknown, grant me your
To you all I make this simple offering, oil/incense to sweeten the Grove for your
presence. I welcome you at my fire; I feed a flame to you in my heart. Shining
Ones, accept my offering!

• To all the Holy Beings, whether in Land, Sea or Sky, in the Shining Heavens, in
the dark wealth of the Underworld or in our green Middle World, I say again:
Mighty, Noble, and Shining Ones, gather at the Center, drink from the Well, be
welcome at my Fire!

Pause for a time, if you wish, to open your Inner eyes to the vision and presence of the Spirits.
Whatever your ability to ‘see’, know that they have come in answer to your offerings. Be open
in heart and mind for their voice or spark.

The Key or Special Offerings:

If you have additional gods and beings to convoke, according to the season, or a magical
intent, that is done at this time. A magician might devise a personal pattern of invocation and
offering for her allies among the Spirits, naming them and inviting them specifically. When
the seasonal High Day rites are kept each will involve a constellation of beings proper to the
feast. These Beings of the Occasion need not be limited to Deities – the Dead and Landspirits
can also be involved, either collectively or as individual names. In short any invocations
specific to the special intention of the rite are worked in this place.

For simple general worship a rite may proceed directly from the Three Kindreds Offerings to
the Sacrifice:

The Sacrifice
• All of the offerings assembled from the invocations are now burned, spilled or given. This
represents the magician’s offering of honor, respect and even love to the beings of the rite. This
is a point at which ex tempore or personal, heartfelt speech is proper, as long as focus is
maintained. Magicians may sing, or ‘om’ or intone, expressing the emotional truth of the rite
as the offerings are made. Of course spoken words are always proper. Here is a charm written
for a rite intended to invoke the spirits for magical work:
Now let my voice arise on the fire; Let my voice resound in the well
Let my call pass the gate to the land of spirits and bring the spirits to my aid.
Holy Kindreds, Gods, Dead and Noble Ones
A Child of Earth calls you to the Sacred Grove;
By Three Realms and Four Winds
By the World Tree’s root and crown
By Fire’s Light and Well’s Might
By the Sacred Center where Magic is made
Come to the Fire, Holy Ones
Come to the Fire, as you hear my voice.
Come to my Fire, and receive this offering.
You who would aid me in my work,
I send you love and honor with this gift, saying - Holy Ones, accept my sacrifice!

Or a more general Sacrifice Charm:

Let my voice arise on the Fire, let my voice resound in the Waters.
Hear me Holy Ones, as I give you due offering. Respect I offer, and honor; love I
offer, and aspiration to the divine; a feast I offer with these simple gifts. I set a
place for you in my temple and in my heart. Holy Ones, accept my sacrifice!

This is another moment during which silent contemplation may be valuable. The magician
may envision the whole composition and structure of the rite, and abide in the presence of the
spirits that have been invoked, before proceeding to the Blessing:

The Blessing
Pt 1: Taking An Omen.
Using whatever traditional divination system you prefer, draw an omen, asking whether the
Powers will offer you a blessing, and of what sort. You might pray:
Holy Ones, I have offered to you and now I would ask, in turn, your blessing. Let
me hear your voice, let me see your signs; reveal to me, in these symbols, whether
my offering has pleased you and whether your blessing will be sweet.
Draw the omen, and interpret it for yourself. Does it seem to display the pleasure and reward
of the Holy Ones? If you feel unsatisfied with the offered blessing you might choose to make a
second round of offerings, and again ask for a better blessing. However some would simply
choose to take a no for a no, and try another time.

Pt 2: Calling the Blessing

(Holy Ones)(or names of the Beings of the Occasion) I see your signs, I listen for
your voice, I call for your Blessing. Give me the flow of fullness, the light of your
power; I call for your Blessing. By this blessing let the whole world be blessed;
three times I call for your Blessing!

If it is expedient, the drink might now be poured into the vessel.

Let the Blessing be poured from the Well of the Deeps, from the Starry River, from
the stores of the gods’ feast, into this cup of blessing. Gold of Sun and Moon’s
Silver, heat of the Sacred Fire. River of Memory, Fountain of Wonder, Cauldron of
Nourishing, let the Blessing of the Holy Ones be poured.
Elevate the vessel over the Fire, saying:
Let this drink be the spirit of the Holy Ones given to me for my good and gain.
Behold, the Waters of Life

The Blessing is reverently and contemplatively consumed. It can be valuable to deliberately

drink three times, perhaps accompanied by a charm or hymn:
We take up Wonder with this holy cup
The Draught of Druid’s Ale that stirs the soul
In joy and power we are lifted up
So drink the Blessing, that our hearts be whole.

The spirit in all things is in us too.

The Well flows deep, the Fire shines in our heart

The power fills us, deep and good and true

We drink the Blessing, filled in every part

So blessed are we in belly, heart and head

On every side, in Land and Sky and Sea
The power of the Gods, the Sidhe, the Dead
We drink in Blessing, and so let it be!

With the sensation of the drink cool in one’s belly, sit in contemplation of the whole spiritual

form of the rite. If you have called special gods or beings for the occasion, see them enthroned

with the Fire before them, or however they present themselves to you. See again the Triple
Host of spirits arrayed around them, and the Three Hallows holding all at the Sacred Center.
Abide a while in contemplation, communing with Them as you may. When you are finished,
return awareness to the material temple and the Hallows, and begin the closing, saying:

I am blessed by the Blessing of the Holy Ones! Secure in their blessing, I prepare to
go from the Grove into my life and work. I go forth with the blessing of the Gods in
body, mind and spirit.

To you Holy Powers to whom I set this feast, O (names of the Beings of the
Occasion, if specific) I give you mythanks for your blessing.

To the Three Kindreds of Spirits, Mighty Ancestors, Noble Tribes of the Land,
Shining Gods and Goddesses, I give thanks for your blessing.
To all those who have come to my fire, all who have given their blessing, to all
those who aid me, I give thanks. I bid you go in peace, if you will, or stay at my
sides in blessing. Spirits, I thank you!

The Gatekeeper is thanked and the gate closed, saying:

Keeper of Gates, Lord of Ways, for watching and warding the ways between, I give
you my thanks.
Make a closing spiral, beginning from the outer edge and turning anti-clockwise inward, over
the Fire, saying:

Now let the Fire be but flame; Let the Well be but water

Let all be as it was before; Save only for the magic we have made.

Let the gates be closed!

At last, To the Mother of the Land, Mother of all Life, for upholding this rite as you
do all our lives, I give you my thanks.

 Then recite a closing Blessing:

The blessings of the Holy Ones, be on me and mine

My blessing on all beings, with peace on thee and thine

The Fire, the Well, the Sacred Tree

Flow, and flame and grow in me.

Thus do I remember the work of the wise!

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