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How can damage to the eye affect how we see the world around us?

Possible answer:

Damage to the eye can have many different effects on our vision and how our eyes are able to send the
information they receive to our brain to be processed. Damage to the eye and the optic nerve happen in
a variety of ways that include everyday incidents such as car accidents, fingers, and sports but they also
include other things such as diseases or parasites. There have been cases where individuals have
become color blind after suffering injuries in a car accident and even more severe injuries that result in
eventual total blindness.

How does the eye and the brain work to interpret vision?

Possible answer:

The way the eye translates light into vision is an extremely complicated process that begins with your
eyes and ends in the brain. The eyes, through the use of photoreceptors transfers the light seen by the
eye into signals that are sent to the various parts of the brain. The photoreceptors transfer the data
through neurons bringing the light, color, and size information to the brain. Once the data reaches the
brain the real work begins where the data is translated to become our perception of what we see. The
data heads to the thalamus and is then spread around to different sections where it is transferred
among three different levels to be translated. The first level is where the cells in the visual cortex
determines the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the object. The second level the visual cortex
decides the dimensions of the object and then the third level is where the visual cortex sets the depth
and syncs both eyes together. The full process is much more in depth but this is a brief rundown of the


How Vision Works. (2016). Retrieved from


On the role of selective attention in visual perception. (1998). Retrieved from

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