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At Home Activities for Kids to Complete:

1. Make Slime
a. Ingredients:
i. 8-ounce bottle Elmer’s white school glue
ii. 1 ½ - 2 Tablespoons contact saline solution
iii. 1 Tablespoon baking soda
iv. Food coloring for your preference
v. Container with lid or ziploc bag
b. Grab a bowl and add glue and food coloring.
c. Mix in baking soda.
d. Add 1 ½ tablespoons saline solution and mix until combined. (The more you add
the thicker the slime will be.)
e. Use your hands to knead the slime until it holds together.
f. Place the slime in a container with a lid or a ziploc bag.
i. Add glitter, scented oils, balls at your preference.
g. Show us your slime !

2. Making Bubbles
a. Ingredients:
i. Liquid dish soap (Joy and Dawn brands work best)
ii. Distilled water
iii. Container with lid
iv. Glycerin or light corn syrup
v. Bubble wand or straw
b. Measure 6 cups of water into one container and pour 1 cup of dish soap into the
water. Slowly stir it until the soap is completely mixed in. Try your best to not let
foam or bubbles form while stirring.
c. Add 1 tablespoon of glycerin or ¼ cup of corn syrup to the container. Stir the
solution until it is mixed well together.
d. Place a lid on the container and let your bubble solution sit overnight for better
e. Dip a bubble wand or straw into the mixture and slowly pull it out. Wait a few
seconds and then blow.
f. Take pictures of your big bubbles!!

3. Around the House Scavenger Hunt

a. Find 3 blue objects.
b. Find an object that is soft.
c. Find an object with buttons.
d. Find 5 items of candy.
e. Find 4 school supplies.
f. Find an object with wheels.
g. Find 1 round object.
h. Find an object that lights up.
i. Find an object to eat with.
j. Find an object that is square.
k. Find an object that is rough.
l. Find an object with a pattern.
m. Find an object that opens.
n. Find an object with paws.
o. FInd an object you can eat.
Congratulations on completing your scavenger hunt !

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