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KIM 1236

By :

Ni Putu Yudawati 1513031003

Ayu Diah Pradnya Paramesti 1513031017

Ahmad Ferdian 1513031018




Experiment Procedure

1. Title
Determining H2SO4 Concentration

2. Objectives
To determine the concentration H2SO4 through titration using phenolphtalein (pp)

3. Basic Theory
Titration is an analytical procedure in which a solution of unknown
concentration is combined slowly and carefully with a standard solution until the
color of some indicator change or some other signals show that equivalent quantities
have reacted. Titrant is a solution of known concentration, it is added to the burette.
Titrate is a solution of unknown concentration, it is added to erlenmeyer flask.
Phenolphthalein is a common indicator for titrations. It changes from colorless to pink
when a solution changes from acidic to basic. When the color change is observe, the
end point has been reached and the addition of titrant is stopped.
Titration is used to determine concentration of acid solutions or base
solution. . For example in this reaction:
2NaOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) Na2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l)
To determine concentration NaOH or H2SO4 use the equation:
ekivalent titrant = ekivalent titrate
VNaOH . NNaOH = V H2SO4l . N H2SO4
VNaOH . MNaOH = V H2SO4 . 2. M H2SO4
V is volume, N is normality, and M is molarity.

4. Materials and Equiptments


No Name of Materials Concentration Total Volume

1 Sodium hydroxide solution (NaOH) 0.1 M 100 mL

2 Sulfuric acid solution (H2SO4) xM 30 mL

4 Phenolptalein (pp) - 5 mL

No. Name of Equipments Size Total

1 Burette 25 mL 1 piece
2 Erlenmeyer flask 50 mL 3 pieces
3 Drop pipette - 2 pieces
4 Graduated cylinder 25 mL 1 piece
5 Funnel - 1 piece
6 Beaker 250 mL 1 piece
7 Stand and clamp - 1 piece

5. Procedure
1. Set the equiptment as follows.

Picture 1. Titration equipments

2. Rinse burette with distilled water and make sure the faucet not leaks.
3. Rinse burette with a NaOH solution that will be used as titrant.
4. Add titrant in the burette with a funnel until zero.
5. Add 10 mL H2SO4 solution in erlenmeyer.
6. Add 1 until 2 drops of indicator Phenolptalein to erlenmeyer flask.
7. Stop titration when the color change of titrate .
8. Record the volume of titrant used.
9. Repeat steps five until eight for three times.
10. Calculate average the volume of titrant used.
11. Calculate the concentration of H2SO4 solution.

6. Data Collection
Titrant volume ...
Titrant concentration 0.1 M

Repetition Volume H2SO4 Volume NaOH 0.1 M used



7. References
Chang, R. 2005. Kimia Dasar Edisi Ketiga Jilid 2. Jakarta:Erlangga
Subagia, I Wayan dan Suheimi Sya’ban. 2004. Materi Pratikum Kimia Dasar 1 (KIM

4101). Singaraja: IKIP Singaraja

Jesperen, James E, Braddy.2012. Chemistry: The Molecular Nature of Matter. United

States of America: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Experiment Journal
1. Title
Determining H2SO4 Concentration

2. Objectives
To determine the concentration H2SO4 through titration using phenolphtalein (pp)

3. Data Collection
Titrant volume ...
Titrant concentration 0.1 M

Repetition Volume H2SO4 Volume NaOH 0.1 M used


Name of Student: Ni Putu Yudawati

Ayu Diah Pradnya Paramesti
Ahmad Ferdian.
Singaraja, 23 May 2016

Prof. I Wayan Subagia, Ph.D

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