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The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No.

02, December 2020

p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024


The influence of work environment, compensation and

work motivation on employee performance at PT. BRALING
Yudi Agus Setiawan1); Dina Prasetyaningrum2)*
Departement of Management, Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Al Ghazali, Cilacap, Indonesia
namakuyudiagus@gmail.com1); dinaprasetyaningrum.dp@gmail.com2)*

* Corresponding author

Received: November 5, 2020; Accepted: November 18, 2020; Published: December 31, 2020

To cite this article: Setiawan, Y.A.& Prasetyaningrum, D. (2020). The influence of work environment,
compensation and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga. The
Management Journal of BINANIAGA, 5 (2), 145-156. doi: 10.33062/mjb.v5i2.404

Abstract. The aim of this research was to determine and analyze the influence of the
Work Environment, Compensation, and Work Motivation on the performance of the
employees of PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga. The hypotheses of this research are
1) Work environment has a significant effect on employee performance at PT Braling
Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga, 2) Compensation has a significant effect on employee
performance at PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga, 3) Work motivation has a
significant effect on employee performance at PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga. To
test the effect of the independent variable on the dependent variable, multiple linear
regression analysis was used, and based on the results of the analysis, the t₁ value was
2.653, t₂ was 4.682, t was 2.627 and each t was greater than t table (1.672), which
means that Ho rejected or Ha accepted, so based on the t test, the first, second, and third
hypotheses are accepted.

Keywords: Work Environment, Compensation, Work Motivation, Employee



Human resource management is very important for companies. Through a series of

activities planning, managing, directing and utilizing human resources productively, the
company's goals will be achieved. Human resources are the most important element in
achieving goals. In a company, it is very important that management and employees are
inseparable. Good management and good employee performance will achieve company
goals, because employees are a very valuable asset to employee performance and the
achievement of company goals. As an employee in doing a job must be able to be
effective and efficient. The quality and quantity of employees must match the
performance of the employees. Thus in a work environment, compensation, work
motivation and compensation will be better and more effective in supporting the
realization of company goals.The important role of HR in achieving organizational goals
and in the organization indicates that it is necessary to manage human resources in a
sustainable manner so that quality human resources are obtained so that optimal results
are obtained. One of the important goals in human resource management in an
organization is the creation of employee performance.
According to Simanjuntak (2005) there are three factors that influence employee
performance. The first factor is the individual factor. Individual factors are the competence

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 145
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

of an employee to do work which is influenced by ability, skills, work motivation, work

ethic and compensation. The second factor is the organizational support factor.
Organizational support factors in carrying out tasks, employees need the support of the
organization where they work. This support is in the form of organization, provision of
work facilities and infrastructure, a comfortable working environment, and working
conditions and conditions. The third factor is the management support factor. From this
opinion, it can be concluded that performance is the work achieved by each employee to
achieve the company's goals so that it can produce results as expected by the company.
In this regard, this study will discuss three factors that affect employee performance,
namely work environment, compensation, and work motivation.
The first factor that affects employee performance is the work environment.
According to Sedarmayanti (2009) states the work environment as a whole tool, tools and
materials faced, the surrounding environment where a person works, work methods, and
work arrangements both as individuals and as groups. The work environment can be
divided into two, namely the physical environment, which is, all physical conditions that
exist around the workplace which can affect employees either directly or indirectly. Non-
physical work environment is all circumstances that occur related to the work relationship
of employees. According to Nitisemito (2000), the work environment is all that is around
the worker and can affect in carrying out the work that has been assigned.
From this opinion, it can be concluded that everything that is around the
employees, both inside and outside the room, including those in physical form or not,
which affects the employees in carrying out their assigned tasks. According to Kusriyanto
(1991), the work environment is one of the factors that affect the performance of an
employee. An employee who works in an environment that supports him / her to work
optimally will produce good performance, conversely if an employee works in an
inadequate and unsupportive environment to work optimally, it will make the employee
concerned become lazy, tire quickly, so that the employee's performance going low.
The third factor that affects employee performance is work motivation. According to
Maslow (2003), motivation is a work impulse that arises in a person to meet their needs.
According to Robbins (2011), motivation is the desire to do something and determines the
ability to act to satisfy individual needs. With all these needs, a person is required to work
more actively and actively at work, because with someone who has high motivation to do
his job, the person's performance in the company will increase and the company's targets
can be achieved. Fom this opinion, it can be concluded that work motivation is strongly
formed, so it gets good and quality results or performance from the work carried out. This
means that any increase in motivation that employees have in carrying out their work will
provide an increase in their performance. Therefore, work motivation has a close
relationship with employee performance, namely encouragement that provides incentive
to the employee concerned so that employees work with all their efforts. Motivation is
needed by employees to improve performance. Because it is known that employees in a
company are the driving force of all activities in achieving organizational goals
(Manullang, 2002).
PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga is a production site for artificial lashes, which
is located in Kalikabong Village, Kec. Kalimanah, Purbalingga, Central Java. One of the
places of artificial lashes is able to reach the global market. Until now, the eyelashes
produced by PT Braling Wisnu Satriya have been able to be exported to South Korea,
Japan, Australia, England, America and Nigeria. The eyelash industry, which was
founded in 2009, has been aimed at the export market since its inception. There are two
types of artificial lashes produced by PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga, namely real
hair and synthetic materials. Employee performance becomes a problem that is quite
interesting and important because the success of an organization or company depends
on the human resources / employees it has. If the employee's performance is high, then
the success for achieving an organizational goal is more wide open. However, if

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 146
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

employee performance decreases, it can result in unfavorable impact on organizational

goals and can even result in the setback of a bankruptcy.
There is a competitive competition of artificial eyelash production in Purbalingga. At
PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga, the performance of ordinary employees is not able
to improve a company goal. PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga has seen an increase
in eyelash production within a few months on consumer orders. The following is the
production data that has increased in 2018, July totaling 55 thousand pairs, August 59
thousand pairs, September 80 thousand pairs, October 90 thousand pairs, November 110
thousand pairs, December 110 thousand pairs. So researchers are quite interested in
knowing the performance of the employees of PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga.


A. Employee Performance
Performance comes from the word job performance or actual performance
(actual work performance or achievement someone has achieved). Simanjuntak
(2005) states that performance, is the level of achievement of results for the
implementation of certain tasks. According to Bangun (2012), employee
performance is the result of work achieved by a person based on job requirements,
requirements commonly referred to as work standards, namely the expected level of
a particular job to be completed and compared to the goals or targets to be
achieved. According to Surya (2012) states that in essence, performance is an
achievement achieved by a person in carrying out his duties or jobs in accordance
with the standards and criteria set for that job.

B. Work Environment
The work environment is everything that is in the work space around workers
and affects workers. The work environment has a great influence on employee
performance, so every organization or company must pay attention to the work
environment. According to Sofyan (2013), the work environment is everything
around the employee that affects him in carrying out and completing the tasks
assigned to him in an area. Ahmadi and Uhbiyati (2001) state that, between the
environment and humans, there is a reciprocal influence, meaning that the
environment affects humans, and vice versa, humans also affect the environment
around them.

C. Compensation
According to Sudaryo, Yoyo et al (2018: 7-8) compensation management is
one of the most difficult and challenging areas of human resource management,
because it contains many lifetimes and has a long enough impact on the strategic
goals of the organization. The general purpose of compensation is to attract, retain
and motivate employees. Direct financial compensation consists of the payments a
person receives in the form of wages, salaries, commissions and bonuses. Indirect
financial compensation (allowances) includes all financial benefits that are not
included in direct financial compensation. This type of compensation includes a
variety of benefits that are usually received indirectly by employees.

D. Work Motivation
Motivation comes from the Latin movere which means encouragement or
movement. In general, motivation can be defined as the drive and desire and effort
that comes from an individual to do something. Motivation is said to be a need that
encourages actions towards a specific goal. Daft (2010) states motivation as a

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 147
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

power that comes from within or from outside a person and generates enthusiasm
and persistence to achieve something desired.


A. Measuring the Validity and Reliability of the Questionnaire

1. Validity Test
The validity test can also be done on each question item and the
results can be seen through the results of the r-count which will be
compared with the r-table, where the r-table can be obtained through df
(degree of freedom) = n-2, 95% confidence level and value alpha 5%
(Ghozali, 2011). To find out (validity test) used the Pearson product
moment correlation formula as follows (Sugiyono, 2006).

n xy   x  y 
rxy 

{n x 2   x  n y 2   y  }
2 2

2. Reliability Test
The data consistency (reliability) test was determined by the
Cronbach Alpha coefficient. A variable is said to be reliable if it gives a
cronbach αlpha (α) value> 0.60, that is, if the research is repeated with
different times and variables, it will produce the same conclusion. As for the
reliability test, the following formula is used:

 k    b 

r 1  2 
 k  1   1 
B. Classical Assumption Test
The regression model obtained from the Ordinal Least Square (OLS)
method is a regression model that produces the best unbiased linear estimator
(Best Linear Unbias Estimator / BLUE). This condition will occur if several
assumptions are fulfilled which are called classical assumptions, which consist
a. Data Normality Test
The normality test is intended to determine whether the residuals studied
are normally distributed or not. How to detect: by using the standardized
Residual Regression Histogram and using Chi Square analysis (X²) and
Kolmogorov-Smirnov. The standardized residual value curve is said to
spread normally if: the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z value <Z table or Asymp.
Sig (2-tailed)> α = 0.05 (Suliyanto, 2006).
b. Multicollinearity Test
The multicollinearity test looks at the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) value
of each independent variable on the related variable, if the VIF value is
not more than 10, it can be stated that there is no multicollinearity
symptom, meaning there is no relationship between the independent
c. Heteroscedasticity Test
This test is to test whether the regression model occurs or there is an
inequality of the variance of the residuals from one observation to

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 148
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

another. The diagnosis of heteroscedasticity quantitatively in a

regression can be done by using the Glesjer test (Glesjer test).

C. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

The analysis technique in this study uses multiple linear regression
analysis, with the aim of knowing the linear effect of the independent variable on
one dependent variable. To determine the effect of the independent variable on
the dependent variable, a regression equation model is used as follows
(Sutrisno, 2001):

Y = a+b1X1+b2X2+b3X3+ e

a. F Test (Goodness Of Fit )

The F test aims to determine the feasible or less feasible model of the
regression equation. The goodness of fit test is used to measure the accuracy
of the regression function in estimating the actual value. To determine the
calculated F value obtained by using the following formula (Sugiyono, 2009):
Fcount = R 2 / k - 1
b. t Test
To test the meaning of the regression coefficient, the t test is used with
the formula (Supranto, 2008):
Formulation criteria:
Ho accepted if -t table  t count ≤ t table
Ho rejected if tcount < - t table or tcount > t table


A. Research Results and Discussion

1. Validity Level Testing
The validity test is carried out to test the error of the
statement items. The validity test used some of the
respondents, namely 30 respondents and the degrees of
freedom df = n-2, so the test was carried out with the help of
SPSS For Windows. The results of the validity test can be
seen in the following table:
Table 1.Validity Test Results of Work Environment Variables (X1)
No. Item
r count r table Remarks

1 0.806 0.361 Valid

2 0.818 0.361 Valid
3 0.757 0.361 Valid
4 0.761 0.361 Valid
5 0.758 0.361 Valid
6 0.375 0.361 Valid

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 149
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

Based on the table 1, it can be seen that the validity of the work
environment variable (X1), the correlation figure obtained is compared with
the critical number of the table, the correlation value r with degrees of
freedom (n-2) and α = 0.05, the table criticism figure is 0.361. Because the
correlation figure obtained from the work environment variable (X1) is
greater than the table criticism figure of 0.361, the variable can be said to
be valid.
Table 2 Validity Test Results of Work Compensation Variables (X2)
No. Item
r count r table Remarks

1 0.770 0.361 Valid

2 0.835 0.361 Valid

3 0.745 0.361 Valid

4 0.863 0.361 Valid

5 0.630 0.361 Valid

Based on the table 2, it can be seen that the validity of the Compensation
variable (X2), the correlation figure obtained is compared with the critical
number of the table, the correlation value r with degrees of freedom (n-2) and α
= 0.05, the table criticism figure is 0.361. Because the correlation figure
obtained from the compensation variable (X2) is greater than the table criticism
figure of 0.361, the variable can be said to be valid.

Table 3 Validity Test Results of Work Motivation Variables (X3)

No. Item
r count r table Remarks

1 0.767 0.361 Valid

2 0.823 0.361 Valid

3 0.853 0.361 Valid

4 0.845 0.361 Valid

5 0.792 0.361 Valid

Based on the table 3, it can be seen that the validity of the Work Motivation
variable (X3), the correlation figure obtained is compared with the critical figure
of the table, the correlation value r with degrees of freedom (n-2) and α = 0.05,
the table criticism figure is 0.361. Because the correlation figure obtained from
the Work Motivation variable (X3) is greater than the table criticism figure of
0.361, the variable can be said to be valid.

2. Reliability Level Testing

Reliability test was conducted on 30 respondents and was used to
determine the level of stability of a measuring instrument in measuring all

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 150
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

symptoms. Reliability analysis was performed using the Alpha Cronchbach

method. Based on calculations using the Alpha Croncbach formula, the following
values were obtained:
Table 4 Reliability of Work Environment Variables, Compensation, and Work
Motivation at PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga
Reliability r table
Variable Remarks
Value Value

Work Environment (X1) 0.811 0.361 Reliable

Compensation (X2) 0.824 0.361 Reliable

Work Motivation (X3) 0.874 0.361 Reliable

Employee Performance (Y) 0.849 0.361 Reliable l

The r table value in the table 4 with (n-2) and α = 0.05, the table criticism figure is
0.361. While the reliability value of each variable shows a value greater than r table.
Thus it can be said that this measuring instrument is quite reliable, meaning that the
statement items have met the reliability requirements.

3. Classical Asumption Test

a. Data Normality Test
To test the normality of the data, the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test analysis can be
performed. It can be seen in the following table:

Table 5 Data Normality Test with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test
N 62
Normal Parametersa Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .166
Positive .166
Negative -.108
Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z .1310
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .065
a. Test distribution is
From the table 5, it can be seen that the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z value and the
asymp.sig (2-tailed) value> α (0.05), then the standardized residual value of
the regression model presented is said to be spread normally.

b. Multicollinearity Test
To determine whether there is multicollinearity between variables, one
way is to look at the Varlance Inflation Factor (VIF) value of each independent
variable on the related variable. Multicollinearity testing is carried out using the

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 151
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

SPSS procedure, namely by looking at the results of the collinierity statistics by

looking at the value in the VIF column. The VIF column values can be seen in
the following table:
Table 6 VIF Column Value for Multicollinearity Testing

No Variable VIF Remarks

1 Work Environment (X1) 1.091 Multicollinearity does not occur

2 Compensation (X2) 3.682 Multicollinearity does not occur

3 Work Motivation (X3) 3.735 Multicollinearity does not occur

Based on the data in table 6, it can be seen that the VIF value for each
independent variable is less than 10, so it can be concluded that
multicollinearity does not occur between the independent variables. With
these results, is fulfilling the requirements to perform linear regression

c. Heteroscedasticity Test
Heteroscedasticity testing aims to show whether or not the variance is
homogeneous between independent variables. The test is carried out using
the Park Gleyser method, the symptoms of heteroscedasticity will be shown
by each independent variable on the absolute value of its residue. If the
probability value is greater than the alpha value (0.05), then it can be
ascertained that the model does not contain heteroscedasticity elements.
From the results of the analysis using the SPSS program, the following
results were obtained:
Tabel 7 Heteroscedasticity Test
No Variabel

1 Work Environment (X1) 0.742

2 Compensation (X2) 0.794
3 Work Motivation (X3) 0.985

Based on the data in table 14, it can be seen that the sig value of the Park
Gleyser test for work environment variables (X1), compensation (X2) and
work motivation (X3) are all greater than 0.05. So it can be concluded that
the regression model presented does not contain elements of

5. Model Analysis and Proving the Hypothesis

Model analysis and proving the hypothesis are carried out to test simultanously
or to test the F and t test or partially to prove the truth of the hypothesis.
a. Analysis dan Proving the Hypothesis
To determine the effect of work environment variables (X1), compensation
(X2) and work motivation (X3) on Employee Performance (Y) at PT Braling
Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga, quantitative analysis was used with multiple linear
analysis methods. Based on the results of calculations using computer
assistance, results can be obtained as in the following table:

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 152
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

Table 8. Multiple Linear Regression Model

Variable t count t table
Work Environment 0.144 2.653 1.672
Compensation 0.530 4.682 1.672
Work Motivation 0.293 2.627 1.671
Constant 0.082
Determination Coefficient 0.786
F count 71.059
F table 2.764

Based on the calculation results in the table 8, the function model to be produced is
as follows:
Y = 0.082 + 0.144 X1 + 0.530 X2 + 0.293 X3 + e
Based on the equation it can be seen that:
1) A constant value of 0.082 means employee performance will rise or be positive if
the work environment, compensation and work motivation are constant.
2) The value of the work environment variable regression coefficient of 0.144 is
positive, meaning that if the perception of the work environment improves, then
employee performance will improve assuming compensation and fixed work
3) The value of the variable regression coefficient compensation of 0.530 is
positive, meaning that if the perception of Compensation improves, then
employee performance will improve assuming a work environment and fixed
4) The value of the work motivation variable regression coefficient of 0.293 is
positive, meaning that if the perception of work motivation improves, then
employee performance will improve assuming a fixed work environment and
5) From the regression equation obtained determination coefficient (R2) of
0.786.This means variability of employee performance of PT Braling Wisnu
Satriya Purbalingga of 78.6 percent is determined on work environment
variability, compensation and work motivation, while 21.4 percent is determined
other variables that are not studied e.g. Work discipline, leadership and so on.

b. F Test
From the calculation of test F obtained F count of 71,059 can be seen in
appendix 13.Using a conviction rate of 95% (α = 0.05) and degree of freedom (k-
1); (n-k) = (df1=3; and df2 = 59) obtained F table of 2,764 can be seen in
appendix 13.So F count (71,059 >2,764), so Ho was rejected. Ho's refusal
means Ha is accepted this means there is a significant influence together of the
variables of the work environment, Compensation and work quality on Employee
Performance, accepted.

c. t Test First, Second and Third Hypothesis Testing

Using a conviction rate of 95% (α = 0.05) and degree of freedom (n-k) =
(df = 58) obtained t table of 1,672 can be seen attached 10, while the calculation
resulting in t calculate working environment variable (tX1) of 2,653.So the
calculated t value is greater than the table's t value (2,653 > 1,672), so partially
the work environment variable (X1) has a significant impact on employee
performance (Y).

Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 153
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024


A. Conclusion
1. From the calculation of test F obtained F count 71,059 while F table is
2,764.From the test calculation it is known that the value of F count is greater
than the F of the table. Thus the work environment, compensation, and work
motivation have a significant influence on the performance of employees of PT
Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga.
2. From the calculation of the t test known t table is 1,672 and the calculated t
value of the work environment variable (tX1) is 2,653. From the t test calculation
it is known that the calculated t value is greater than the table t. Thus the first
hypothesis that states the work environment has a significant influence on
employee performance at PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga is accepted.
3. From the calculation of the t test is known t table of 1,672 and the variable t
value of Compensation (tX2) is 4,682. From the t test calculation it is known that
the calculated t value is greater than the table t. Thus the second hypothesis
stating compensation has a significant influence on employee performance at
PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga is accepted.
4. From the calculation of the t test is known t table of 1,672 and the calculated t
value of motivation variable (tX3) is 2,627. From the t test calculation it is known
that the calculated t value is greater than the table t. Thus the third hypothesis
that stated work motivation had a significant influence on employee
performance at PT Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga is accepted.

B. Suggestion
1. PT Braling Wisnu Satriya should improve the work environment. This needs to
be done in order for employee performance to improve. The way among other
things the company creates a comfortable working atmosphere for employees.
2. PT Braling Wisnu Satriya must increase compensation. This needs to be done
in order for employee performance to improve. The way among others leaders
as one of the determinants of the direction and objectives of the organization
is expected to set a good example and leading it to improved performance in
employees and influence performance improvement.
3. PT Braling Wisnu Satriya should improve work motivation. It is necessary.For
work motivation to be considered in employees is with Awards, including self-
respect factors such as self-esteem, autonomy, and achievement.


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Page : 154
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
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Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 155
The Management Journal of BINANIAGA Vol. 05, No. 02, December 2020
p-ISSN: 2527 – 4317, e-ISSN: 2580 – 149x
6th Accreditation Rating: April 04, 2019 – April 03, 2024

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Yudi Agus Setiawan; Dina Prasetyaningrum. The influence of work environment, compensation
and work motivation on employee performance at PT. Braling Wisnu Satriya Purbalingga

Page : 156

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