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EUMIND PHASE 2 – Research 

Interview Questions  
1) Why do you think that saving energy for the future
generations is important?   
2) In what ways do you save energy in your day-to-day life? 
3) How can energy be saved at school in the most effective way?  
4) What energy source do you think shall be developed next that can
be helpful for the schools in saving money as well in saving energy? 
5) How can we save money on electricity and lighting in our schools? 
6) Do you think saving energy at school can change the mindset
of the students and can it motivate them to save energy at other
places too? 
7) Do you think that it is possible for the mankind to live completely
with renewable energy? (Solar energy, wind energy etc.) 
8) What are the main inhibitors to stopping the reduction of
domestic energy consumption? 
9) What do you think about energy analysis and how can it be
10) Which factors influence energy
conservation behavior in schools from the perspective of
environmental psychology? 
11) Lastly would spreading awareness among school students and
staff and encouraging them to save energy in their school premises
and elsewhere help? If yes, how? 

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