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Quennie Babante

Narrative Report
In the midst of my journey as a future educator I was given the opportunity to expand my
horizons through a program of the University the Student Internship Abroad Program (SIAP). I
was one of the students who qualified and sent to Vietnam for the said internship. I didn’t know
what to expect at first especially that we’re in different country with different traditions, culture,
law and perspectives. It scared me a lot to know that I might be able to do some mistakes without
me knowing it. Going to different country with different language can make life a whole
different from what I had grown into. Language had been the number one hindrance for us to
have a good communications towards the locals. Though some can understand the language the
way they pronounced the words and construct sentences are quite different from what we were
trained for. Expected as it may seem, it still feels different when it is actually happening around

The food there was great and healthy. At first, I didn’t like it especially that it has less
flavored than what we have here in the country. After sometime of adjustment, we find it
becoming more delicious every day. I was amazed with their sauce and salt because it was very
tasty and it is totally different from what we have here. It is also healthy because they eat a lot of
vegetables, more of raw vegetables. However as time passed by, I realized that it was quite
healthy and delicious. Surely, this is one of the characteristics that I wanted to bring back home.

Teaching was our main reason to go there in their country. I was shock with the way they
teach. I didn’t realize that it was hard since they do not really speak the language. Many things
should be taught to them even the basics. I really don’t know what is specifically expected from
us but I know that they are expecting too much. I tried to adjust in their place and sooner I found
out that they’re not that bad, because they’re more than willing to learn and exert more effort to
learn. I enjoyed learning with them because every time I teach them, I also learn something from
them. The longer we stayed there, the more I learn their culture, the more I’m amazed with it.

Time was running so fast, the more that I’m enjoying our stay there the more that I
realized that it’s almost near time to go home. More places are yet to be uncovered by us. We
wanted to go but what is always told, we’re not there to have our vacation but for internship. We
appreciate everything they offered us especially the almost comfort of home. I can fairly say that
they made our stay in their country special and like no other.

Two months of stay in Vietnam was generally surprising and unforgettable. I discovered
many things about their culture which made me changed about my perspectives in the country.
The people there are surprisingly kind and generous. They seem to make us feel important and
they treated us as their friends without any hesitations. It made our stay in their country uniquely
unforgettable. It is a place indeed that will always have a place in my heart.

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