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Ex 1. Rewrite the underlined part of each sentence using the word in brackets.

Ex 2 Memorise the following strong ones

Or weak ones
Run into difficulties

Hopping mad

After he left university, he walked straight into a job

Jump to the conclusion that

Hit the rocks /sth ended e.g. their relationship hit the rocks/

Run into trouble

Ex 3 Memorise these intensifying adverbs : Downright rude / thoroughly ashamed / widely exaggerated
/ blatantly obvious / wildly inaccurate / spotlessly clean / highly recommended / thouroughly
enjoyed / absolutely delighted

Memorise the softening adverbs: slightly different/ mildly surprised / it is loosely based on .a 19th
century novel./ loosely structured / loosely connected / faintly ridiculous / faintly absurd / faintly

Ex 4 Memorise the following:




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