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The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

That jerk Evan is

CHANGING THE GROUP! He's actually doing something
to recruit workers, solicit funds, and collect books we actually
need! This has got to STOP! We are a SMALL group!
We are a "part time" group! We can't GROW or EVOLVE!
That would be awful! We are petty and cliqueish and that's
the way it's got to STAY! We've GOT to get rid of this Evan
troublemaker, he's actually making things BETTER!


DC Books to Prisons ProjectWednesday, August 5, 2009 10:31 PM

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Whitney Kemp" <>Add
sender to ContactsTo: dcentrep@yahoo.comHi,

I read about your organization from my neighborhood list serv and I am interersting
in helping package books for shipping.

Whitney Kemp


Hi, Whitney. I'm Evan. Thank you for offering to help!!

We meet at Foundry United Methodist Church (202.332.4010; call ahead) almost every
Wednesday evening (6 to 9 PM) to wrap books for shipping, and there are other days
and times that you can arrange to come in, to fit your schedule. The church is
located at 1500 16th St NW, Washington DC, 20036. (2.5 blocks east of Dupont

From: Wendy A. <>
Subject: Re: [columbia_heights] Donate Used Books
To: "dcentrep" <>
Date: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 12:33 AM

Thank you. We have so many paperbacks in great condition .


Thank you so much, Wendy! Please visit the website

for details on how to donate books:

Oh...and please tell them that "troublemaker Evan" sent you!

Re: [columbia_heights] Donate Used BooksThursday, August 6, 2009 6:49 AM
From: "" <>Add sender to ContactsTo:

Do you accept donations of romance novels (for women)?


Hello, and thank you for your response! I'm Evan.

As you might imagine, the majority of persons in prison
are men, and relatively few men read romances. (We are in
perpetual need of Westerns). That said, there
is some modest demand for romances.

The group is generously hosted by Foundry United Methodist Church.

Unfortunately, we've started to outgrow the capcity of the space
alloted to us. I've suggested that we ask to install more bookshelves,
but that has been received as an offensive suggestion. ("When you
don't pay rent, you can't make demands" I was told).

Rather than seek out storage options or a larger venue, the

group has chosen to adopt a policy of limiting the
frequency and amount of donations (which I think is absurd).

Naturally, if there is no demand for that type,

we cannot use the donated books. Since I am just a newcomer
and an unwelcome troublemaker,
I will refer you to the honorable and ambitous veterans in the
group for an explicit answer to your question, here:


Hello James,
I saw your posting on the chevy chase listserv.
I am interested in volunteering, and I have two sons
who should be able to help as well. We can't make
it in the evenings, but was wondering whether we
can volunteer our time during the weekday?
I'm off of work on TTH, so either day at 10:00am
or 1:00pm would work best.
Please let me know if this is possible.
Lisa Tsui


Hello, Lisa! Thanks very much for your generous offer to

help. You're very welcome, as far as I'm concerned. I'm Evan (not sure why you
your message to "James").

It's been my experience that the host, Foundry United Methodist

Church, makes the packing room available at a variety of times
during the week. 202.332.4010

I'd be glad to meet with you almost any time to show you what
I believe is the correct proceedure for answering requests and packing
books; my time is very flexible. As it's been pointed out to me quite
emphatically, the other members of the group have careers and busy
lives, and I am the only unemployed bum with time to spare.

I can't offer you "official" directions on how to volunteer, however.

Unfortunately, I'm just an ignorant and unwelcome newbie. I'm trying to make
the group grow by recruiting volunteers, soliting donations of
funds and books and various other efforts. This is regarded as
disruptive and threatening by several of the veteran members.
If you want the "Offical" party line (such as it is) you can find it

Basicly what I expect you'll hear is "We have full-time jobs. We're
just a small group. We can't meet at your convenience to show you
how to pack books. You have to conform to us and come on a Wednesday
evening to get vague, half-a**ed instruction."

MY response is: I'll do whatever it takes to be there and offer you

all the instruction and assistance I can, and I'm very grateful for
your offer of help.


booksThursday, August 6, 2009 8:54 AM

From: This sender is DomainKeys verified"Marnie Keller"
<>Add sender to ContactsTo:

I have a bag of books in my bag

and I was trying to find a place
to donate them! I'm going to add
some addiction recovery books
because I understand that there
are many people who are incarcerated
that suffer from addiction. I commute
down 16th Street every day - is there
a dropoff box at the church?

thanks, Marnie Keller

Thank you, Marnie. I'm Evan. Your offer is generous, and your
insight very valuable. I agree that addiction recovery books
would be very useful, and that category should be added to the
group's "most needed" list.

Unfortunately, I'm regarded as just an ignorant troublemaking newbie,

and my suggestions have
met with a great deal of apathy, hostilty and resistance.

Perhaps you will have better luck. I suggest you contact the
"offical" representatives (who are very efficient, welcoming and organized)
at this address to obtain an answer to your question:


Hi, Nancy, thank you for the response! I'm Evan.

The DC Books to Prisons Project is generously hosted by

Foundry United Methodist Church. Unfortunately,
we appear to be outgrowing the space that they have alloted to us.
We cannot afford to offend our hosts by having piles of boxes of books,
unfortunately. (I'm currently looking for a larger host venue....)

That has resulted in a policy that I do not agree with: we are actually
turning away some book donations, for lack of space to store them,
instead of actively looking for a larger venue.
That said, I'd encourage you to drop them off anyway.
But, I'm a troublemaker in the group, so if you want the official policy,
go here:

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