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Name of Student: Marynette Christine L. Mapa

Year and Section: BSN-3B

Write the following words in hiragana.

1. yasumi (day off) FFA

2. fuyu (winter) D
3. yuki (snow) DE
Double consonants

Double consonants (kk, pp, ss, and tt) are represented by small っ. As small っ indicates
a one-syllable pause, the mouth prepares for the pronunciation of the next syllable.
Example gakko(school) がっこう、
1. kippu (ticket) Es i
2. kitte (stamp) ¥72

■ Note that ― u and ― o are represented by adding う.

1. yumei (famous) b) 7h11
2. kino (yesterday) ¥05
3. kuko (airport)

■ Note that the particle O is represented by を, not お.

1. kuro (black) (3
2. sore (that) 9th
3. kuruma (car) < 3£
4. Sayonara (Goodbye) tats
5. watashi (I) BEL
6. hon (book) *
7. sumimasen (I’m sorry.) gz,I*

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