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Running head: WEEK 2 JOURNAL 


Week 2 Journal  

Cindy Testa   

Bay Path University   

Prof. Dawn Gearin   

February 5, 2021  


Week 2 Journal  

The article that appealed to me was ​New human cell structure discovered, 

from the Karolinska Institutet. As the title states a new human cell structure has 

been discovered by the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden. The structure is a “new 

type of protein complex that the cell uses to attach to its surroundings and proves 

to play a key part in cell division” (Karolinska Institutet, 2018). This discovery 

provided answers to the question-- “how the cell can remain attached to the matrix 

during cell division.” The previously known adhesion complexes dissolve during the 

process to allow the cell to divide, however in this structure the adhesion complex 

remains and attaches the cell during cell division (Karolinska Institutet, 2018). The 

researchers also found that this new structure has the ability to control the 

daughter cells to occupy the right place after cell division. According to the article, 

the study was done on human cell lines mainly using confocal microscopy and mass 

spectrometry. Further research is now needed to examine the new adhesion 

complex in living organisms (Karolinska Institutet, 2018). 

This article relates to this week's modules as we studied the importance of 

each cell structure and how these structures work together. This article mainly 

focuses on cell division which is a very important event that occurs in our body. A 

single cell divides to make two cells and these two cells then divide to make four 

cells, etc. This process is called "cell division" and "cell reproduction," as new cells 

are formed when old cells divide. There are two ways that cells divide- mitosis and 

meiosis. Cells divide for many reasons, for example, when you skin your knee, cells 

divide to replace old, dead, or damaged cells. Cells also divide so living things can 

grow (Shyamala, 2014).  

Cell division is unique for living organisms and there are still questions on 

the full process of this function. This new discovery of a human cell structure 

answers a few of those questions, however more research needs to be done in 

order to fully understand.  



Karolinska Institutet. (2018, October 22). New human cell structure discovered. 

ScienceDaily​. Retrieved February 3, 2021 from 

Shyamala Iyer. (2014, February 03). Cell Division. ASU - Ask A Biologist. Retrieved 

February 5, 2021 from 

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