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1) at 5 different definition of SCM

ans.)1) Supply chain management is the process of controlling all activities of firm from raw
material to delivering the goods and services to the market.

2)Supply chain management means design, planning. Controlling, manufacturing and delivering
the goods and services. calculating the net value and profit of product.

3)supply chain management is a key part in every business which help to continue the change in
business and fulfil the market needs by searching the new demand and manufacture goods with
proper discipline.

4) managing the production and providing the highest satisfaction to a customer with quality
goods and services with lowest cost. Partners work together for fast production, high profit and
taking orders.

5) finding the need of market and fulfilling that need by controlling all production activities and
transportation of goods and services to the market.

que.2) the important parts/parties/entities of SCM and their roles, responsibilities and integration.

ans.) supply chain management contain communication, research about need of market,
manufacturing, storing product in warehouses, supplying product, transportations, retailers and
consumers all these parts and entities in a business.

In a business supply chain manager are responsible for quality and quantity of good and services
with proper rules and regulations. They have to manage all the operations in order to increase the
demand of product in market as well as to build trust with customers. They have to manage the
position of product in market by promoting the product and managing the distribution also
manage the labor costs , other liabilities and profit from the product.

que.3) Important strategic role of suppliers.

ans.) Strategic suppliers plays essential role in every business. supplier is a person or
organization that deliver goods and services to another person. The role of every supplier is
providing good and services from a manufacturer to a retailor and wholesaler at good prices.

Suppliers need to understand all the expenses and value of entire process of supply chain
management from the cost of raw materials to the transportation of goods to its destination. They
have to manage the emergency in order and deal with accuracy and shipment of product on time.
If delay in transportation is happen in any case they have to pay penalties.

que.4)strategic role of logistics partners.

ans.)logistic play important role in supply chain management. It helps the business by managing
the safety, work, timing and transportation of product. It also help the busines by deliver the
good to the market in order to availability of product in market. If product is good but often its
not available in stores, the value of product will decrease. Through the logistic partner the cost of
product is reduce and efficiency will increase by using transportation and warehouse services
with other firms.

It help to deliver product on time and right destination. It deliver the product as early as possible
by using various source. Logistic partner help to satisfied the customer and build the trust.

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