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ТТС 2 курс 1 семестр питання на залік

1. What is the duty of the second mate?

2. Who superintends all the work of stevedore gangs?
3. Whom does each gang usually consist of?
4. Who allots a definite gang foe each hatch?
5. Whom does the cargo officer have to deal with in the course of loading and
6. What must he explain to the stevedores?
7. In what condition should the packing be when packed goods are taken
8. In what case may the second mate reject the goods?
9. What should be done with the packing of such goods to get them accepted
for shipment?
10. On what condition may damaged goods be sometimes accepted for
11. On what document should this clause be endorsed?
12. Who is to take precautions against possible casualties and injuries to the
crew and stevedores when handling the cargo?
13. In accordance with what document is the cargo taken on board the ship?
14. Who draws up the cargo plan?
15. What should be taken into account when planning the stowage of goods?
16. What properties should the vessel retain after loading the cargo?
17. On what condition may different kinds of cargo be stowed?
18. How should the cargo be stowed of it is consigned to several ports?
19. What document does the agent send to the ship with each separate lot of
20. Who is to arrange a tally of goods when they are taken aboard?
21. What document does he make out when the goods are taken aboard?
22. To whom are the mate’s receipts delivered?
23. What document is made out on the basis of these receipts?
24. Why does the second mate retain the copy of each bill of lading?
25. Why shouldn’t the master sign post-dated or ante-dated bills of lading?
26. When are a stowage plan and cargo manifest compiled?
27. What do logisticians do?
28. How does someone become a logistician?
29. What are some responsibilities of a logistician?
30. What types of things does a logistics engineer plan?
31. What are some ways that logistics managers work with people outside their
32. What types of information do logistics managers analyze to improve
33. What kind of companies hire logistics workers?
34. At which type of company would you like to work?
35. What are some basic math operations?
36. What are some ways to express the results of mathematical operations?

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