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. Why is it important to recognize sexism in our advertising?

It’s important to recognize sexism on our advertising because it’s a well disguised form of
damaging viewers minds. It’s proved that sexism limits viewer’s potential, narrowing them
on developing life decisions and actions not proper of their common behavior.
Advertisements like comparing choosing a char as choosing a wife are a precise example
of how sexism delay all the efforts and changes on society through the years. Sexism is
not only objected to women, it can be directed to men and children changing kids
aspirations and continuously developing the idea of men being useless and women being
a sexual object.

Explain the Media Representation Tests and discuss which you (as an individual or as a
group) think is the most important and why.
The media representation tests are a way in which movies can be analyzed and to point
out those sexual behaviors that are repetitively shown on most movies. These tests
function is to create a bar and show how a huge percentage of movies have the same type
of conversations, dialogues and character behavior that don’t represent how society has
The most important test in my opinion is the Bechdel Test because it’s most recognized
one and the base of more tests. These test sets a really low bar that challenge movies to
create conversation between two women or two men to be about anything but a person
from the opposite sex.

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