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A Murderous Romance

It was 10:00am on a crisp December morning and the snow outside was tumbling from
the sky in a flurry, as I sped to work in my beaten and broken 10-year-old jeep. I was running
late for a meeting with my boss, Paul. Of course, Paul didn’t care about me or my life, and
everything he did within the last few months, felt like he wanted me to fail. Which I’m used to,
considering I’m living alone at age 19 with no relatives living in my entire hemisphere.
I was seriously surprised when I arrived at the station without a speeding ticket in my
hand. Not wanting to check my watch, I made a quick sprint into the station and prayed to God I
wasn’t late. As I slipped into my boss’s office, my heart skipped a beat. Paul was wearing a
troubled expression and he was watching the clock intently.
“You are so lucky, Amber.” Paul said with a devilish laugh, opening a packet of gum as I
entered his office. “If you were one minute later…”
“Why do you hate me so much?” I asked him, flustered for two reasons. First of all, he
didn’t give me any bubblegum, and secondly, he treats me like I was a useless hobo he picked
from the dirt and hired off the streets.
I looked at Paul while he jotted down his notes, writing sloppily, as he always does. His
writing was so hard to read, it was like a gorilla threw up on a sheet of paper. His brows
furrowed while he swirled his pen around, and I wondered to myself why he was so rude and felt
so entitled.
“Stop worrying about me, and start worrying about this case.” Paul snapped, dragging my
attention back to him and reading my thoughts. “After you’ve read over it quickly, go to the
scene.” He slapped a heavy file on his desk as he raised his voice. “Now get out.”
I snatched the file from his desk without protest, trying not to showcase my temper. Paul
used to really appreciate my work and he had treated me like a princess, if you could believe it.
He’d always given me compliments, we’d go out for coffee together and I’d gotten lots of
money, but starting last month, he’d abuse my work. I didn’t know what his problem was
anymore, or why he went from thinking I was perfect to believing I was worthless.
While leaving Paul’s office, I spotted a young man with shaggy but beautiful hazel hair
leaving a room across from me. I took another glance at the man before realizing he was Hayden
Oak. I kicked myself, mortified for thinking he was handsome. We were practically best friends
for crying out loud.
“Hayden!” I called in a friendly but pleading tone.
“Amber?” he asked confusedly, spinning around to face me.
Hayden was also a young detective like me, but to be fair he was 21 and I was only 19.
Plus, I only got paid $18 per case. Even though I didn’t deserve any assistance and though he
worked at a different station, Hayden always came by and helped me complete my hard cases so
I wouldn’t have to always work until my hands fell off to get paid less than twenty bucks. He
was also very friendly with my coworkers, always making them coffee and being a big help.
“I need to complete this case at Fourth St!” I yelled over to him, glancing down at the
large file in my hands. “But it looks ​really​ dangerous and I don’t want to do it all by myself.” I
looked up at him through my lashes and gave him a pouty face.
“Fine, fine.” he muttered loudly, walking across the hall to greet me. “You want me to
come with you?” he guessed when we were standing face to face.

The car ride to Fourth was long, awkward and bumpy, especially because we took my
old, broken jeep. Hayden kept giving me weird worried looks throughout the whole ride there
and I’d just slumped into my seat and pretended to stare out the window. I was really just
looking back at him through the reflection of his face that was formed against the window of the
Finally the car slowed, and I started to really look out the window. The street lights were
covered in wreaths and mistletoes and every store had a Christmas sale going on. I noticed
people in puffy winter coats were crowded along the sidewalk in a ragged circle, and I thought to
myself, ​that’s it.​ Hayden pulled over and hopped out of my vehicle, checking for traffic before
he opened my door for me and offered me his hand.
I ignored his offer with a smile. It was hard to act serious around Hayden, when all he’d
ever do would make me crack up. I loved that about him.
“Let’s not joke around. This is a case.” Hayden told me strictly, his dark hair falling from
his forehead while I secretly obsessed over its volume.
Of course, I didn’t get the message and I punched him lightly in the shoulder, now
admiring the tiny golden tint in his eyes. “You started it.” I replied.
I flung out of the car, leaving Hayden to lock it as I ran towards the crime scene, my body
suddenly urging me on to see what had happened. Being on a crime scene gave you a wide range
of emotions. As I got closer to the scene, I showed the police my ID, and ducked underneath the
neon caution tape circling the victim. My face literally loosened from my skull, as I saw heaps of
fresh blood leaking from a young woman’s once beautiful face. Her bright blonde hair was
matted and stuck into deep dark clumps of blood. Fatal scars covered the skin around her cheeks
and she lay on her side, unbreathing, with a puddle of bright red liquid staining the snow
surrounding her.
But that wasn’t what surprised me. I was used to the whole blood and guts thing now.
The problem was, this wasn’t any woman. I stood there, too stunned to make a move. This was
Jenna and she was my closest friend.

I had sat there in the freezing cold freaking blizzard, staring at Jenna’s body and grieving,
while Hayden searched for evidence and dealt with documenting. ​Why Jenna? ​As I blinked with
compassion for my fallen friend, my body continuously shaking with shock. I attempted to
overcome my feelings as I drew a quick deep breath.
I stood up beside Hayden, still shivering from both the bitter cold and terror. “Uh,” I
began slowly. “Maybe I should help you?” I then suggested.
Hayden looked over at me and rolled his eyes playfully. “About time.”
I ignored him and concentrated on remembering things I knew about Jenna. ​She was
funny and sweet… I​ tried to refocus myself. Jenna had been talking about financial problems
when I’d seen her last week. Maybe there was something on her person about that?
I reached down into the pocket of her thick winter jacket and felt a slip of paper brush
against my skin. I pulled it out and examined it carefully. It was a cheque to my boss, Paul, with
a note attached. It read, in carefully printed letters: Here is the money I owe you.
But this wasn’t Jenna’s writing. I showed both of the papers to Hayden and expressed my
“Well, at least we know the cheque was written out for an asshole.” Hayden snarled
sarcastically. “Why does she even owe Paul anything? How do they even know each other?”
I thought for a moment. ​Paul owes me money,​ I thought frustratedly. I never have enough
money to pay for anything, since Paul had brought my wage down for no apparent reason.
“Amber?” Hayden said, picking up the fact that I was unfocused.
I’d forgotten he’d asked me something. I took out my cell phone and started to check if I
could find out why Jenna owed Paul money, while also trying to hide my own​ f​ inancial problems
from Hayden.
“What?” I exclaimed, after searching through Jenna’s bank files and expenses. “She
doesn’t owe Paul money! She’s not in debt at all!”
Hayden winked at me, peeking at my phone from over my shoulder. “But you are.”
“Well, yeah,” I confessed with a sigh. “I have problems.”
“You should’ve come to me.” Hayden murmured. He softened his tone, sounding
concerned. “You know you can come to me, right?”
“I do,” I whispered, leaning in to pinch him on the nose.
After sitting on the snow some more, looking out at the passing cars and thinking,
Hayden took the phone from my hands to examine the screen some more.
“I don’t understand,” he breathed the following minute.
Tears fought their way down my face as I glanced at the ground trying to block out the
choking realization of Jenna’s death. My bones felt shattered and frozen from the chilling breeze.
My lungs were tight and my lips cracked. I turned to Hayden, who was still staring down at my
cell phone despairingly.
“This is hopeless.” I spoke tiredly, too overwhelmed by Jenna’s sudden death and my
finances. All I wanted to do was curl up on my bed and sleep for a decade. “Look, maybe we
should go home and try again tomorrow.” I began to walk away, but Hayden grabbed my arm
and pulled me back.
“Amber,” he said in a deep and caring tone, his hands curling around mine as he spoke.
Even through my frustration and endless exhaustion, I knew there was one thing I desired more
than rest, relaxation or sleep. But, Hayden just held me in a friendly hug while I wished for
things I would never have. “Amber, if I can do ​anything f​ or you, let me know.”
“Uh, yeah.” I said, not doing a great job of hiding my disappointment. “I guess I’ll see
you tomorrow.”
While Hayden unleashed his tight hug, he looked deep into my eyes and clearly saw the
sadness written all over my face. I turned away, not in the mood for his sympathy anymore. I
heard Hayden call my name as I headed towards my car, and I didn’t look back.
I was at my mini crowded apartment the next morning, trying to keep my mind off Jenna.
I hadn’t been able to sleep. I was staying busy by thinking about Hayden nonstop. Only about
What is he doing right now? God, do I miss him so much. ​What I wanted more than
anything in the world was for him to pull me in his embrace and never let me go. I’ve been
taught power is the strongest weapon on earth, but that’s wrong, because love is. And that
morning, I used it’s sharpness to fight my guilt, anger and sadness like I never have before.
My body started to shut down after a while of crying and trying to eat breakfast. I figured
I could visit Hayden before going to work. It would probably be best for me to do so. Maybe to
apologize for last night. Maybe for something more.

“Hayden!” I hushed loudly, not sure what kind of emotions I felt. I knocked on his front
door as quietly as a mouse. Nervousness kicked at my stomach, and told me to run away. ​You
don’t deserve his help. You don’t deserve anything.
I turned to leave as Hayden answered the door. I swiveled my head backwards, seeing
Hayden looking like a mess with his hair scattered everywhere and wearing his hideous puppy
dog pyjamas. Yet, he still looked like an angel who’d come down to earth.
“What, Amber?” he moaned, still sounding grumpy and tired. “Couldn’t you have waited
until I got to work?”
“No...” I pushed the front door open and let myself in, because well, I wasn’t itching to
get a frostbite. “I wasn’t sure if you were going to come after yesterday.”
“Of course, I would, Amber,” he replied, with a short sigh, sounding troubled. “What did
you wake me up for?” he reminded me, while rubbing the skin under his eyes.
“I came to see if you’ve had the note examined yet.” ​And to apologize, but I’m too
stubborn to say that.
“Well actually, I realized I didn’t look very closely at the note you gave me at all. I was
so focused on the cheque and banking information,” he said, shutting the door and walking me to
the living room as he explained. “But once I got home and took off my jacket, and it fell to the
floor I-”
“I know you love stories Hayden,” I interrupted with a slight smirk. “But this isn’t one of
“Right,” he said, rolling his eyes. “Anyway, I recognized the writing from somewhere.”
My face froze. “Where?” I asked, my lips not moving.
“It’s my father’s.”
“Your father’s?!” My voice went up four octaves as I tilted my head.
“Yes,” Hayden went on. “He has very messy and hard to read writing. That’s why when
he pretended to be Santa, back when my mom was still alive, he would write all professional and
neat so that my sister and I would truly believe. It’s his secret code writing, you could say.”
“It must be just someone with similar writing,” I stated.
“Well, you don’t seem to be very angry about what you’re accusing your father of,” I told
him harshly.
“You don’t know what he’s put me through,” Hayden replied tensely.
My body unstiffened. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”
Hayden strode past me, towards his doorway. “Let’s just go.”

We were back at the station and this time outside the questioning room. All I could think
about was why Hayden was so sure about his father being involved in this murder. I had thought
since the cheque was probably framed by Paul, he wanted us to get stuck wondering why he
would kill Jenna. Someone who had money to give him? But Hayden wanted to throw all this
good evidence away because his gut feeling was telling him, his father was to blame. All due to
some little note with writing, that anyone in this big city could also have?
It felt nice to have Hayden by my side as I was about to face my friend’s possible
murderer. As it was also his father, whom I’ve never met, it was confusing how I was supposed
to go into this. Part of me was screaming revenge for my friend, but the other half was
reasonable and calm, wanting to be polite for my other friend’s dad.
I opened the door, my eyes shut and my brows twitching anxiously. I feared opening
them because it meant facing this man, in this moment, that I was not yet ready for. As I slowly
blinked, I saw the last man I could’ve imagined, sitting before me.
It was Paul.
A surge of emotions hit my head as I sidestepped away from Hayden. Confusion. Anger.
Betrayal. Not only did this confirm my suspicions about Paul murdering Jenna, but he has been
Hayden’s father the whole time! I would daydream about Hayden’s father walking me down the
church aisle in place of my father one day, but here I was, having to come to terms with the fact
that he was a monstrous person and a murderer!
“I have been handcuffed in my own station! And have been through hell waiting for you
two! Now will you tell me what all this is about?” Paul asked in a firm and angry voice, his gaze
sharpening seeing Hayden and I awkwardly standing together in silence.
“Look,” I told him forcefully, countering his rough tone. “Don’t be rude! Just listen to
what Hayden has to say, and shut up!”
My own words surprised me. I didn’t know I could talk to anyone that way, yet alone my
adult bully. My body was still fluttering with questions. So many of them.
“I was at the station when the crime was committed, you know that dear.” Paul started
calmly, his facial expression unreadable.
“Don’t even go there!” Hayden bellowed at Paul, towering over him as I horrifyingly
realized how alike they looked. “I’ve heard you scream at her and she doesn’t deserve that trash
from you when she works her butt off day and night! She doesn’t even have enough money to
provide food for herself even though she’s one of the best in the business.” Hayden paused,
studying my face as I looked at him with gratitude. “And she’s my friend.”
“Actually, she does deserve that trash,” Paul said slowly, his smile twisting as he turned
to face me. “I will keep on torturing you, for picking him over me.”
The security guards gasped in sync and reached forward to grasp Paul on either side.
I stood there in awe. The trio began making their way out of the room with a little
struggle from Paul.
“For the record, Hayden’s just a… ​friend.​ ” I called to Paul, glancing at Hayden’s
reddened cheeks, wishing he’d love me but knowing he wouldn’t.
Paul’s eyes immediately went wide and the guards stopped moving, probably so I could
receive the closure I most certainly deserved.
“Just a friend?” Paul mocked with a devilish smile. “No, Amber, he ​loves y​ ou.”
“Oh,” I said, whirling around towards Hayden. I had wanted to bolt out the room, but
instead I kept my head high and faced Hayden head-on. “I wouldn’t have minded if you’d told
me sooner.”
“I didn't want you to think of me differently,” Hayden mumbled.
I didn’t know whether he was referring to the fact that my crazy boss was his father, or
that he loved me, but I didn’t care. Through my rosey cheeks and confusion filled brain,
butterflies were soaring through my stomach and songs singing through my head. ​Hayden loved
me!​ By then my heart sank, and I wondered, why was I treating Paul’s words like the gospel?
I sighed, not wanting to think anymore and brought Hayden into a friendly forgiveness
hug. “Alright, that makes​ a little ​sense, but next time tell me before… before things get
“You bet I will.” Hayden promised.
My heart swelled and I knew it was time to say goodbye to him. It was the textbook
definition of bittersweet. He had a life of his own and I didn’t want to keep him from living it.
“With a new boss who pays a fair wage, I won’t be close to bankruptcy anymore. I guess the
only thing left is to say bye and thanks for everything.”
“Bye?” Hayden asked me, sounding like an arrow had just pierced through his heart
while he released my hug and looked deep into my eyes.
“Because I won’t get paid next to minimum wage anymore.” I said, confused at the fact
he was upset. “You’ll have more time to yourself. You don’t have to come by and I won’t burden
you anymore. Isn’t that what you want?”
“No,” said Hayden, exasperated. “Amber, I love being around you…”
“Don't tell me what Paul said was true… ” I joked, while secretly hoping with all I had in
me, that it was.
​ ould that be a problem?” Hayden asked me sincerely, stepping closer until
“If it was,​ w
our noses were only an inch apart.
I could’ve sworn on my bank account, that my heart had never beaten so fast in my entire
“Actually,” I said, imagining my lonely life with someone else to share it with. “Not a
problem at all.”

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