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Lyneth Lucero

3rd Year College AB/RE Major in Val.Ed

The video is all about education which the students are not only learned with the help of
the teacher but also, can learn together with the use of technology or the internet. In past
learning, the students are focusing only on what the teachers taught. I would say that their
teachers are their source of learning. Teachers need to study lessons to transfer information
from person to person. Students sit in a classroom and the teacher expounding knowledge
upon kids, but now education is reaching so far. In the video we would see that every student
learns not only from their teachers but also, they are free to discover it to themselves. We
encourage the students to experiment and study and they can do advanced learning because of
technology. Also, in today’s learning with the help of technology, the teachers easily see those
students who are weak in learning. The teacher goes on track with the students. In today's
learning technology has a big help for the teachers and students as well. It solves problems,
making tools to have a better life, a source of information. I realize that today's education is
better than in the past. And we should embrace changes because if we are stuck on the same
experiences how will be able to grow. As a future educator, I should learn any kind of technique
be creative innovative and encourage every student to have their new ideas and let them be,
guide them in their learning. Students in todays can express freely into themselves. Let the
students practice their own ability so that they may able to enjoy the experience while learning.
The students also are a being of their movement as they move, they learned. Give them a
space to go freely. Learner-centered will be able to grow as adults they improve more and have
an initiative. As a future educator, the ball is in our hands and there are so much to do it will be
our initiative, creativity and love for the students.

In conclusion Education learning has improved today. Students focused on their learning
and chose to follow effective path or objectives. Teachers are not only the source of learning,
but students often have their own learning abilities. They use online resources, interactive
applications or hand in hand tests in the laboratory and outdoor activities. Each educator
encourages to defy the norm and think outside of the box that they meet all kinds of learners
with individual styles rather than concentrating on the lesson.

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