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What are the most effective strategies in curbing corruption in

Corruption has been damaging to the country's reputation and has created
obstacles to local and foreign direct investment, flows to the stock market,
global competitiveness, economic growth and has ultimately distorted the
development and upliftment of our economy. Greed of money and desires,
higher levels of market and political monopolization, low levels of
democracy, weak civil participation and low political transparency are
examples of corruption. There are strategies in curbing corruption in
developing countries such as setting anti-corruption policies that will help
the people in detecting corruptions, adopting clear and strong policies
about avoiding corruption in all areas of business, encouraging reporting,
and utilizing external, monitoring and operating transparently. But for all
strategies the most effective strategies in curbing corruption in developing
countries is having self control and being responsible for your actions. I
believe that having those two will give us a peaceful mind, equality and
neutral or transparent country.

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