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FEBRI: assalamualaikum wr,wb introduce me febri from stikes yarsi bukittinggi, and this is nisa and suci

And afifah . our arrival here is to provide counseling on the theme of the healing disease and we

Lcome to nisa as the speaker

NISA: assalamualaikum wr.wb ok good morning , I hope all is well ,here I will discuss the power of prayer
in healing disease ,everything thathappens to us is allah swt. Healthy ,sick all of it back to Allah ,if we
really believe it will happen .many researchers have researched the power of prayer on healing.

FEBRI: whether any of you want to ask questions?

RETNO: I am retno, I want to ask ,I have a family with mental disorders, is there anyone who can cure it

SUCI: yes of course ,all disease must have a cure and the strength of prayer is added,mental illness is no
exception ,religious aspect are very important in healing patients ,prayer is self suggestive and provides
motivation to be healthy

YOLLA: I am yolla,I want to ask questions why prayer can cure disease

AFIFAH: ok, I will try to answer because of all that come back to allah give we healthy and allah give sick.

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