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1. Daca ai fi in locul meu, te-ai crede?

If you were in my place, would you believe yourself?

2. Daca si-ar lua un catel, tot mama ar avea grija de el.

If he would had bought a puppy, his mother would take care of him.

3. Daca stiai ca nu stii, de ce nu ai recunoscut?

If you knew that you don't know, why didn't you admit it?

4. Daca erau asa de buni prieteni, de ce nu au recunoscut amandoi ca au copiat?

If they were such good friends, why didn't they admit the fact that they were

5. Daca aveam bani anu trecut, acum nu mai eram in tara.

If I had had money last year, I would have left the country now.

6. Daca imi spuneai adevarul, acum nu cautam sa imprumut bani de la straini.

If you told me the truth, now I wouldn't be borrowing money from strangers.

7.As citi acum daca mi-as fi cumparat cartea ieri.

I would have read now if I had bought the book yesterday.

8. Nici nu intrase bine in casa ca a si auzit cainele latrand.

Scarcely had he entered the room than he heard the dog barking.

9. De-abia daduse drumul la TV ca l-a si auzit pe pusti sa-l opreasca.

Hardly had he turned on the TV than he heard the kid shouting to turn it off.
10. Cine ti-a spus ca ai dreptate?

Who told you that you were right?

11. Cui i-ai imprumutat clestele?

To whom you had borrowed the pilers?

12. Cate sferturi crezi ca ti-a dat?

How many quarters do you think the gave you?

13. Ale cui erau painile?

Whose the breads were?

14. De cat timp nu a mai plouat?

Since when it hasn't rained?

15. Sunt 5 km pana la prima statie de autobuz.

There are 5km up to the first bus station

16. Afara erau 20 grade sub zero

It was 20 degrees below zero outside.

17. Cu cat invata mai putin, cu atat era mai fericita sora sa.

The less he had learned, the more happy his sister was.

18. Casa era mai departe decat isi imaginase.

The house was more further than he imagined.

19. Citeste mai departe, te rog, urmatorul exercitiu.

Read on, please, the next exercise

20. M-a felicitat pentru castigarea concursului.

He congratulated me on winning the contest.

21. I-a sugerat sa se opreasca.

She suggested to him to stop

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