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Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 1

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Overview

There are moments in life where an individual is faced with the adversity of a

traumatic experience that leaves an effect on mind that can result into unpredictable and

unsafe consequences. The ripple effects of trauma varies from person to person based on

their experience and with the support of loved ones it becomes easier to get through but

sometimes it’s hard to get back on your feet. The feelings of fear, sadness, guilt, anger

etc are all the immediate after effects when a person goes through something undesirable,

but if it persists for too long, like a feeling of helplessness and exhaustion leading to

stressful memories and thoughts can have very strong and negative effect on everyday


There comes a time in every individual’s life when they hit their rock bottom. It is the

most depressing time of their life and that phase sometimes lasts longer than it should. Its

during this time a person is going through such turbulence that it effects every single

aspect of their life. Dealing with it, the trauma is different for every person. Some people

become violent and abusive, while others detach themselves from the world and go into

isolation. The time when a person is going through a depressive phase is extremely

difficult to deal with. And if you are lucky, you will have some people to take care of

you, but eventually the battle against this evil has to be fought alone. At times it can get

really hard; some people become suicidal, while others become angry or violent or

abusive. Everybody has a different way of reacting to anxiety or depression.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 2

And while dealing with all this, dragging yourself everyday fighting the demons inside of

you alone and get up to live another day. There seems to be no hope and all you can feel

is despair and sadness that just never seems to go away.

1.2 Problem statement

This dissertation aims to study and research about the effect of any traumatic

event that an individual goes through the study will revolve around the elaborating the

post traumatic effects such as anxiety, depression and anti socialbehaviour caused due to

an experience on a personal level or in surroundings the problem statement of the current

study is as follows .

What are the after effects on human psyche and behaviour after a traumatic experience.

1.3 Background of the study:

When an individual experiences a traumatic event they entire human body and

mind is affected by it which creates a stress response leading to a variety of issues that

can become really difficult to deal with. Sometimes after the event, people may

experience shock and denial that can last for a few hours until acceptance sinks in, or it

can lead to a more serious issue such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety or


Sometimes people who experience PTSD can feel uneasy for years after the trauma. A

traumatic experience is not necessarily linked abuse or involvement at a physical level,

but it can be an emotional experience as well. Another aftereffect of a traumatic

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 3

experience is depression in which an individual normally feels sad and low with intense

emotions such as anxiety, hopelessness, negativity and low self esteem. Sometime, it gets

too difficult for people to cope up with it and it can lead to suicide.

So the idea of this study is to talk about the possible reasons that can trigger the

depression or anxiety after a traumatic experience.

1.4 Outline of the study

Traumatic events have extreme effects on human functioning and this particular

aspect has been a subject of study since a long time. There are many examples and

theories available that have been researched and examined the effects of traumatic events

ranging from individual events such as accidents, assaults, bullying, disturbed

relationships to events that occur naturally on a wider level.

The effect of a traumatic event experience is variable and specific to the individual; both

in psychological and physiological aspects, the responses can vary widely. Based on the

social interactions and surroundings, biological and genetic makeup, past experiences,

and future expectations all have an effect on the characteristics of the traumatic

experience to produce the individual's psychological response.

Therefore, the aim of this research is to find out about the reasons and causes that trigger

depression and anxiety after a traumatic experience in people and how they deal with it.

To identify the behavioral patterns of people experiencing PTSD and how they can cope

with it; what are the ways through which anxiety and depression can be dealt with and

what can be the severe consequences.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 4

Based on the aim, the objective of the study will be as follows:

 To identify the behavioral responses of people based on their traumatic

experiences; whether they are mild distressed responses or behavioral change

altogether. For example insomnia, feeling and sense or worry, developing any

kind of addiction.

 For a person to have PTSD, do they have to personally experience something or

even as a witness to something disturbing can have an effect.

 What can be the immediate effects of trauma; for example shock, intrusive

thoughts, denial, panic etc.

1.5 Definitions

 Emotional trauma

The extra ordinary stressful events that blow apart the sense of an individual’s

security making them feel helpless in a dangerous world are the results of what is known

as emotional trauma. It can involve a threat to life and safety and sometimes the

situations leaves you overwhelmed and isolated that even if there is no physical harm

involved, the traumatic event leads to a very intense effect on the mind.

 P.T.S.D (Post Traumatic stress disorder)

An extreme reaction to trauma that can change the way a person feels, thinks and

behaves causing considerable anguish or affect their ability of functioning sanely is

referred to as Post traumatic stress disorder .

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 5

 Anxiety

Anxiety is often termed as a normal and healthy emotion; however, if a person is

feeling inconsistent on a regular basis, it might become a mental disorder and can lead to

however when a person regularly feels disproportionate levels of anxiety it might lead to

excessive nervousness, fear, uneasiness and worry in the category of mental health


The American psychological association APA defines anxiety as “an emotion

characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like

increased blood pressure”.

 Trauma

Trauma is the response to a deeply upsetting or troubling event that

overwhelms an individual’s ability to cope with situations. Trauma can lead to

feelings of helplessness, and weaken the sense of self and thecapability to feel the

emotions and experiences completely.

 Depression

Depression falls in the category of a major depressive disorder and is a

common and serious medical illness that affects how an individual thinks and acts

negatively. However, it is curable. It causes a feeling of emptiness and sadness, loss

of interest in activities once enjoyed and can direct towards a range of physical and

emotional issues decreasing a person’s ability to function appropriately.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 6

 Types of depressions

There are multiple types of depressive disorders and the symptoms can vary from

relatively minor but still causing hindrance and leading to very severe levels, so it is

helpful to be aware of the range of condition and their specific symptoms.

 Major depression

Major depression, also known as major depressive disorder, clinical depression,

unipolar depression or simply 'depression', involves low mood and/or loss of interest and

pleasure in usual activities. The symptoms are experienced most days and lasts

considerably for a longer duration of time. These warning signs of depression interfere

with all areas of an individual's life, including work and social relationships. Depression

can be described as mild, moderate or severe; melancholic or psychotic.

 Melancholia

This is a severe form of depression in which many physical symptoms of

depression can be noted. One of the major changes in behavior is when a person starts to

move very slowly. They're also more likely to have a depressed mood that is portrayed by

complete loss of pleasure in almost everything.

 Psychotic depression

Sometimes people with a depressive disorder can lose contact with reality and

experience psychosis. This may involve hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that are
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 7

not actually existent) or delusions (false beliefs that are not perceived by others), such as

believing they are bad or evil, or that they're being watched or followed. They can also be

paranoid, feeling as though everyone is against them or that they are the cause of illness

or bad events occurring around them.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 8

Chapter 2: Literature Review

The cognitive, behavioral, and emotional wellbeing of human beings is referred to

as mental health. How people think, feel and behave and how the daily life can be

effected in terms of relationships and even physical health all depends on the state of

mind an individual is in. The person’s ability to enjoy life and things or how they react to

situations is all part the psychological flexibility of the individual. (Nordqvist, 2017)

One of the most prominent disorder in psychology is narcissistic personality disorder.

People with such a disorder are known for their certain social patterns. Such people are

not capable of taking criticism and always play attack is the best defense strategy. They

are to a certain level toxic and their behavior patterns can cause a great deal of trouble to

the people around them and even themselves sometimes.

They cannot face or deal with reality and are often delusional about a lot of things. They

believe in their own made stories that are far away from reality. Sometimes, an event that

they have witnessed cause this behavior most of the times its what they believe


Lying on just about everything is another trait of such people. A narcissist has problem

with the truth and often lie as they seem fit. They just want to be right in just about

everything and for that they need false validation by people that can adjust to their shaky

self esteem. Therefore, they want to associate tehmsellves with people who agree with

them that makes them even more toxic.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 9

They tend to flip the roles where they are good, noble, caring, virtuous and the other

person is evil, cruel, selfish, and immoral. They talk about people in a way that they

actually themselves are like. Means if they say that that the other person is jealous of

them or lying to them, it’s actually the other way around.

They normally attribute their own unhealthy and toxic behavior to others which is why in

the longer run it turns into a severe personality disorder and eventually a narcissist may

find themselves alone. (Cikanavicius,2019)

People who have a major or sometimes even a minor level of anxiety are often

considered as drama queens. There are multiple reasons due to which an individual may

have anxiety; it may be stress of living away from home, overdue assignments,

complications in romantic relationships, unexplained weight gain, and feeling inadequate

about everything that leads a person to low self esteem. Thinking about future and what

will happens in one of the biggest causes that leads to anxiety. This particular feeling is

not a major disorder but usually misunderstood. People do not tend to understand that an

individual is suffering with anxiety because they are sensitive, over thinkers and worry a

lot, rather, they are given a title of drama queens and thus they go into their shell and find

it hard to open up to people and their minor anxiety turns into a major depression.

(Rajbhandary, 2019)

It takes a lot of courage to be open and accept that a person has some sort of mental

illness or how they have struggles with it. Some people take help of counseling while

some think taking anti-depressants can keep them going without realizing the fact that

taking anti depressants can actually cause them more harm in the longer run. People
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 10

normally feel haunted with sadness, a rush of feeling low and sometimes even suicidal

because of this issue. It can be triggered at anytime and usually the cause is suppressed

feeling which become so overwhelming that even a small thing can make it go wild.

People who accept that they need help do so because they come at the realization point

that if they do not take help, they can go to a very dark place, from where sometimes

returning is almost impossible.

One of the worst parts of mental illness is this idea of isolation and silent suffering, the

belief that these feelings and behaviors are wrong, that they must be hidden and denied.

The only way someone can make the mental health system better is if people start having

honest dialogues about what they, or their loved ones, need to be healthy.

Mental illness should be treated like physical illness; there is nothing in it to be ashamed

about. Everyone who suffers from it experiences diverse symptoms, and everyone will

respond differently to varying treatment methods and approaches, as well.

One thing is for certain: Having a mental illness does not make a person weak, and it

does not make them a bad or dangerous person. It makes them a person with a unique set

of challenges, but they involve obstacles that can be worked through, and ― if not

completely overcome ― then at least controlled. (Kirst, 2019)

The most difficult thing to deal with after any traumatic event or scenario when a person

is unable to forgive them self after it. They blame themselves for everything that

happened even if it is not their fault. They need to understand that what happened is a

part of life and a lesson learnt, instead of blaming themselves and beating themselves so
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 11

much, people need to forgive themselves which is not easy, that is where they need

validation from others. Other this blame leads to anxiety and then eventually to

depression because they think of themselves as the culprit. Human connection here plays

a vital role. Instead of bottling up the feelings and isolating themselves, they need

someone to confide in and vice versa. Forgiving one own self is the key towards a

healing process. (Koepke, 2019)

The article talks about how society and people treat those suffering with depression and

anxiety. Normally when someone tries to open up, people say to see a psychiatrist for

even a smallest of problem that shows an anxiety in people. So, if we just show a little

empathy to these people, understand and support them, the episode can last for a shorter

period of time and can actually stoop a person at a point where they can heal quicker and

not go on to the depression level. So, human connection and care is actually a very

important tool to help someone with anxiety. ( Aliza, 2018)

This article talks about a personal life experience of an individual whose entire

personality changed from a very positive person to a negative person because of her kind

and caring nature. She gave and gave a=her best and everything that she could but in

return she became the victim of people’s blame and drama. Just because of her good

nature, she was used and exploited and in her time of need she hardly found anyone that

could help her out. And this led to a major level anxiety in her. The article further talks

about her struggles and how she has to smile throughout the day and when she is alone at

night, it all comes back to haunt her. This is how a person becomes a prisoner in their

own mind losing their self worth and esteem because of anxiety.(Aliza, 2017)
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 12

One of the biggest dilemma and issue that people face in everyday life is that people

judge and no matter how much they say that they do not, they do judge. People normally

perceive other exactly the way they are and that’s where the problem arises. Most of the

time people do not open up or stop opening up because they feel that they will be judged.

And it is one of the worst feelings that people can go through. When all of this is

suppressed and people just keep the things they want to talk about or what hurts them

cannot be expressed due to this fear. It leads to anxiety and ultimately depression. (Aliza,


People go through different experiences that result in different outcomes from

exposure to stress at different periods of their life. Stress during adolescence has

more significant effects on the psyche of individuals contact with stress during

adulthood. Moreover, the effects of stress during adolescence can keep alive

until adulthood, at which time they will become apparent. (Lupien,  McEwen, 

Gunnar, Heim; 2009)

2.1. Hypothesis:

 Sadness and hopelessness have an effect on human psyche.

 Anxiety and depression have an effect on human health and psyche.

 Worrying excessively about future and bad events have an effect on human

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 13

Chapter 3: Research Methods

3.1 Method of data collection

The methods used for data collection are questionnaires drafted on “google

documents” sent to various people to fill. The questions are simple multiple choice

questions from which they had to choose a single option according to their personal

experience. Another method was personal interview with a couple of people who were

willing to share the story of their personal life and their experience and after effects of

trauma. Social media platform such as face book was used to share the questionnaire for

data collection.

3.2 Sampling Technique

The method of sampling was to get data from a group of people, preferable

students to answer the questions as that is the sample audience I was most willing to

study. Primarily, the students of AIFD and IU answered the questions .personal

interviews were conducted by a few people working as full time employees and were

willing to share their experience.

3.3 Sample size

My sample size was 150 respondents, mostly students and people working the

corporate sector between the age of 18-32. The sample size was sufficient to conduct this

study and provided the necessary details to work on it.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 14

3.4 Instrument of data collection:

The instrument of data collection was simply a questionnaire made on google

docs and shared with people through social media and emails. The interviews were

conducted personally as one to one conversation, keeping the identity of respondents


3.5 Research model developed:

The research model developed was based on pie charts and graphs which were

easily interpreted.
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 15

Chapter 4: Results

4.1 Q1 What is your Gender?

Figure 4.1

For research purpose a questionnaire was designed to gather the data. Our sample size

was 186 respondents out of which 22.6% were males and 77.4% were females. Thus the

results shows that majority of the opinions were from females.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 16

4.2 Q2 Your Age ?

Figure 4.2

Most of the responses were from the age group of 20 – 32 years, out of which 22 – 25

was the highest age bracket. Which shows that most of our respondents were from either

university or college going students and young professionals.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 17

4.3 Q3 What is your Occupation?

Most of our responses were from university students followed by a diverse set of working

individuals such as doctors, marketers, film makers, musicians and teachers. It was a

diverse set of opinions gathered.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 18

4.4 Q4 Have you ever faced a situation that had a post traumatic effects on you for

more than 6 months?

Figure 4.4

According to the survey 59.6 % of the people suffer from post traumatic effects for more

than 6 months, while 40.4 % said that they got over the post traumatic effects with in 6

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 19

4.5 Q5 How often do you feel a sudden sense of sadness and hopelessness?

Figure 4.5

16.7 % of respondents said that they feel sudden rush of sadness and hopelessness often

or rarely .however 45.7 % declared that it happens to them sometimes while 19.4 %

people felt the situation very often.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 20

4.6 Q6 Have you ever felt or had suicidal thoughts?

Figure 4.6

Fortunately , 50.5 % of our sample respondents never faced or had suicidal thoughts

while 25.3 % felt them rarely and 18.3 % had the feeling of suicidal thoughts sometime.
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 21

4.7 Q7 Does your anxiety or depression effects your health in anyway?

Figure 4.7

According to 46.8 % of respondents, depression effects their health in one way or

another while 16.7 % have no effect on their health and 36.6 % sometimes feel their

health being effected by depression.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 22

4.8 Q8 Do you worry excessively about the future or bad things happening?

Figure 4.8

48.6 % of the respondents agreed that they worry excessively about the future or that

something bad might happen to them. While 37.3 % sometimes have this feeling and 14.1

% of respondents do not worry about the future at all.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 23

4.9 Q9 Do you have moments of intense stress/anxiety/nervousness?

Figure 4.9

84.2 % of the respondents claimed that they have intense moments of stress , anxiety and

nervousness. While 15.8 % do not feel or have these episodes, that means it is very

common throughout a number of people.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 24

4.10 Q10 How often do you have these intense episodes?

Figure 4.10

From the responses we got 45.4 % of the individual occasionally have these intense

episodes while 31.9 % rarely experienced this and 19.5 % have these episodes very often.
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 25

4.11 Q11 What are usually the cause of these episodes or periods of


Figure 4.11

For 54.8 % of the respondents the reason of having aperiod of anxiety or stress was due

to overthinking, while for 16.7 % friends and family was the reason , for 13.4 % situation

at work or college stressed them and 9.1 % became anxious while thinking about their

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 26

4.12 Q12 How do you usually feel when you’re stressed/anxious/nervous?

Figure 4.12

25.3 % of the respondents when faced with stressed become irritated, while 22.6 % have

difficulty in sleeping , 22.6 % feel restless or edgy , 16.7 % of the individuals have

difficulty in concentrating and 9.7 % go through a situation where their muscle are

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 27

4.13 Q13 How do you usually deal with your stress/anxiety/nervousness?

Figure 4.13

For this particular question the responses were quite diverse. 24.2 % dealt with an

extreme stressful situation by crying , while 15.1 % slept their way through it. 16.1 %

considered speaking to someone was a better option . 12.4 % preferred moving to a quite

place to release the tension. 9.1 % would find comfort in eating while 7 % would put it at

the back of their mind or wait till it would get over.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 28

4.14 Q14 Are you easily hurt by what other people do or say to you?

Figure 4.14

When asked if people are easily hurt by what people say or do to them, 41.4 % said it

somehow effects them. 21.5 % are usually hurt where as 15.1 % are hurt half the time .

12.4 % are the sensitive ones who are always hurt by others and 9.7 % are never

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 29

4.15 Q15 Do you lack confidence in your general ability to do things and to cope

with situations?

Figure 4.15

36.6 % of the respondents lack confidence to do things or cope up with them sometimes,

while 32.3 % are never faced with this dilemma. 17.2 % are usually not confident when

dealing with things and 11.3 % are not able to cope up with things half the time.
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 30

4.16 Q16 In social situations where you might be observed or evaluated by others or

when you are meeting new people do you feel fearful, anxious or nervous?

Figure 4.16

It was more like a half and half ratio where 51.4 % of the respondents accepted that they

feel fearful, anxious or are nervous when they are meeting new people or they have to go

through a situation where they might have to be evaluated by others. While 48.6 %

people are pretty confident about themselves and do not feel anxious or nervous in such

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 31

4.17 Q17 Do you have times when you feel a sudden rush of intense fear or


Figure 4.17

70.8 % of the respondents declared that they feel a sudden rush of intense fear or

discomfort often while 29.2 % did not face or had any similar feelings.
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 32

Chapter 5: Discussions, Conclusion, Policy Implications and

Future Research

5.1 Conclusion

My questionnaire was based on 14 multiple choice questions that were asked

from a wide range of people through random sampling method. The response is received

was great and I was able to gather around a hundred and eighty six individually answered

questionnaires. The questionnaire was developed in a way to capture the insights of

people regarding the after effects of the traumatic events that they go through.

Furthermore, it was also designed in a way to assess the trigger points or reasons that

cause anxiety and depression among the individuals. Most of our respondents are females

and our and the highest age group was between 22-25 and university going students.

The main focus of my research was to investigate and assess the effect that a traumatic

event has on human psyche. When asked further about their background knowledge on

the matter and inquired about their opinions regarding the traumatic events, most of the

respondents declared that the major reason of their anxiety is due to over thinking and

stressing too much about the future.

We also assessed that a lot of people go into anxiety or depression because they are too

concerned about the future and based on their experiences they believe that things will go

wrong most of the time and stress about it, which can lead to panic attacks and eventually

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 33

Based on the research and data I collected, people are also affected by what others have

to say about them or what their opinions for them are. This is also true that the words that

people say to us leave a great mark on us and we are deeply affected by them and

sometimes the effect is long term. People are also scared or get nervous when they have

to meet new people. Sometimes people also go through suicidal thoughts because they

get so overwhelmed due to their anxiety and their problems seem to be never ending

because of which they think that tending their life is the only solution they have to

overcome their anxiety.

But it is not. The best solution for dealing with trauma is to talk out to these people.

Identify and understand the issues that they are going through and facilitate them. The

most important thing that can help people with anxiety and depression is a positive

human connection. When people can connect with someone they open up without the fear

of being judged, because it is not easy to open up about the issues that people deal with

and it takes a lot of courage to do so.

Therefore, it is important to get help, a traumatic even can have an extreme effect and can

leave a very deep mark on the lives of people that go through it. Going to a counselor is

still considered as a taboo in our society and it is not necessary that only a person with a

mental disorder has to get professional help. Anxiety is the first step and if this evil is

treated well on the first step it can work wonder in coping up with the situation.

Thus it is imperative to make sure that people who are suffering with anxiety or

depression are not left out alone and seek proper help.
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 34

5.2 Future implementation

In recent times, people are talking a lot about mental health and how important it

is to deal with this issue. In future, this area has a very major scope and can be studied

and researched on further to asses people’s psyches and the effects of trauma in their

lives. People with mental issues should be encouraged by family and friends to seek

professional help and instead of telling them that it’s an illness and they are a burden.

They should be encouraged and supported.

Campaigns can be introduced by the universities and schools on regular basis in order to

make the students aware of the effects of trauma and help them in dealing with it. Also,

slp and facilitate students.

5.3 Recommendations

It is recommended that people should not judge others on the basis of their mental

health condition and the effect it has on their everyday lives. Furthermore, institutions

should invest on their students and awareness campaigns should be initiated for parents

and teachers both so they can identify if anyone in their surrounding is going through a

traumatic episode or anxiety and how to deal with it.

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 35


Cikanavicius, (2019), How Narcissists Play the Victim and Twist the Story

Rajbhandary, (2019), I am not a drama queen, I have anxiety

Kirst, (2019) Let’s make it simple I am mentally ill

Koepke, (2019), Forgive yourself for what happened

Aliza, (2017), The evils of an anxious mind

Aliza, (2016), They will judge you

Aliza, (2018), A little love and care can save a life

Lovibond, (1995), The structure of negative emotional states

Lupien, McEwen, Gunnar, Heim, (2009), Effects of stress throughout the lifespan on

the brain, behavior and cognition

Legg, (2017), What is mental health?

Amaladoss, (2017), From My Perspective

Degenaars, (2019), This is for the ones fighting silent battles

Eikmann, (2019), The great depression of you

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 36

Friedrich, (2018), Raising awareness of mental health issues is not  enough

Ingle, (2019), let’s change the way we talk about people with depression
Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 37



Name: ____________________ Age:____________

Gender:________________ Occupation :____________


Have you ever faced a situation in life that had a post traumatic effect on you for

more than 6 months?



2. How often do you feel a sudden sense of sadness and hopelessness?


Very often




3. Have you ever felt or had suicidal thoughts?


Very often

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 38



4. Does your anxiety or depression effects your health in anyway?




5. Do you worry excessively about the future or bad things happening?




1. Do you have moments of intense stress/anxiety/nervousness?



2. How often do you have these intense episodes?



Very often

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 39

3. What are usually the causes of these episodes or periods of




Social interactions


Body Image


The future


4. How do you usually feel when you're stressed/anxious/nervous?

restless or on edge

easily fatigued

difficulty concentrating


muscle tension

difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep

Other (please specify)

Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 40

5. How do you usually deal with your stress/anxiety/nervousness?

Breathing deeply



Waiting it out

Putting it to the back of your mind

Speaking to someone

Eating food


Moving to a quiet place

Other (please specify)

6. Are you easily hurt by what other people do or say to you?



 Half the time


Effects of Trauma on Human Psyche 41

7. Do you lack confidence in your general ability to do things and to cope with




 Half the time



8. In social situations where you might be observed or evaluated by others or when

you are meeting new people, do you feel fearful, anxious or nervous?



9. Do you have times when you feel a sudden rush of intense fear or discomfort? 



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